1 When Christ Jesus comes as king, he will be the judge of everyone, whether they are living or dead. So with God and Christ as witnesses, I command you 2 to preach God's message. Do it willingly, even if it isn't the popular thing to do. You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. 3 The time is coming when people won't listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear. 4 They will turn from the truth and eagerly listen to senseless stories. 5 But you must stay calm and be willing to suffer. You must work hard, telling the good news and to do your job well.
6 Now the time has come for me to die. My life is like a drink offering being poured out on the altar. 7 I have fought well. I have finished the race, and I have been faithful. 8 So a crown will be given to me for pleasing the Lord. He judges fairly, and on the day of judgment he will give a crown to me and to everyone else who wants him to appear with power.
Personal Instructions
9 Come to see me as soon as you can. 10 Demas loves the things of this world so much that he left me and went to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus has gone to Dalmatia. 11 Only Luke has stayed with me.
Mark can be very helpful to me, so please find him and bring him with you. 12 I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.
13 When you come, bring the coat I left at Troas with Carpus. Don't forget to bring the scrolls, especially the ones made of leather.
14 Alexander, the metalworker, has hurt me in many ways. But the Lord will pay him back for what he has done. 15 Alexander opposes what we preach, so you had better watch out for him.
16 When I was first put on trial, no one helped me. In fact, everyone deserted me. I hope it won't be held against them. 17 But the Lord stood beside me. He gave me the strength to tell his full message, so that all Gentiles would hear it. And I was kept safe from hungry lions. 18 The Lord will always keep me from being harmed by evil, and he will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. Praise him forever and ever! Amen.
Final Greetings
19 Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila and to the family of Onesiphorus.
20 Erastus stayed at Corinth.
Trophimus was sick when I left him at Miletus.
21 Do your best to come before winter.
Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, and Claudia send you their greetings, and so do the rest of the Lord's followers.
22 I pray that the Lord will bless your life and will be kind to you.
1 Nyii kwɔɔracca-ŋa kiyǝnǝ yǝthi Allah, nǝ yǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ kwǝni Yǝcu kwinḏi ethisi ǝccǝ haakima kila limiithɔ nǝ laayɔ tok, mɔŋw ruwǝnnǝlɔ Ŋeeleny-ŋi ŋuuŋun. 2 Aari bǝshirǝ ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi Allah. Ǝṯisi tuurǝccǝlɔ mǝsi andasi, ki-tɔɔmɔr-la tisaaw, alla titi tisaaw mac, ǝṯisi kiɽacci, nǝ ǝṯisi ulici tok, nǝ ǝṯisi ɔkkwazi ethisi firllasi-la, ǝṯisi ǝccǝ @allima ṯindinyanna-thi naana. 3 Kaka ninḏi-gwɔ lɔɔmɔr ethiila liti linḏi-li lizi ethi kettice ṯa@liima ṯisaaw yǝni mac, laakin ǝri kwakithatha sɔɔrɔmalɔ kwǝthi rogɽo reeŋen, mindaŋ ǝri ɔṯɔṯa mɔ@allmiina-na kweeŋen wɔɽeny kwuuru kwinḏisi ethisi andaci ŋa ŋǝṯi ǝmi yǝni-nǝ yeeŋen. 4 Ǝrisi ɔrlacca ŋa ŋwɔdoŋw ŋir rerrem ŋǝthisi kettice yǝni, e-ta ǝrsi kettice ŋa yǝni ŋir riŋeeroŋw-lɔ domony. 5 Laakin laazim a mithǝ rogɽo rɔɔŋwa tetter ki-ŋiɽaŋal-na tatap; ǝṯi indinyanni ṯurvǝ naana, ǝṯi akkɔ ŋothɽor ŋǝthi mɔbǝshir ŋǝthi Inyjiil, a ṯimmasi ŋothɽor kworo dap-dap.
6 Nǝ nyii tǝ, nyi-mǝ elŋece ethaarɔŋw saa@ kwiinyi kwɔmǝ iila kwǝthi-gi ele naanɔ-ŋgwɔ; tɔɔmɔr timǝ ɔppatha kirem ethi ɔrlacci ŋimiitha ŋɔ ŋwɔdoŋw. 7 Nyii kwɔmǝ ṯɔgthi ṯɔthɔgtha ṯisaaw, nǝnyii ṯimmasi kalmiṯathɔŋw kworo, nǝnyii mithǝ ṯǝmminǝ tetter. 8 Nǝ kire-kirem-ŋgwɔ tǝ, nǝnyii taŋgi ǝkkici kizǝn tir haḏiiyyǝ wǝthi ŋirllalɔ, winḏi-nyii Kweeleny kwǝthi hɔkwɔm wirllalɔ ethi inḏǝthǝ ki Laamin-la kila, nǝreere ǝni nyii dak mac, laakin kila tatap lǝṯi ǝkkici ŋunduŋw kizǝn ṯamɽa-thi ethi ruwǝnnǝlɔ.
9 Fiɽigatha ethi iila naaniny-gwɔ fittak. 10 Kaka mǝgwɔ Ḏiimaas amɽi ṯurmunǝ kɔthɔ, mindaŋ nɔŋw ɔrlacci nyuŋw ŋwɔdoŋw nɔŋweele Ṯasɔɔluuniiki; Kiriiskiis kwɔmeele Ghalaaṯiiyya, nǝ Ṯiiṯus tǝ, nɔŋweele Ḏilmaaṯiiyyǝ. 11 Luuga kwirta-ŋgwɔ dak kwɔnaaniny-gi. Mɔltha Mɔrgus-ŋwɔ ǝgiila; kaka nǝthi ŋgwɔ faayitha ethi ǝkkici nyuŋwɔ ŋothɽor. 12 Nǝ Ṯiikhiikus tǝ, nǝnyii ɔɔsi Afasuus. 13 Mǝ iila tǝ, a dimmǝnnǝ kabuuthǝ ŋga kiṯayyany-lɔ Ṯɔrwaas naanɔ-gwɔ Kaaribus, nǝ yiṯaab tok, nǝ yirna kiya rerrec yiluuthi-nyji naana, ǝsi aavinna tok. 14 Iskǝndǝr kwir kworṯo kwǝthi nɔhaas kwǝrricǝ-nyii ŋiɽaŋali ŋigii beṯṯen; ethisi Kweeleny ǝrrici ŋir kaka-ṯǝ ŋa ŋǝrrǝŋwsi. 15 Ǝṯi iidinǝ mac ŋundu-ŋgi aŋrica, kaka nǝṯɔ-ŋgwɔ ɔppɔpɔthaci nyuŋwsi ŋiɽaŋal-lɔ ŋɔmmaŋi. 16 Nǝ kinaŋw nirilli-nyii ker-kerreny ki-mahkama-na, nǝ kwizi ere kweere mac kwɔgɽǝthi-nyii naana, nǝrnyii faathaci tatap. Ethisi Allah iɽinyacalɔ ŋa ŋeeŋen! 17 Laakin nǝnyii-tǝ Kweeleny naanasi, mindaŋ nɔŋw inḏǝthǝ nyuŋw ŋɔma, nǝnyii-ŋi ǝndaci Umama tatap ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi Allah ŋir min-min ethisi neŋne; ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝnyii kilatha sundaŋa kworo. 18 Nǝ Kweeleny kwǝnyii-tǝ kilǝthi rac ki-ŋiɽaŋal-na tatap ŋigii, mindaŋ ŋwiili nyuŋw ki Ŋeeleny-na ŋuuŋun ŋǝthi ki-leere-naŋw. Ethi ŋinith ŋuuŋun nannatha dok-dok. Amiin.
Ṯaaginna ṯirimthithɔ.
19 Aaginnica-nyii Biriskillǝ-ŋwɔsi Akkillǝ-gi, nǝ dɔɔnɔŋw tatap kwǝthi Uniisiifuurus. 20 Araasṯus kwɔmǝ naani ŋundu Kɔɔrɔnthɔɔs, nǝ Ṯuruufiimus tǝ, nǝnyii ṯayyalɔ Miiliṯus kwuumǝ. 21 Fiɽigatha ethiila niti nɔppathi koo kinnǝni mac. Afbuulus-ŋǝ laaginna-ŋa Buuḏiis-gi, nǝ Liinus-ŋǝ Kalaafaḏiiyyǝ-gi, nǝ liyǝŋgǝri tatap. 22 Ethi Kweeleny naani ṯigɽim-thi ṯɔɔŋwa. Ethi ne@ma naani ŋa-gi.