Women Who Helped Jesus
1 Soon after this, Jesus was going through towns and villages, telling the good news about God's kingdom. His twelve apostles were with him, 2 and so were some women who had been healed of evil spirits and all sorts of diseases. One of the women was Mary Magdalene, who once had seven demons in her. 3 Joanna, Susanna, and many others had also used what they owned to help Jesus and his disciples. Joanna's husband Chuza was one of Herod's officials.
A Story about a Farmer
(Matthew 13.1-9Mark 4.1-9)
4 When a large crowd from several towns had gathered around Jesus, he told them this story:
5 A farmer went out to scatter seed in a field. While the farmer was doing this, some of the seeds fell along the road and were stepped on or eaten by birds. 6 Other seeds fell on rocky ground and started growing. But the plants did not have enough water and soon dried up. 7 Some other seeds fell where thornbushes grew up and choked the plants. 8 The rest of the seeds fell on good ground where they grew and produced a hundred times as many seeds.
When Jesus had finished speaking, he said, “If you have ears, pay attention!”
Why Jesus Used Stories
(Matthew 13.10-17Mark 4.10-12)
9 Jesus' disciples asked him what the story meant. 10 So he answered:
I have explained the secrets about God's kingdom to you. But for others I use stories, so they will look, but not see, and they will hear, but not understand.
Jesus Explains the Story about a Farmer
(Matthew 13.18-23Mark 4.13-20)
11 This is what the story means: The seed is God's message, 12 and the seeds that fell along the road are the people who hear the message. But the devil comes and snatches the message out of their hearts, so they will not believe and be saved. 13 The seeds that fell on rocky ground are the people who gladly hear the message and accept it. But they don't have deep roots, and they believe only for a little while. As soon as life gets hard, they give up.
14 The seeds that fell among the thornbushes are also people who hear the message. But they are so eager for riches and pleasures that they never produce anything. 15 Those seeds that fell on good ground are the people who listen to the message and keep it in good and honest hearts. They last and produce a harvest.
(Mark 4.21-25)
16 No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl or under a bed. A lamp is always put on a lampstand, so people who come into a house will see the light. 17 There is nothing hidden that will not be found. There is no secret that will not be well known. 18 Pay attention to how you listen! Everyone who has something will be given more, but people who have nothing will lose what little they think they have.
Jesus' Mother and Brothers
(Matthew 12.46-50Mark 3.31-35)
19 Jesus' mother and brothers went to see him, but because of the crowd they could not get near him. 20 Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside and want to see you.”
21 Jesus answered, “My mother and my brothers are those people who hear and obey God's message.”
A Storm
(Matthew 8.23-27Mark 4.35-41)
22 One day, Jesus and his disciples got into a boat, and he said, “Let's cross the lake.” They started out, 23 and while they were sailing across, he went to sleep.
Suddenly a storm struck the lake, and the boat started sinking. They were in danger. 24 So they went to Jesus and woke him up, “Master, Master! We are about to drown!”
Jesus got up and ordered the wind and waves to stop. They obeyed, and everything was calm. 25 Then Jesus asked the disciples, “Don't you have any faith?”
But they were frightened and amazed. They said to each other, “Who is this? He can give orders to the wind and the waves, and they obey him!”
A Man with Demons in Him
(Matthew 8.28-34Mark 5.1-20)
26 Jesus and his disciples sailed across Lake Galilee and came to shore near the town of Gerasa. 27 As Jesus was getting out of the boat, he was met by a man from this town. The man had demons in him. He had gone naked for a long time and no longer lived in a house, but in the graveyard.
28 The man saw Jesus and screamed. He knelt down in front of him and shouted, “Jesus, Son of God Most High, what do you want with me? I beg you not to torture me!” 29 He said this because Jesus had already told the evil spirit to go out of him.
The man had often been attacked by the demon. And even though he had been bound with chains and leg irons and kept under guard, he smashed whatever bound him. Then the demon would force him out into lonely places.
30 Jesus asked the man, “What is your name?”
He answered, “My name is Lots.” He said this because there were “lots” of demons in him. 31 They begged Jesus not to send them to the deep pit, where they would be punished.
32 A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. So the demons begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs, and Jesus let them go. 33 Then the demons left the man and went into the pigs. The whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.
