1 I have decided not to make my next visit with you so painful. 2 If I make you feel bad, who would be left to cheer me up, except the people I had made to feel bad? 3 The reason I want to be happy is to make you happy. I wrote as I did because I didn't want to visit you and be made to feel bad, when you should make me feel happy. 4 At the time I wrote, I was suffering terribly. My eyes were full of tears, and my heart was broken. But I didn't want to make you feel bad. I only wanted to let you know how much I cared for you.
5 I don't want to be hard on you. But if one of you has made someone feel bad, I am not really the one who has been made to feel bad. Some of you are the ones. 6 Most of you have already pointed out the wrong that person did, and this is punishment enough for what was done.
7 When people sin, you should forgive and comfort them, so they won't give up in despair. 8 You should make them sure of your love for them.
9 I also wrote because I wanted to test you and find out if you would follow my instructions. 10 I will forgive anyone you forgive. Yes, for your sake and with Christ as my witness, I have forgiven whatever needed to be forgiven. 11 I have done this to keep Satan from getting the better of us. We all know what goes on in his mind.
12 When I went to Troas to preach the good news about Christ, I found that the Lord had already prepared the way. 13 But I was worried when I didn't find my friend Titus there. So I left the other followers and went on to Macedonia.
14 I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume. 15-16 In fact, God thinks of us as a perfume that brings Christ to everyone. For people who are being saved, this perfume has a sweet smell and leads them to a better life. But for people who are lost, it has a bad smell and leads them to a horrible death.
No one really has what it takes to do this work. 17 A lot of people try to get rich from preaching God's message. But we are God's sincere messengers, and by the power of Christ we speak our message with God as our witness.
aza 2
1 ṯaŋwu nenyi irezi yey lu eḏere ila eḏi raŋḏa ŋaŋwuzi mac eḏi kiɽeci ŋaŋwuzi kwokwony ṯirara. 2 ma ŋazi gwu inḏini ṯuronyina ta, eya kwiri kwenyi inḏeḏa ṯinyiŋlana illi ŋgwa kwumenyi runyini? 3 nenyji ma luḏa kaka ṯaŋwu mindaŋ menyila enyjere inḏini ṯirara mac lizi li kla leŋgi nyi inḏeḏa ṯinyiŋlana, nenyjelŋece rac ŋeni ŋalu tatap, ṯinyiŋlana tinyi ṯorɔ ṯinyiŋlana ṯalu tatap. 4 kaka lucaŋazi gwu ṯurfa ṯi ṯupa na ṯugwor ṯi ṯirara ṯeṯec, na ŋwal ŋi ŋwitezir, ŋiti ŋiri eḏinḏini ŋaŋwuzi ṯuronyina mac, lakin eḏilŋiiḏini ŋaŋwuzi ṯamɽa ṯupa ṯiminni ṯeḏinyji ṯeni ŋaŋa.
enjeri kiloɽu-na ŋgwa kwumezerri ŋiki muŋw urla ṯugwori lu
5 lakin muŋw inḏini kwere ṯuronyina, nuŋw ere inḏini ṯeni nyi mac, lakin nuŋw eni ṯinḏinaŋw ŋaŋwuzi tatap ṯɔkwɔ— eḏere ufini ŋunduŋwu ŋiɽaŋali ŋini didip mac. 6 na ṯa jiiza andi ṯaŋwu kweḏi ŋgwa kwuhakwuma gi lizi luru; 7 ṯaŋwu, ŋofḏana eḏurla eḏi zi miɽinyacalu, na eḏi kandizelu mindaŋ ma ṯugwor ṯuŋwun ere ajili ṯuronyina ṯi. 8 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nyi kwuturecaŋazi lu tur eḏi ruwezezi ŋunduŋwu ṯamɽa nana ṯalu. 9 ŋinderṯa ŋu ŋulucaŋazi, mindaŋ eḏi ma ṯeci ŋaŋwuzi, eḏi zi ma elŋe eḏaruŋw, a leṯinyi inyici nana kwɔmne gi tatap. 10 kwere kwumɔ zi iɽinyacalu, enyji iɽinyacalu nyi tɔk. ŋa ŋimenyji ŋi iɽinyacalu, menyji iɽinyacalu ŋere, ner orɔ ŋeni ŋalu ki yey-na yeḏi Kwruztu, 11 mindaŋ eḏi ṯinyini zeyṯaanŋw eḏəgini ŋuma deŋgeri la; kaka ilŋiicar gwu ŋiɽaŋali ŋeṯuŋw zi naŋni eḏizerri.
ṯurfa na ṯillaza ki, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋizaw ŋir injiil
12 menyila ṯarwaaz eḏi zi andaci ŋiɽaŋali ŋizaw ŋeḏi Kwruztu ŋir injiil, nenyi ṯay nanji ṯifoɽu eḏi Kweleny-na; 13 lakin na ṯugwor ṯinyi ere eḏi ŋuma mac eḏi biɽeci nyuŋwu lu, kaka iti inḏa nyi gwu eŋgeriŋw kwinyi kweni tiiṯaz kinanɔŋw mac. ṯaŋwu nenyji ṯaza lu, nenyele makḏunya.
14 lakin er eca Allah zukran weṯinyji mulḏa ki ṯillaza-na ki ŋwamin tatap eḏi Kwruztu-na, na weṯi feḏi ṯilŋiiḏina ṯuŋwun nyiŋa li kezir nana tatap, kaka wəŋ wami. 15 kaka enir gwu nyiŋa wəŋ weḏi Kwruztu wamiḏi Allah, nanir gwu kla linḏi eḏi kilaw, na nanir gwu kla linḏi eḏi kiraḏa lu; 16 ŋeḏi lete, liri wəŋ weḏi ŋiɽany winḏi ŋiɽany-na, na ŋeḏi liḏaḏu liri wəŋ weḏi ŋimiiḏa winḏi eḏi ŋimiiḏa-na. eya kwiri kweḏi ŋuma oɽeny ki rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun eḏorɔ ṯa ŋwu? 17 nyiŋa liti liri kaka kla luru mac leṯinaŋni eḏəginici rɔgwɽɔ reŋen kwɔmne kwere ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi Allah, lakin kaka lor liira ŋidiny-na, kaka ellinyji gwu Allah-na, eṯinyji andazi ki yey-na yeḏi Allah eḏi Kwruztu-na.