Christ Gives Freedom
1 Christ has set us free! This means we are really free. Now hold on to your freedom and don't ever become slaves of the Law again.
2 I, Paul, promise you that Christ won't do you any good if you get circumcised. 3 If you do, you must obey the whole Law. 4 And if you try to please God by obeying the Law, you have cut yourself off from Christ and his gift of undeserved grace. 5 But the Spirit makes us sure God will accept us because of our faith in Christ. 6 If you are a follower of Christ Jesus, it makes no difference whether you are circumcised or not. All that matters is your faith that makes you love others.
7 You were doing so well until someone made you turn from the truth. 8 And that person was certainly not sent by the one who chose you. 9 A little yeast can change a whole batch of dough, 10 but you belong to the Lord. This makes me certain you will do what I say, instead of what someone else tells you to do. Whoever is causing trouble for you will be punished.
11 My friends, if I still preach that people need to be circumcised, why am I in so much trouble? The message about the cross would no longer be a problem, if I told people to be circumcised. 12 I wish everyone who is upsetting you would not only get circumcised, but would cut off much more!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
13 My friends, you were chosen to be free. So don't use your freedom as an excuse to do anything you want. Use it as an opportunity to serve each other with love. 14 All the Law says can be summed up in the command to love others as much as you love yourself. 15 But if you keep attacking each other like wild animals, you had better watch out or you will destroy yourselves.
God's Spirit and Our Own Desires
16 If you are guided by the Spirit, you won't obey your selfish desires. 17 The Spirit and your desires are enemies of each other. They are always fighting each other and keeping you from doing what you feel you should. 18 But if you obey the Spirit, the Law of Moses has no control over you.
19 People's desires make them give in to immoral ways, filthy thoughts, and shameful deeds. 20 They worship idols, practice witchcraft, hate others, and are hard to get along with. People become jealous, angry, and selfish. They not only argue and cause trouble, but they are 21 envious. They get drunk, carry on at wild parties, and do other evil things as well. I told you before, and I am telling you again: No one who does these things will share in the blessings of God's kingdom.
22 God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, 23 gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways. 24 And because we belong to Christ Jesus, we have killed our selfish feelings and desires. 25 God's Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the Spirit. 26 But don't be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are.
aza 5
1 Kwruztu kwumenyji kedi eḏorɔ lizi lir hurr; ṯaŋwu, enjer ŋwara lu teter, ta ere emni eḏi kəkini ki ŋuway-na kwokwony mac.
lazim eḏalla Kwruztuŋw, ya kuruu
2 ta na nyi kweni buuluz, nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa, ma emni eḏuɽuni ta, a Kwruztu ere ofḏani daŋgal-na mac. 3 ŋenyji ŋi ireci kwokwony, lere nyiḏak lemni eḏuɽuni, lazim eḏuŋw inyici kuruu nana tatap. 4 ma alliḏa kuruu rugwori nana eḏi ruzi ŋaŋwuzi lofḏana ta, a limuɽuḏenelu nani gwu Kwruztu, na nani gwu ṯimeca ṯuŋwun ṯeḏi ŋimɽi. 5 ṯəkiza ṯeri kizen eḏafi ṯofḏana ṯəmna ṯi, ṯeṯir nanjelu cugwɔ-cugwɔp, ner orɔ ŋɔḏɽor ŋeḏi Ṯigɽim ṯirlinelu ter. 6 kaka ma nani eḏi Kwruztu-na kweni Yecu ta, eṯi ṯuɽuna ere eni ŋiɽaŋal ŋere mac, ya eḏere uɽuni tɔk mac, lakin ṯəmna ṯiri ṯeṯi ruwezi ṯamɽa lu. 7 a limɔ duŋgwuŋgwaḏa ŋamaŋ, na eya kwiri kwuṯinyineŋazi mindaŋ eḏi zi ere inyici nana ŋirlalu mac? 8 ŋiɽaŋal ŋu ŋimurli ŋaŋwuzi, ŋiti ŋimila nani gwu Allah mac, wornuṯiŋazi. 9 nyuruŋwa nyɔkwɽeny nyeṯi ṯugwuli yila tatap. 10 nyi ŋgwu kwukitaŋazi ki ṯugwor-na eḏi Kweleny-na eḏaruŋw, a liti lirece ŋiɽaŋali ŋir ter yey lu mac, illi ŋinyi; na ŋgwa kweṯurreḏa ŋaŋwuzi-na ŋwafi hukma wuŋwun rac, muŋw kinna orɔ kaka aḏa. 11 lakin lieŋgeri, nyi kweṯandaci lizi eḏuɽuni a? beri ma! mer ta orɔ ŋu, er nyi ŋi ere owɽi yey kinna mac. eŋginyji andaci eḏuɽuni, eŋgir ere ermiḏeḏa ṯaliima nana teḏi ŋwuɽi ŋwuɽmɔḏalu mac. 12 nyi kwaru ŋwu ŋeḏi kla letiŋazi urreḏa-na, ŋofḏana deŋgen eḏuɽudeḏa yaŋna lu yeŋen tuc!
eṯefrinji ṯamɽa ṯalu eḏorɔ kweleny kweḏi hurriya walu
13 lieŋgeri linyi, ner ŋazi ornuṯi eḏi kedini; lakin eṯere efrinji hurriya walu eḏi bii ŋaŋwuzi kaduwa gi keḏi yaŋna yalu mac. eṯi meciḏizi-na ṯamɽa ṯi wuɽe-wuɽeny. 14 kaka eṯi gwu kuruu tatap rataḏi dap ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋutuput ŋir ŋu: eṯizamɽi liḏaḏu kaka eṯi gwu amɽi rɔgwɽɔ rɔŋwa. 15 lakin, ma yaḏiḏizina mindaŋ mezere ala rii mac, aŋraḏir mindaŋ mezi ere iri kitay daŋgal-na wuɽe-wuɽeny mac eḏernine.
ṯimulḏa ṯeḏi Ṯigɽim yirlinelu ter
16 lakin nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa, eṯi dirnaṯi eḏi Ṯigɽim-na mindaŋ eḏi zi ere erri ŋir zurum kweḏi rɔgwɽɔ ruɽun mac. 17 kaka ur gwu zurum kweḏi rɔgwɽɔ ruɽun tuwən Ṯigɽim ṯi, na zurum kweḏi Ṯigɽim orɔ ṯuwən rɔgwɽɔ ri ruɽun; kaka eṯir gwu multaḏiza ki riny ki riny eḏi ṯinyini ŋaŋwuzi eḏizerri kaka ŋinaŋnazi rugwor ralu eḏizerri. 18 lakin ma mulɔḏine Ṯigɽim ṯi, a liti linani ki rii-na reḏi kuruu mac. 19 na ŋɔḏɽor ŋeḏi rɔgwɽɔ ruɽun ŋilŋiiḏina derder ŋiri ŋijin tɔk, ŋerṯambal, ŋizarmuṯ, 20 ṯikwocalu teḏi libayil, ŋɔzŋor, ŋuweza, ŋerya, ke ŋiɽany, urezi tugwori, ṯamɽa ṯeḏi rɔgwɽɔ, ṯundenena, ṯoɽmaṯa duŋw ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋir ŋəluŋ, 21 ŋurmuḏu, na ṯurlela, na ṯaḏifayina, na ŋiḏaḏu ŋir kaka ṯaŋwu. nyi kwirecaŋazi kaka irecaŋazi gwu kerreny, kla leṯizerri ŋwu, er ere afi ŋoru ŋeḏi ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah mac. 22 lakin na nyor nyeḏi Ṯigɽim ṯirlinelu ter eni ṯamɽa, ṯinyiŋlana, ŋiɽena, ṯindinyana nana ṯeḏi ṯurfa, ṯimeca ṯi, ŋizana ŋi, ŋirlalu tɔk, 23 ṯejilina ki rɔgwɽɔ, na ŋuma eḏi ŋi miḏa ṯugwori; na kuruu ere nani mac keḏi ŋiɽaŋali ŋir kaka ŋu. 24 na kla lir leḏi Kwruztu kweni Yecu, linderṯa limɔ ṯigreḏa rɔgwɽɔ ruɽun ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu kaduwa gi keŋen, zurum gi tɔk.
25 mer miiḏi Ṯigɽim ṯi, er ma dirnaṯi tɔk eḏi Ṯigɽim-na. 26 er ma ere amɽi rɔgwɽɔ reri beten mac, er ere apiraḏizi ŋarriny-na wuɽe-wuɽeny mac, er ere kiyaḏizi ŋiɽany wuɽe-wuɽeny tɔk mac.