34 When the men taking care of the pigs saw this, they ran to spread the news in the town and on the farms. 35 The people went out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they also found the man. The demons had gone out of him, and he was sitting there at the feet of Jesus. He had clothes on and was in his right mind. But the people were terrified.
36 Then all who had seen the man healed told about it. 37 Everyone from around Gerasa begged Jesus to leave, because they were so frightened.
When Jesus got into the boat to start back, 38 the man who had been healed begged to go with him. But Jesus sent him off and said, 39 “Go back home and tell everyone how much God has done for you.” The man then went all over town, telling everything that Jesus had done for him.
A Dying Girl and a Sick Woman
(Matthew 9.18-26Mark 5.21-43)
40 Everyone had been waiting for Jesus, and when he came back, a crowd was there to welcome him. 41 Just then the man in charge of the synagogue came and knelt down in front of Jesus. His name was Jairus, and he begged Jesus to come to his home 42 because his twelve-year-old child was dying. She was his only daughter.
While Jesus was on his way, people were crowding all around him. 43 In the crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. She had spent everything she had on doctors, but none of them could make her well.
44 As soon as she came up behind Jesus and barely touched his clothes, her bleeding stopped.
45 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked.
While everyone was denying it, Peter said, “Master, people are crowding all around and pushing you from every side.”
46 But Jesus answered, “Someone touched me, because I felt power going out from me.” 47 The woman knew that she could not hide, so she came trembling and knelt down in front of Jesus. She told everyone why she had touched him and that she had been healed at once.
48 Jesus said to the woman, “You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace!”
49 While Jesus was speaking, someone came from Jairus' home and said, “Your daughter has died! Why bother the teacher anymore?”
50 When Jesus heard this, he told Jairus, “Don't worry! Have faith, and your daughter will get well.”
51 Jesus went into the house, but he did not let anyone else go with him, except Peter, John, James, and the girl's father and mother. 52 Everyone was crying and weeping for the girl. But Jesus said, “The child isn't dead. She is just asleep.” 53 The people laughed at him because they knew she was dead.
54 Jesus took hold of the girl's hand and said, “Child, get up!” 55 She came back to life and got right up. Jesus told them to give her something to eat. 56 Her parents were surprised, but Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.
aza 8
law leṯi meci Yecuŋw
1 eṯi Yecu ele ŋwara ŋi lu ki balaḏ kwere kwere kwupa kwɔkwɽeny tɔk, eṯuŋw zi andindaci ŋiɽaŋali ŋizaw ŋeḏi ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah. na eṯir li romḏi lir wri-kwuɽen, 2 na law lɔkwɔ tɔk, limɔŋw zi ruci rigɽima-na riki kiṯay, na limɔŋw zi zəwi kimeṯi tɔk; kwete kweni maryam kweḏi majdalaŋw, kwunde kwir kwuruḏu gwu rigɽim-na riki dufɔkwɽeny; 3 na yuwanna, kwir kwaw kweḏi huuzi, kwir wakiil weḏi hiruuḏuz; na zuuzanna, na liḏaḏu luru leṯi ogwumicelu kwɔmne gi kweŋen eḏi zi meci.
ṯiŋerɔŋw ṯeḏi kwor kwowḏina ŋwola lu
4 ner rayḏa duŋw litezir likwakiḏaḏi ki ṯay ki ṯay, litutuweḏi nana leḏi yayin tatap, nuŋw zi andaci ŋiŋerɔŋwa, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: 5 kwor kwete kwuruḏi ŋwola ŋi eḏi ŋi ele eḏi zi owḏinelu. mindaŋ muŋw zi owḏinelu ta, ner iidi ŋwɔkwɔ ki ṯay la, ner zi rutalu, mindaŋ nezi ndow uṯani kworɔ wac. 6 ner iidi ŋwɔkwɔ kwɔrcuɽam-na; mindaŋ mer alliḏa ner ayi nana kaka iti eḏi gwu ezir wa dufaŋi-na mac. 7 ner iidi ŋwɔkwɔ ki yugwi-na, ner alliḏa yugwi yi-na mindaŋ mezi yugwi firtaŋ. 8 ŋwuḏaḏu ta, ner iidi kureyu-na wicaw, ner alliḏa, ner əgini ŋwola nyamin-na ruɽi-ṯuḏni. muŋw zi rataci ŋiɽaŋali, nuŋw ofna nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kweḏi yəni eḏi yi neŋne, eḏuŋw neŋne.
