Helping Christian Leaders
1 Church leaders, I am writing to encourage you. I too am a leader, as well as a witness to Christ's suffering, and I will share in his glory when it is shown to us.
2 Just as shepherds watch over their sheep, you must watch over everyone God has placed in your care. Do it willingly in order to please God, and not simply because you think you must. Let it be something you want to do, instead of something you do merely to make money. 3 Don't be bossy to those people who are in your care, but set an example for them. 4 Then when Christ the Chief Shepherd returns, you will be given a crown that will never lose its glory.
5 All of you young people should obey your elders. In fact, everyone should be humble toward everyone else. The Scriptures say,

“God opposes proud people,
but he helps everyone
who is humble.”

6 Be humble in the presence of God's mighty power, and he will honor you when the time comes. 7 God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.
8 Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack. 9 But you must resist the devil and stay strong in your faith. You know that all over the world the Lord's followers are suffering just as you are. 10 But God shows undeserved kindness to everyone. That's why he appointed Christ Jesus to choose you to share in his eternal glory. You will suffer for a while, but God will make you complete, steady, strong, and firm. 11 God will be in control forever! Amen.
Final Greetings
12 Silvanus helped me write this short letter, and I consider him a faithful follower of the Lord. I wanted to encourage you and tell you how kind God really is, so you will keep on having faith in him.
13 Greetings from the Lord's followers in Babylon. They are God's chosen ones.
Mark, who is like a son to me, sends his greetings too.
14 Give each other a warm greeting. I pray that God will give peace to everyone who belongs to Christ.
aza 5
buṯruz kworace lijowiṯi
1 ṯaŋwu, nenyi oraci lijowiṯi linani daŋgal-na, eni nyi gwu kwijowiṯ kwete kwir ŋali tɔk, kwir kwete kwiza ṯirerina ṯeḏi Kwruztu, na kwinḏi tɔk eḏafi ŋoru ki ŋiniṯ-na ŋinḏi eḏi ruwene lu. 2 aŋricari yaŋali yeḏi Allah yinḏeḏer ŋazi eḏizaŋraci kaka nyaɽa, yiti yaŋracaŋa zi eḏəginici rɔgwɽɔ ralu kwɔmne kwere kwiti kwofḏana mac, lakin rugwor ri-na reṯamina, 3 na liti linaŋna eḏorɔ leleny tɔk mac leḏi kla laŋracaŋa zi, lakin kaka kla leṯi zi gwu yaŋal izazi eḏi kwakiḏaḏa, ŋamaŋ. 4 mindaŋ ma Kweleny kweḏi nyaɽa ruwene lu ta, a afi taŋgiŋi teḏi ŋiniṯ, titi teḏi ŋuma eḏernine mac.
5 kaka ṯaŋwu, ŋaŋa lir lɔkwɽeny, kitizari ŋiɽaŋali yey ŋeḏi kla leni lijowiṯ; eṯi kəkini-na teter ