1 I don't need to write you about the time or date when all this will happen. 2 You surely know that the Lord's return will be as a thief coming at night. 3 People will think they are safe and secure. But destruction will suddenly strike them like the pains of a woman about to give birth. And they won't escape.
4 My dear friends, you don't live in darkness, and so that day won't surprise you like a thief. 5 You belong to the light and live in the day. We don't live in the night or belong to the dark. 6 Others may sleep, but we should stay awake and be alert. 7 People sleep during the night, and some even get drunk. 8 But we belong to the day. So we must stay sober and let our faith and love be like a suit of armor. Our firm hope that we will be saved is our helmet.
9 God doesn't intend to punish us, but wants us to be saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 Christ died for us, so we could live with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes. 11 This is why you must encourage and help each other, just as you are already doing.
Final Instructions and Greetings
12 My friends, we ask you to be thoughtful of your leaders who work hard and tell you how to live for the Lord. 13 Show them great respect and love because of their work. Try to get along with each other. 14 My friends, we beg you to warn anyone who isn't living right. Encourage anyone who feels left out, help all who are weak, and be patient with everyone. 15 Don't be hateful to people, just because they are hateful to you. Rather, be good to each other and to everyone else.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.-2
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16 Always be joyful 17 and never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.
19 Don't turn away God's Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don't have anything to do with evil.
23 I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 24 The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.
25 Friends, please pray for us.
26 Give the Lord's followers a warm greeting.
27 In the name of the Lord I beg you to read this letter to all his followers.
28 I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you!
Ǝgicǝr Kweelenyi ǝzir mindaŋ mɔŋw aaɽa.
1 Laakin liyǝŋgǝri, ŋende ŋir ŋiɽaŋal ŋeere mac ethi lɔcca ŋaaŋwɔsi ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi nyaamin-ŋa ŋwɔɔmɔr-ŋi, ethisi elŋe ŋinḏi ethi ǝrrini ṯaccaŋ. 2 Kaka nilŋithi-ŋǝsi rogɽo-ri raalɔ ethaarɔŋw, Kweeleny kwinḏi ethi iila kaka kwɔɔɽam kilkǝlɔ. 3 Mǝ lizi aarɔŋw, “Ŋiɽaŋal tatap ŋǝni ŋisaaw ŋaami naanɔŋw.” E-ta ǝṯisi ṯigiirathalɔ ǝnḏithǝnǝ pugwuṯ; kaka ŋijma ŋǝthi tɔr ŋǝṯi accasi kwayɔ, mindaŋ ŋweere kweere mac kwǝsi arṯitha. 4 Laakin ŋaaŋa liyǝŋgǝri-tǝ, a liti linaanɔ kirim-nǝ mac, mindaŋ ethi-mǝ Laamin kila ṯǝrmǝzi ŋaaŋwɔsi-lɔ kaka kwɔɔɽam. 5 Kaka nɔrŋa-gwɔ tatap nyɔr nyǝthi fɔɔri, nǝ nyǝthi kaaŋwɔn-naŋw tok. A kwiti kwirir lǝthi kulu mac ya kirim mac. 6 Ŋwɔṯaŋw ǝṯir nḏirɔ mac kaka lithaathɔ, laakin ǝri kǝniny naani yǝy-yǝlɔ, laŋrinna naana. 7 Nǝ kila lǝṯi nḏiri ǝṯir nḏiri kilkǝlɔ; kila lǝṯi urlǝli ǝṯir urlǝli kilkǝlɔ. 8 Laakin kaka nɔrɔr-gwɔ nyii-ŋǝ lǝthi kaaŋwɔn-nɔŋw tǝ, ǝri aŋranni naana, mindaŋ ǝri kenne yethre-ŋi yǝthi ṯǝmminǝ, nǝ yǝthi ṯamɽa tok, nǝ ṯǝkkizǝ kizǝn ṯǝri ṯǝthi ŋiglǝthǝ ṯir kaka lirr kinda. 9 Kaka niti nǝlli-nyji-gwɔ Allah mac ethi rǝrinni ŋirŋasa-ŋi ŋuuŋun, laakin ethaavi ŋiglǝthǝ Kweeleny-ŋgi kwǝri kwǝni Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ, 10 kwǝyicǝ-nyji, mindaŋ mǝr nanni ŋundu-gi, a-naanir-gwɔ limiithɔ alla laayɔ mɔŋw aaɽa. 11 Ŋwɔṯaŋw a firllanni-na wɔɽe-wɔɽeny, ethi mǝccǝthisi-nǝ tok kaka-ṯǝ ŋa ŋǝrrǝ-ŋǝsi.
