A Widow's Offering
(Mark 12.41-44)
1 Jesus looked up and saw some rich people tossing their gifts into the offering box. 2 He also saw a poor widow putting in a few cents. 3 And he said, “I tell you that this poor woman has put in more than all the others. 4 Everyone else gave what they didn't need. But she is very poor and gave everything she had.”
The Temple Will Be Destroyed
(Matthew 24.1Matthew 2Mark 13.1Mark 2)
5 Some people were talking about the beautiful stones used to build the temple and about the gifts that had been placed in it. Jesus said, 6 “Do you see these stones? The time is coming when not one of them will be left in place. They will all be knocked down.”
Warning about Trouble
(Matthew 24.3-14Mark 13.3-13)
7 Some people asked, “Teacher, when will all this happen? How can we know when these things are about to take place?”
8 Jesus replied:
Don't be fooled by those who will come and claim to be me. They will say, “I am Christ!” and “Now is the time!” But don't follow them. 9 When you hear about wars and riots, don't be afraid. These things will have to happen first, but this isn't the end.
10 Nations will go to war against one another, and kingdoms will attack each other. 11 There will be great earthquakes, and in many places people will starve to death and suffer terrible diseases. All sorts of frightening things will be seen in the sky.
12 Before all this happens, you will be arrested and punished. You will be tried in your synagogues and put in jail. Because of me you will be placed on trial before kings and governors. 13 But this will be your chance to tell about your faith.
14 Don't worry about what you will say to defend yourselves. 15 I will give you the wisdom to know what to say. None of your enemies will be able to oppose you or to say that you are wrong. 16 You will be betrayed by your own parents, brothers, family, and friends. Some of you will even be killed. 17 Because of me, you will be hated by everyone. 18 But don't worry! 19 You will be saved by being faithful to me.
Jerusalem Will Be Destroyed
(Matthew 24.15-21Mark 13.14-19)
20 When you see Jerusalem surrounded by soldiers, you will know that it will soon be destroyed. 21 If you are living in Judea at this time, run to the mountains. If you are in the city, leave it. And if you are out in the country, don't go back into the city. 22 This time of punishment is what is written about in the Scriptures. 23 It will be an awful time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children! Everywhere in the land people will suffer horribly and be punished. 24 Some of them will be killed by swords. Others will be carried off to foreign countries. Jerusalem will be overrun by foreign nations until their time comes to an end.
When the Son of Man Appears
(Matthew 24.29-31Mark 13.24-27)
25 Strange things will happen to the sun, moon, and stars. The nations on earth will be afraid of the roaring sea and tides, and they won't know what to do. 26 People will be so frightened that they will faint because of what is happening to the world. Every power in the sky will be shaken. 27 Then the Son of Man will be seen, coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When all of this starts happening, stand up straight and be brave. You will soon be set free.
A Lesson from a Fig Tree
(Matthew 24.32-35Mark 13.28-31)
29 Then Jesus told them a story:
When you see a fig tree or any other tree 30 putting out leaves, you know that summer will soon come. 31 So, when you see these things happening, you know that God's kingdom will soon be here. 32 You can be sure that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all of this takes place. 33 The sky and the earth won't last forever, but my words will.
A Warning
34 Don't spend all of your time thinking about eating or drinking or worrying about life. If you do, the final day will suddenly catch you 35 like a trap. This day will surprise everyone on earth. 36 Watch out and keep praying that you can escape all that is going to happen and that the Son of Man will be pleased with you.
37 Jesus taught in the temple each day, and he spent each night on the Mount of Olives. 38 Everyone got up early and came to the temple to hear him teach.
aza 21
haḏiya weḏi kwaw kwir kweḏel
1 na Yecu baŋḏala nuŋw icaci lizi lir lurṯu, likeṯi haḏiya weŋen kazzina-na keḏi heykal. 2 ta nuŋw eze kweḏela kwete kwir kwuway cakicagi, kwukeṯi rarifa riɽen. 3 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa rerem, kweḏel ŋgwu kwir kwuway, kwumɔkaṯu kwuṯemḏelu kweḏi kla tatap limɔkatu kazzina-na; 4 kaka keṯer gwu tatap kweḏi ŋurṯu ŋeŋen, lakin kwaw ŋgwu kweḏi ŋuway ŋuŋun, tatap kweḏuŋwi.
