Jesus and the Devil
(Matthew 4.1-11Mark 1.12Mark 13)
1 When Jesus returned from the Jordan River, the power of the Holy Spirit was with him, and the Spirit led him into the desert. 2 For 40 days Jesus was tested by the devil, and during that time he went without eating. When it was all over, he was hungry.
3 The devil said to Jesus, “If you are God's Son, tell this stone to turn into bread.”
4 Jesus answered, “The Scriptures say, ‘No one can live only on food.’ ”
5 Then the devil led Jesus up to a high place and quickly showed him all the nations on earth. 6 The devil said, “I will give all this power and glory to you. It has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7 Just worship me, and you can have it all.”
8 Jesus answered, “The Scriptures say:

‘Worship the Lord your God
and serve only him!’ ”

9 Finally, the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem and had him stand on top of the temple. The devil said, “If you are God's Son, jump off. 10-11 The Scriptures say:

‘God will tell his angels
to take care of you.
They will catch you
in their arms,
and you will not even hurt
your feet on the stones.’ ”

12 Jesus answered, “The Scriptures also say, ‘Don't try to test the Lord your God!’ ”
13 After the devil had finished testing Jesus in every way possible, he left him for a while.
Jesus Begins His Work
(Matthew 4.12-17Mark 1.14Mark 15)
14 Jesus returned to Galilee with the power of the Spirit. News about him spread everywhere. 15 He taught in the Jewish synagogues, and everyone praised him.
The People of Nazareth Turn against Jesus
(Matthew 13.53-58Mark 6.1-6)
16 Jesus went back to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as usual he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath. When he stood up to read from the Scriptures, 17 he was given the book of Isaiah the prophet. He opened it and read,

18 “The Lord's Spirit
has come to me,
because he has chosen me
to tell the good news
to the poor.
The Lord has sent me
to announce freedom
for prisoners,
to give sight to the blind,
to free everyone
who suffers,
19 and to say, ‘This is the year
the Lord has chosen.’ ”