Ṯa@liim ṯirmithithɔ na ṯaaginna.
12 Laakin liyǝŋgǝri lǝri, nyiiŋǝ kɔlɔ lituurǝccǝ-ŋǝsi-lɔ tur, ethisi iiɽinǝ kila lǝṯi akkɔ ŋothɽor daŋgal-na, kila lǝṯi-ŋǝsi mɔlotto ethi Kweeleny-na, nǝ lǝṯi-ŋǝsi ilŋiithini ethaami eleŋw ki-ŋɔgrɔstiyan-na. 13 Ǝṯisi iiɽinǝ ṯiiɽǝthi-nǝ ṯɔppa ṯimini, nǝ ṯamɽa-thi tok, ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi ŋothɽor ŋeeŋen ŋǝṯirsi akkɔ. Ǝṯi ammithina wɔɽe-wɔɽeny. 14 Liyǝŋgǝri, nyiiŋǝ lɔɔraca-ŋǝsi, ethi ulici limoozoŋi, nǝ ethisi firllasi-la tok kila lǝṯisi ṯɔrony yee-na, nǝ ǝsi mǝcci kila lajlinna, ǝṯisi mithici rɔgwori tatap. 15 Iizar mindaŋ a kweere daŋgal-na ere ǝɽinni nda mac, laakin ǝṯisi naŋnalɔ ŋisaaw ethisi ǝrrǝthisi-nǝ, nǝ lizi tatap tok. 16 Ǝṯi nyeŋlena nyaamin tatap. 17 Ǝṯi aari kiyiiriny dok-dok. 18 Ǝṯi aari shukran ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi tatap. Kaka nɔrɔ-gwɔ ṯǝ ŋiɽaŋal ŋɔ ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor ṯǝthi Allah, ethi nanni ethi Kwɔrostɔ-na kwǝni Yǝcu. 19 Ǝṯi iɽinyathɔ Ṯigɽimǝ Ṯirllinalɔ ter mac. 20 Ǝṯeere ruusi ŋiɽaŋali-lɔŋw mac ŋǝthi ŋiɽiiya. 21 Laakin ǝṯi ṯǝcci kwomne tatap, e-ta ǝṯi mithǝ ŋgwa kwɔvthanna. 22 Ǝṯisi ruccinǝ ŋeere tuk ŋa ŋaaɽinna ŋikiyaŋi.
23 Ethi Allah wǝthi ŋiiɽǝnnǝ rogɽo-ri ruuŋwun rilli ŋaaŋwɔsi-lɔ ter; ethiŋw karni rigɽimǝ raalɔ, nǝ rogɽo raalɔ yaŋna-yina yaalɔ tatap, ethi nanni liti lǝthi lɔɔma-na leere mac, ki-lɔɔmɔr-la linḏi-li Kweeleny kwǝri kwǝni Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ ethaaɽa. 24 Ŋgwa kwɔrnɔṯɔ-ŋǝsi tǝ, kaka nirlliŋgwɔ-lɔ, ŋwɔsi ǝrri.
25 Liyǝŋgǝri, ǝricǝr-nyji kiyiiriny.
26 Aginnicar-nyji liyǝŋgǝri-ŋwɔsi tatap ṯaaginna-thi ṯirllinǝlɔ ter.
27 Nyii-ŋgwɔ kwɔɔŋacca-ŋǝsi ethi Kweeleny-na, mindaŋ ethi juwaab ŋgwɔ urtuni ki-lizi-nǝ tatap lǝthi ṯǝmminǝ.
28 Ethi ne@ma kwǝthi Kweeleny kwǝri kwǝni Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ nanni ŋaaŋali.