9 na limeḏgen uṯizelu, ner eca ŋwu: ṯiŋerɔŋw kḏu teni ṯi aḏa? 10 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah, ŋulucine kerreny, na orɔ ŋaŋa lilŋiiḏizi. lakin liḏaḏu er zi neŋne tatap ŋir ŋiŋerɔŋw nana, mindaŋ er zi eze rac, lakin er zi ṯime ŋizarzi; er zi neŋne rac, lakin er zi ere elŋece ezir mac ŋiniŋnarzi. 11 ṯiŋerɔŋw kḏu ṯeni ŋwu: ŋwola ŋwiri ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi Allah. 12 ŋwunani ki ṯay la, ŋwunde ŋwiru ŋwir lizi liniŋna ŋiɽaŋali, mindaŋ ma ibliiz ila, eṯuŋw zi dimeḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋimɔnani ki rugwor-na, kaka aruŋw gwu ŋwu: ŋinani mindaŋ er ŋi emnizi ta, er kilaw. 13 ŋwola ŋwumiidi kwɔrcuɽam-na, ŋwunde ŋwiru ŋwir lizi liniŋna ŋiɽaŋali, ner zi miḏa tinyiŋlana ṯi. lakin ner ere eḏi rufu mac. eṯir zi emnizi, lakin mer zi mummi ta, eṯir zi ṯugwudazi tuc. 14 ŋwola ŋwumiidi ki yugwi-na, ŋwunde ŋwiru ŋwir lizi liniŋna ŋiɽaŋali, lakin mezi ṯaŋrica urreḏa ṯeḏi kwɔmne kweḏi ṯurmun, na ṯikeɽinjelu ṯeḏi ŋurṯu tɔk, mezi kaduwa ye keḏi kwɔmne kwere kwere kwuḏaḏu ta, mer zi enḏiḏa, eṯir firtaŋ ŋiɽaŋali, eṯir eni ŋimɔkiraḏi. 15 na ŋwola ŋwunani kureyu-na wicaw, ŋwunderṯa ŋwir lizi leḏi rugwori-na rizaw, tirlalu; mer neŋne ŋiɽaŋali, eṯir zi ami miḏaŋw, eṯir kwurmɔṯani mindaŋ, eṯir ami riɽuŋw tɔk.
ṯilŋiiḏina ṯeḏi lɔmba
16 kwizi kwende kwere kweṯifudi lɔmba eḏi kwuɽbeḏe lu melwa gi, ya kwaŋgiraŋ-na. beri, ma. eṯuŋw allazi kezir la wizaw eḏi ṯiŋaci lizi fori lu, linaŋna eḏi enḏi. 17 kaka iti lucina gwu kwɔmne kwere mac, illa ŋgwa kwinḏi eḏijinelu pɔrpɔr; nuŋw ere kwere tɔk mac kwukwuɽbene lu, illa ŋgwa kwinḏi eḏi ruwene lu. 18 kitizarzi yey ŋiniŋnaŋazi, kaka kweḏu ŋwi er kiɽeci, na kwiti kweḏu ŋwi mac, er keni eɽineḏa kwɔmne kiṯay kwaruŋw gi ŋwu: kweḏi nyi.
ŋiaŋga ŋa ŋir rerem
19 na gwu lenyin-ŋa ilaḏa lieŋgen li, ner ere upaḏi nanuŋw gwu mac, kaka kwuɽbeḏir gwu kwuɽbu-kwuɽbuk. 20 nuŋw andaci kwete nuŋw eca ŋwu: lanyalu-ŋa liaŋgalu li kilana par, linaŋnaŋa eḏi raŋḏa. 21 nuŋw eŋnici ŋgwa kwandica, nuŋw eca ŋwu: aya kwinyi na lieŋgeri linyi, linderṯa kla letineŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋeḏi Allah, mer zi ma erri.