Yecu kwandiza ŋiɽya ŋi ŋeḏi ṯikiraza lu ṯeḏi heykal
5 mer zi andazi lɔkwɔ ŋeḏi heykal, ṯowcina ṯi ṯuŋwun, yal yi yizaw nana, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: 6 ŋeḏi kwɔmne ŋgwu kwizaŋa, ŋwamin ŋwa ŋwinḏi a ŋi kal kere ere urgwuḏi mac; yifaḏa lu faṯ faṯ. 7 ner uṯizelu, ner eca ŋwu: muallim, ŋiɽaŋal ŋu ŋinḏi eḏenḏa ṯacaŋ? na aḏa kwinḏi eḏorɔ mindaŋ ma kwɔmne ŋgwu naŋni eḏi rataḏi? 8 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: aŋraḏir er ŋazi ere lere ṯugwudazi eḏaki ṯay pir mac, kaka inḏir gwu eḏila luru yiriny yi yinyi, er aru ŋwu: nyi kwiri ṯa ŋgwu, na lomur limadiḏi. eṯi zi kwaḏaḏi kla mac. 9 mezi neŋne ŋeḏi ṯuwən, na təmbalnina ṯɔk, eṯi ṯinya mac, eṯere afri rugwori mac; ŋinḏi eḏenḏa, lakin er ere rataḏi kinna mac.
10 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: lizi linḏi eḏ ofaḏa lizi lir ter, a ŋeleny ofaḏa ŋelenyi ŋir ter; 11 a ureyu rigini; ezi yaŋwu ye yu tɔrtɔr kezir were were, a kimeṯ enḏa kiki beṯen tɔk; er inḏa kwɔmne tɔk kweḏi gi ṯenye ṯeṯec; er eze kwɔmne kweḏi lerena tɔk kwupa kwuminni. 12 lakin, iti enḏi ŋiɽaŋal ŋu kinna mac, er ŋazi kete rii nana, er ŋazi owɽi yeye, er ŋazi mulḏa ki limajma-na, ki zijin-na tɔk; er ŋazi mulḏa ki leleny, ki limuḏiir, kaka roḏa ŋa gwu leḏi yiriny yinyi. 13 ŋalu ŋir ṯa kinaŋw ki lomur la kla, eḏi ŋi unḏizi ŋiɽaŋali ki. 14 ŋwu ṯa, kitizar ŋiɽaŋali ŋu yey, eḏi zi ere enji ŋwoɽa-na kerreny mac eḏi zi andazi. 15 kaka roḏi nyi gwu, kwinḏi ŋazi eḏinḏeḏa runyu eḏi zi andazi ŋeḏi yeyna, mindaŋ na leṯi ŋazi ɔpipiḏacelu, er ŋazi ere eḏici ŋuma mac eḏi zi rii ya eḏi zi ermiḏeḏa nana tɔk mac. 16 er ŋazi bɔŋwḏi lir rarnyalu-ŋa lanyalu ŋali, lir ŋali ŋiaŋga, lizi li-na lalu rac, na limaḏgalu, er ŋazi kete lɔkwɔ kaṯi eḏendinye. 17 er ŋazi uwezi tatap, kaka roḏu ŋa gwu leḏi yiriny yinyi. 18 lakin na owɽu weḏi ŋwoɽa ŋwalu ere kiraḏa lu were mac. 19 kwurmɔṯazar rɔgwɽɔ mindaŋ a əgini ŋimiiḏa ŋir rerem.
