Job's Final Statement of His Case
1 Job began speaking again.
2 If only my life could once again
be as it was when God watched over me.
3 God was always with me then
and gave me light as I walked through the darkness.
4 Those were the days when I was prosperous,
and the friendship of God protected my home.
5 Almighty God was with me then,
and I was surrounded by all my children.
6 My cows and goats gave plenty of milk,
and my olive trees grew in the rockiest soil.
7 Whenever the city elders met
and I took my place among them,
8 young men stepped aside as soon as they saw me,
and old men stood up to show me respect.
9 The leaders of the people would stop talking;
10 even the most important men kept silent.

11 Everyone who saw me or heard of me
had good things to say about what I had done.
12 When the poor cried out, I helped them;
I gave help to orphans who had nowhere to turn.
13 People who were in deepest misery praised me,
and I helped widows find security.
14 I have always acted justly and fairly.
15 I was eyes for the blind,
and feet for the lame.
16 I was like a father to the poor
and took the side of strangers in trouble.
17 I destroyed the power of cruel men
and rescued their victims.

18 I always expected to live a long life
and to die at home in comfort.
19 I was like a tree whose roots always have water
and whose branches are wet with dew.
20 Everyone was always praising me,
and my strength never failed me.
21 When I gave advice, people were silent
and listened carefully to what I said;
22 they had nothing to add when I had finished.
My words sank in like drops of rain;
23 everyone welcomed them
just as farmers welcome rain in spring.
24 I smiled on them when they had lost confidence;
my cheerful face encouraged them.
25 I took charge and made the decisions;
I led them as a king leads his troops,
and gave them comfort in their despair.
1 وعادَ أيُّوبُ إلى الكلامِ فقالَ:
2 «لَيتَ الشُّهورَ السَّالِفَةَ تعودُ،
أيّامَ كانَ اللهُ حارِسي،
3 يُضيءُ سِراجَهُ فوقَ رأسي
فأسلُكَ بنورِهِ في الظَّلامِ.
4 أيّامَ كُنتُ في عزِّ حياتي
ورِضا اللهِ على مَسكِني،
5 والقديرُ بَعدُ ساكِنٌ معي
وأولادي يُحيطونَ كُلُّهُم بي.
6 أغسِلُ باللَّبَنِ قدَمي،
والصَّخرُ يَفيضُ أنهارَ زيتٍ.
7 أخرُجُ إلى بابِ المدينةِ‌
وأتَّخِذُ في السَّاحةِ مَجلِسي.
8 يراني الشُّبانُ فيَحيدونَ
والشُّيوخُ فيَنهَضونَ واقِفينَ،
9 يُمسِكُ الأمَراءُ عَنِ الكَلامِ
ويَجعلونَ أيديَهُم على أفواهِهِم.
10 ويخفُتُ صوتُ العُظَماءِ
وتَلصَقُ ألسِنَتُهُم بأحناكِهِم.
11 تسمَعُني أذُنٌ فتُهَنِّئُني
وتَراني عينٌ فتَشهَدُ لي،
12 لأنِّي كُنتُ أُغيثُ المِسكينَ
وأُعينُ اليتيمَ الّذي لا عَونَ لهُ.
13 تحِلُّ عليَّ بركةُ البائسينَ
وتَطرَبُ لي قُلوبُ الأرامِلِ.
14 لبِستُ الحَقَّ فكانَ كِسائي،
وبقيَ العَدلُ حِلَّتي وتاجي.
15 كُنتُ عَينا بصيرةً للأعمى
ورِجلا صحيحةً للأعرجِ.
16 وكُنتُ وَحدي أبا للفقيرِ
وسَميعا لدَعوى الغريبِ؟
17 وكُنتُ أُهشِّمُ أنيابَ الظَّالمِ
ومِنْ بَينِ فَكَّيهِ أنتَزِعُ فريسَتَهُ.
18 فقُلتُ: سأموتُ في فراشي
وكطَيرِ الفينيقِ‌ أزدادُ أيّاما.
19 جُذوري مُمتَدَّةٌ إلى المياهِ
والنَّدى يبيتُ على غُصوني،
20 فتَبقى كرامَتي نضيرَةً
ويتَجدَّدُ قَوسي في يَدي.
21 كانوا يستَمِعونَ لي با‏شتياقٍ
ويُصغونَ إلى مَشورتي صامِتينَ.
22 على كلامي لا يَزيدونَ شيئا،
وأقوالي علَيهِم كقَطرِ النَّدى.
23 يَنتَظِرونَني ا‏نتظارَهُم لِلغَيثِ،
وكما لمطَرِ الرَّبيعِ يَفتحونَ أفواهَهُم.
24 أبتَسِمُ إليهِم فلا يُصدِّقونَ،
ويَرقُبونَ في وجهي علامةَ رضا.
25 أتَولَّى أمرَهُم وأتصَدَّرُ مَجالِسَهُم
وكمَلِكٍ في جيشٍ أُحسِنُ قيادَتَهُم.