20 Jesus closed the book, then handed it back to the man in charge and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue looked straight at Jesus.
21 Then Jesus said to them, “What you have just heard me read has come true today.”
22 All the people started talking about Jesus and were amazed at the wonderful things he said. They kept on asking, “Isn't he Joseph's son?”
23 Jesus answered:
You will certainly want to tell me this saying, “Doctor, first make yourself well.” You will tell me to do the same things here in my own hometown that you heard I did in Capernaum. 24 But you can be sure that no prophets are liked by the people of their own hometown.
25 Once during the time of Elijah there was no rain for three and a half years, and people everywhere were starving. There were many widows in Israel, 26 but Elijah was sent only to a widow in the town of Zarephath near the city of Sidon. 27 During the time of the prophet Elisha, many men in Israel had leprosy. But no one was healed, except Naaman who lived in Syria.
28 When the people in the synagogue heard Jesus say this, they became so angry 29 that they got up and threw him out of town. They dragged him to the edge of the cliff on which the town was built, because they wanted to throw him down from there. 30 But Jesus slipped through the crowd and got away.
A Man with an Evil Spirit
(Mark 1.21-28)
31 Jesus went to the town of Capernaum in Galilee and taught the people on the Sabbath. 32 His teaching amazed them because he spoke with power. 33 There in the synagogue was a man with an evil spirit. He yelled out, 34 “Hey, Jesus of Nazareth, what do you want with us? Are you here to get rid of us? I know who you are! You are God's Holy One.”
35 Jesus ordered the evil spirit to be quiet and come out. The demon threw the man to the ground in front of everyone and left without harming him.
36 They all were amazed and kept saying to each other, “What kind of teaching is this? He has power to order evil spirits out of people!” 37 News about Jesus spread all over that part of the country.
Jesus Heals Many People
(Matthew 8.14-17Mark 1.29-34)
38 Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon's home. When Jesus got there, he was told that Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a high fever. 39 So Jesus went over to her and ordered the fever to go away. Right then she was able to get up and serve them a meal.
40 After the sun had set, people with all kinds of diseases were brought to Jesus. He put his hands on each one of them and healed them. 41 Demons went out of many people and shouted, “You are the Son of God!” But Jesus ordered the demons not to speak because they knew he was the Messiah.
42 The next morning Jesus went out to a place where he could be alone, and crowds came looking for him. When they found him, they tried to stop him from leaving. 43 But Jesus said, “People in other towns must hear the good news about God's kingdom. This is why I was sent.” 44 So he kept on preaching in the synagogues in Judea.
aza 4
Yecu ma gwu ibliiz mummi
1 na Yecu aɽiḏa urdun, kwurene Ṯigɽim-na ṯirlinelu ter, na Ṯigɽim iili kwuḏer-na. 2 nuŋw gwu nana kaka ŋwamin ruɽi-riɽen ŋwumɔ ŋi ibliiz mummi, iti iiḏuŋw gwu kwomne kwere mac ki ŋwamin la ŋwa, mer rataḏi, na yaŋwu ye. 3 na ibliiz eca ŋwu: ma orɔ Tor teḏi Allah, andicazi kali ŋgu eḏi roḏine eḏne. 4 na Yecu eŋnici nuŋw eca ŋwu: ŋuluḏina, ŋaruŋw,
lizigwunaŋ liti leṯi miiḏi eḏne yi ṯuɽuk mac.
5 na ibliiz mulɔ nuŋw allazi kayin la nuŋw baŋaci ŋelenyi der der ŋeḏi ṯurmɩm tatap, ŋiniṯ ŋi-na ŋeŋen. 6 nuŋw eca ŋwu: ŋe ŋa zi inḏeḏa tatap, ŋuma ŋi-na, ŋiniṯ ŋi; kaka mer nyji gwu inḏeḏa tatap. menyji ta naŋni eḏi iṯiḏi, nyji ta iṯiḏi. 7 menyi ta kwoce lu, er orɔ ŋɔŋa tatap. 8 na Yecu eŋnici nuŋw eca ŋwu: ŋuluḏina ŋaruŋw:
eti kwoce Kwelenyi lu kwɔŋa kweni Allah,
na eṯəkizi ŋunduŋwu ŋɔḏɽor ṯuɽuk.
9 nuŋw mulḏa urzaliim, nuŋw allazi ki ṯora la ṯeḏi heykal, nuŋw eca ŋwu: ma orɔ Tor teḏi Allah, iidi ṯi, 10 kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw:
wɔŋa ṯiŋaca limaleyka luŋwun er ŋa aŋraci,
11 na:
le ŋa miḏeḏe la rii ri,
mindaŋ a ŋa kal kere ere ofe lara mac.
12 na Yecu eŋnici nuŋw eca ŋwu: ŋaruŋw, eṯere mummi
Kwelenyi kwɔŋwa kweni Allah mac.
13 ma ibliiz ratazi ṯumɔmma tatap, nuŋw rucina kinna kwɔkwɔ.
Yecu muŋw nani nazra