20 ma eze ŋwufeɽera ŋwumɔ rikaḏa urzaliimŋw lu, ezi ta elŋece rac eḏaruŋw, lomur klu mi, lim ani ila luŋwun leḏi tikiraḏa lu. 21 linani yahuḏiiya, eḏir afra yayinu nana na kla linani ki meḏiina-na, eḏir ru, na linani par kwuḏer, eḏir ere enḏi ki meḏiina-na mac. 22 kaka nani gwu lomur linḏi li jiiza eḏi zi gwu enḏi-na, er rataḏi tatap ŋuluḏina. 23 enna, ezi ṯurfa enḏiḏa ṯupak kla leni liiḏa, ya leṯ iɽi nyelle tɔk, ki ŋwamin ŋwa, kaka nani gwu ṯurfa ṯupa kezir wu, na hukm wifirli, ki lizi-na klu tɔk. 24 er ipiḏi yalala yi, er irdi; er zi mulḏa ŋuwaya ezir nana tatap; a lizi leḏi umam ruta urzaliimŋw lu, mindaŋ a ŋwomur ŋweḏi umam ṯimayini.
25 a alaama ijini kaŋwun, ki owa tɔk, rorum tɔk; a ṯurfa enḏida ṯurmun nana ndendeṯ; kaka iti ilŋiicar gwu ŋiɽaŋali ezir mac, kaka ma gwu rujul upuna ŋuma ŋi, kiiru gi, 26 a lizi ere keṯini wəŋ mac ŋiḏeny ŋi, kaka ṯinyar gwu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋedi kwɔmne kwinḏi ki ṯurmun-na; kaka inḏi gwu ŋuma ŋupa ŋedi lere eḏi rigini. 27 ta er ma eze Toru teḏi kwizigwunaŋ tinḏi ki lebleṯ-na, ŋuma ŋi, ŋiniṯ ŋi ŋupa ŋiminni. 28 ma ŋazi ŋiɽaŋal ŋu naŋni eḏenḏiḏa, rillir titir, a dima ŋwoɽala, kaka inḏi gwu lomur leḏi ṯalliḏiza ṯalu.
ṯireca eḏaŋraḏa ŋama-ŋaman
29 nuŋw zi andaci ŋiŋerɔŋwa, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: eti ketize ŋiɽaŋali yey ŋeḏi kwoḏa, yaɽi yi tatap. 30 mer ru-na kurfu-kurfuk, mezeze, ezi ta elŋece rac, ari, kiɽa ŋgu nii kwum ani adiḏi. 31 ŋwu ṯa ŋwu, ma inḏa kwɔmne ŋgwu kwindi eḏ iŋna, a elŋe eḏaru ŋwu: ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah ŋimadiḏi adi adi. 32 emba, nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa, a lizi leḏi ŋelŋe ŋu ŋutuput, er ere ay mac mindaŋ ma kwɔmne ŋgwu tatap errini. 33 a lere-ŋa ureyu yi ernine, lakin a ŋiɽaŋal ŋinyi ere ernine ḏuṯ.
34 deŋniṯiner eḏaŋrani ki rɔgwɽɔ; eṯi riimeḏi ŋwoɽa-na mezi ṯibaḏa ŋeḏi rɔgwɽɔ ralu, ṯurulela ṯi, na ṯaŋrica ṯeḏi kwɔmne kweḏi ṯurmun, a ta lamin kla iidezi ŋaŋwuzi dip kaka kiɽbin. 35 kaka inḏi gwu lamin kla eḏi zi ilica tatap kezir wanda gwu ṯurmun. 36 ŋwu ṯa ŋwu, eṯ icazi ki ṯay, eṯariri ki yiriny dɔk dɔk, mindaŋ ma inḏa ŋuma eḏ arṯiḏa ṯurfa lu kḏu tatap ṯinḏi; mindaŋ a rillazi Toru lu teḏi kwizigwunaŋ ki yey-na.
37 eṯuŋw zi ilŋiiḏini ki heykal-na; mindaŋ ma kilikelu orɔ, eṯuŋw ele kayin weni zeyṯuun eḏi gwu inḏirini. 38 na eṯi lizi ila nanuŋw gwu ŋurpana tutuk ki heykal-na, eḏi niŋnaci ŋiɽaŋali ŋeṯuŋw zi anandazi.