Yecu kwubiye zi kuruni lu pet na ṯujuli tɔk
22 lamin lete ner enḏi limeḏgen li ki faluuka-na, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: er ṯamḏu ṯujuli ṯi-na. ner ṯiŋa faluuka ner ele. 23 mer ele ŋaw la, na ŋwaru ye ki, nuŋw inḏiri. na kurun kupa upuḏi ki ṯujul-na. nezi ŋaw oɽaḏa-na, nezi ŋiɽaŋal kiyaḏa cilcil. 24 ner ele, ner kiɽṯi, ner eca ŋwu: muallim, muallim, a kwer mi oɽaḏa iininyu! nuŋw kiɽṯi, nuŋw ermici kuruni, ŋaw ŋi ŋupuḏu tɔk, ner biɽeḏa lu pet. 25 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ṯəmna ṯalu ṯende? ner ṯenye, ner ṯibi kaka aḏa kwere, ner andizazina: eya kwiri manuŋ ŋgwu? muŋw ellici kuruni ŋwuzi ŋaw ŋi amra, ner ami niŋniḏici ŋunduŋwu.
ṯizeya ṯeḏi kwor kweḏi rigɽima-na riki
26 ner upaḏi kezir weḏi lizi leni lijadara, wunani jaliilŋw ṯoɽu ṯi la. 27 muŋw dapiḏalu ner kadirḏi kwor gi kwete kweḏi balaḏ ŋgwa, kweḏi rigɽima-na riki, kwiti kweṯikinnaḏa yireṯi lelu tuk mac; nuŋw ere nani duənu kwere too, eṯuŋw ta nanniḏa ki rimamu-na. 28 muŋw inḏa Yecuŋw, nuŋw upina kwola gi, nuŋw iideḏa ŋwuɽele-na, nuŋw eca ŋwu: a kwende kweḏi karḏa nani nyi gwu? a kweni Yecu, kwir Tor teḏi ŋgwa kwuṯemḏelu. nyi kwuturecaŋa lu, eṯi nyi ṯa rəra mac. 29 kaka andicaŋw gwu ṯigɽima tiki eḏi ru kworu-na, ṯeṯidallu nana ŋwamin ŋwuru. eṯir kəki ŋwuruŋ ŋi, yalibaz yi tɔk, lakin eṯuŋw zi undena, mindaŋ eṯi ṯigɽim tiki apirazi wuḏer yi-na. 30 na Yecu uṯizelu, nuŋw eca ŋwu: a kweneya? nuŋw eca ŋwu: nyi kweni kwitezir, kaka enḏi gwu rigɽim riki ruru duŋgwun-na. 31 ner tureci lu tur ner eca ŋwu: etinyji ṯa ṯiŋaḏaḏi mac ezir yi-na wolu-na dip, wufoɽu kuṯu tɔk. 32 na yizaŋ nani yuru, yiina lu duŋw kayin la; na rigɽim riki tureci lu, ner eca ŋwu: efricenyi, nyenḏi ki yizaŋ-na. nuŋw zi efrici. 33 ṯaŋwu, na rigɽim riki ru kworu-na, ner enḏi ki yizaŋ-na. ner irri ŋwoɽa ŋi tatap, ner dapi ndoṯom li la, ner iriḏa ŋaw-na, ner gwu ay.
34 mer zi eze ŋimerrini, leṯiziyelu, ner afri ner mida ayinu, ner zi andaci ledi duənuŋw, na ledi balaḏ tɔk. 35 ner ru eḏeze kwɔmne kwumerrini, ner ila nani gwu Yecu, ner kaṯazi kworu kwumɔ rigɽim riki duŋgweci, kwunanalu Yecuŋw ŋwuɽele-na, kwumɔkenne yireṯi, kwumami nanuŋw. ner ṯenye. 36 nezi lizi linanu lizazi andaci ŋiɽaŋali tɔk ŋumɔ rɔtɔ ŋwu, na ŋeḏi kwor ŋgwa kwumɔzey aŋgwuru. 37 na lizi tatap leḏi ezir weḏi lijadara tureci Yecuŋw lu eḏi zi duŋgweci, kaka mezi gwu ŋiḏeny enḏiḏa ŋupa ŋiminni. ŋwu ṯa, nuŋw enḏi ki faluuka-na, nuŋw gi aɽi kiṯay. 38 na kwor ŋgwa kwumɔ rigɽim riki duŋgweci tureci Yecuŋw lu tur, nuŋw eca ŋwu: er ṯa romḏi. na Yecu əɽi kiṯay, nuŋw eca ŋwu: 39 aɽi ele duənu daŋgalu, ezi baŋaci yilima yupa yimɔŋazi Allah errici, na kwor ele nuŋw iṯidi ŋiɽaŋali ki balaḏ-na tatap, ŋeḏi yilim yupa yerricezi Yecu.