14 na Yecu aɽiḏa jaliil ŋuma ŋi-na ŋeḏi Ṯigɽim ṯirlinelu ter, ner iṯiḏi ŋiɽaŋali ŋeni ŋundu kezir wirkana lu tatap. 15 eṯuŋw zi ilŋiiḏini ki limajma-na leŋen, ner nii ŋunduŋwu-na tatap.
16 nuŋw upaḏi nazra, kezir wumɔŋw gwu peŋe. ma lamin orɔ leni zabiṯ, lirlinelu ter, nuŋw ele ki majma-na kaka etuŋw gwu erri, nuŋw diɽela eḏi zi orutizi. 17 ner inḏeḏa kiṯami keḏi ŋiɽaŋali-na ŋeḏi kwiɽi kweni izaya, nuŋw kiṯi kiṯami nuŋw kaṯazi ezir wuluḏina ŋiɽaŋali ŋeni ŋwu:
18 Ṯigɽim ṯeḏi Kweleny tinani duŋgwinyi,
kaka oɽaḏaŋw gwu nyuŋwu-na eḏ ireci luwaya ŋiɽaŋali ŋizaw;
nuŋw uza nyuŋwu eḏi zi ireci linanni ki ŋuway-na, eḏi zi eca ŋwu: a lellini;
eḏeca lunduŋa ŋwu: a lafri yey-na;
eḏi zi kedu kla leṯir zi owɽi yey;
19 eḏi zi ireci ŋeḏi kiḏla kizaw keḏi Kweleny.
20 nuŋw aɽazi kiṯami duŋw, nuŋw inḏeḏa kworu kweḏi majma, nuŋw nanalu eḏi zi andazi. na yey yeḏi kla tatap linani ki majma-na unḏaḏi ŋunduŋwu nana kwrɔp. 21 nuŋw zi naŋni eḏi zi andaci, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ŋiɽaŋal ŋu ŋuluḏine ŋimɔ ŋazi rataci aŋwunu, ŋimezi neŋne. 22 ner ŋi unḏi ki ŋeni ŋundu tatap ŋeni ŋami ŋami, ner liŋɽi ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋir ŋimɽi, ŋuruḏu ki ṯunyu-na ṯuŋwun, ner aru ŋwu: kwunde kwiri fa ta ŋgwu kwir tor teḏi yuzif a? 23 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: a le nyi keni andaci ŋiɽaŋali ŋu, er nyi eca, kwor kwir hakiim, zeyine! errizenyji deŋgeri-na, kezir wɔŋwa, tatap ŋir kaka ŋiniŋnanyji, ŋarir ŋi ŋwu, ŋeṯuŋw zi erri kafranahum. 24 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu, nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa rerem: lizi lende leṯ iɽi kwiɽyaŋi-na muŋw orɔ kwete kweŋen. 25 lakin, ŋiri rerem, leḏel lir law linani luru ki izrayiil-na, ki ŋwomur ŋwunani ŋi illiiya, na lere kiraḏi yiḏleyu ṯɔɽɔl na yowa nyirlil, mindaŋ ma yaŋwu enḏi yu tɔtɔr kezir wa tatap; 26 na Allah ere ṯiŋaḏa iliiyaŋw nani gwu kwere mac deŋgen-na, lakin nuŋw ṯiŋaḏa nani gwu kwaw kwete ṯuɽuk, kwir kweḏel, kayin wete kuṯu weni zarfa, weḏi zayḏaŋw. 27 na nyilaŋ nani nyuru kunuŋ ki izrayiil-na, ki lomur linani li kwiḏ kweni iliiza, nuŋw ere tere deŋgen-na mac timɔzuɽi, illa nuamaan ṯuɽuk kweḏi ezir kuṯu, weni zuriiya. 28 mer zi neŋne ŋu, na kla tatap linani ki majma-na, ner urezi rugwori dedep. 29 ner diɽela, ner ru Yecuŋw kinaŋw, ner mulɔ, ner gi allu kayin la wunanu gwu balaḏ kweŋen, wir ṯirlil, kaka naŋnar gwu eḏi ṯiŋaḏa. 30 lakin, nuŋw li ru-na tatap, nuŋw ele kitay papac.
ṯizeya ṯeḏi kwor kweḏi ṯigɽima-na ṯiki
31 nuŋw oɽaḏa lu ki meḏiina-na kwete kweḏi jaliilŋw, kweni kafranahum, na ki lamin leni zabit, lirlinelu ter, nuŋw zi gwu ilŋiiḏini; 32 ner liŋɽi ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋuŋun, kaka andicaŋw zi gwu ŋiɽya ŋi. 33 na kwor nani kwete ki majma-na, kweḏi ṯigɽima-na ṯiki, nuŋw ofna ŋuma ŋi, nuŋw eca ŋwu: 34 ma! nyiŋa le ŋa eca ḏa, kweni Yecu kweḏi nazraŋw? a kwumila eḏi kiraza nyuŋwuzi lu, a? nyi kwilŋiicaŋa pa rac; a kwiri kwete kwirlinelu ter kweḏi Allah. 35 na Yecu kirinyaḏa ŋunduŋwu, nuŋw eca ŋwu: nani pet, ruḏe kitay. na tigɽim tiki kalu kworu keligeny-na, nuŋw ruḏe duŋgwun-na, nuŋw zi ere errizi kworu ŋere ŋiki mac. 36 ner ṯibi tatap ner uŋwuniḏizi-na, ner aru ŋwu: ŋiɽaŋal ŋu ŋir ṯaŋ? eṯuŋw gwu andaci rigɽima riki ŋiɽya ŋi, ŋuma ŋi tɔk, eḏi ru, eṯir ṯa ru. 37 ner iṯiḏi ŋiɽaŋali la ŋeni ŋundu kezir tatap wirkana lu.
Yecu kwuzeye kwineyin kweḏi zimaan-ŋa na liḏaḏu luru
38 nuŋw diɽi nuŋw ru ki majma-na, nuŋw enḏi duənu kweḏi zimaan-ŋa; na kwineyin kweḏi zimaan-ŋa umi beṯen, kwiiḏinda. ner ŋi tureci la ŋu. 39 na Yecu rillaza lu, nuŋw ermici kimeṯi; na kimeṯ ala ŋunduŋwu rii; nuŋw diɽeni tuc, nuŋw zi ogwumicelu.
40 ma aŋwun naŋni eḏoɽi, na kla tatap leḏi lizi lere luma, kimeṯi kir ter ter, ner zi muloca ŋunduŋwu, nuŋw zi kekite rii nana lere lere, nuŋw zi kikileḏi tatap. 41 na rigɽim riki tɔk ruḏa ki lizi-na luru; eṯir ari kwola ner eca ŋwu: a kwiri Tor teḏi Allah. lakin, nuŋw zi ermici nuŋw zi ṯinyini eḏandazi, kaka mer gwu elŋece ŋunduŋwu, eḏari: kwiri Kwruztu.
42 ma ezir afralu nuŋw diɽi nuŋw ele kezir wir wuḏer-na. na lizi naŋni, ner ila nanuŋw gwu, ner naŋni eḏi ṯinyini eḏi zi ere ṯaza lu mac, 43 lakin nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: nyi gwu ta pa ele eḏi zi andindaci liḏaḏu ki yayin yir ter tɔk ŋeni ŋizaw, ŋeḏi ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah, kaka uzarnyi gwu. 44 ŋwu ṯa eṯuŋw zi andindaci ki limajma-na leḏi yahuḏiiyaŋw.