Yecu kwumiiḏice yayiruzŋw toru tir tira, nuŋw zəwi kwayu kweṯiiri ŋina
40 ma Yecu aɽi na lizi agani ŋunduŋwu, ner gi amina, kaka əkicer gwu kizen tatap. 41 na kwor kwete ila, kweni yayiruz, kwir kwijowiṯ kweḏi majma. nuŋw iideḏa Yecuŋw ŋwuɽele-na nuŋw tureci lu tur eḏi gi ila duənu duŋgwun, 42 kaka eḏuŋw gwu toru tutuput tir tira, tir yiḏleyu kaka wri-kwuɽen, timerrizi ŋiɽany. na Yecu ele, nezi lizi ataḏi nana ki ṯay ki ṯay.
43 na kwaw kwete nani ki duŋw-na, kweṯiiri ŋina yiḏleyu wri-kwuɽen. nuŋw ere kwere mac kweḏi ŋuma eḏi zəwi ŋunduŋwu. 44 nuŋw ila ṯoɽu ṯi la nuŋw mummici Yecuŋw yebɽaŋi yeḏi yireṯ, na ŋin ŋeṯiiri, uɽeḏi puduk. 45 nezi Yecu eca ŋwu: eya kwiri kwumummicenyi yireṯi? ner ureŋni tatap, na buṯruz-ŋa eca ŋwu: muallim, ŋwuduŋw ŋwataḏi ŋa nana, mindaŋ na aru ŋwu, eya kwiri kwumummi nyi a? 46 nezi Yecu eca ŋwu: kwumenyi mummi kwete, kaka icinenyi gwu rac, ŋuma ŋimenyi gwu ru-na. 47 na kwaw ulezi ṯay, ṯeḏi gwu lucineḏa, nuŋw ila kwumunḏuḏi, nuŋw iideḏa ŋwuɽele-na, nuŋw andazi pɔrpɔr ki lizi-na ŋiɽaŋali ŋimo ŋi mummi kireṯi, muŋw ma zey tuc. 48 nuŋw eca ŋwu: tor tinyi, miḏi tugwori. ṯəmna tɔŋwa ṯimɔŋa zəwi. indi ma ta pa kwizaw.
49 andicaŋw ṯaŋwu, na kwor ila kweḏi kwijowiṯ-ŋa, nuŋw eca ŋwu: ṯernyeri, ṯɔḏɔ emba ṯi deŋṯinaŋa cakicagi? marna tira tɔŋwa ay tɔk. 50 lakin na Yecu neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋimoɽi kəni-na mbiny, nuŋw eca ŋwu: eṯi ṯinya mac; eḏi ṯəmna, na ti ṯa kilaw rac. 51 mer upaḏi duənu, nuŋw zi ere efrici lere lir ter eḏenḏi mac, illa buṯruz-ŋa yaguub gi, yuhanna tɔk, na ṯernyin ṯeḏi tira-ŋa lenyin gi. 52 ner ari kwola tatap, ner ariḏa ŋwunda ŋwunda; nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: eṯaru kwokwony mac. titi tayi mac: tinḏiri ṯa domony. 53 lakin ner ari yima nyiḏak, kaka ilŋiicar gwu, tira timay. 54 nuŋw miḏa ṯii ṯuŋwun pup, nuŋw ornuti ŋunduŋwu, nuŋw eca ŋwu: tor tinyi, kiɽṯi. 55 na tigɽim ṯuŋwun aɽiḏana tuc, nuŋw diɽelu pruṯ. nezi Yecu andaci eḏinḏeḏa eḏneya were. 56 na ṯernyin-ŋa ṯibi lenyin gi, ner liŋɽi kaka aḏa kwere, nuŋw zi ici nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: eṯi zi andica kwizi kwere ŋu mac, ŋimerrini.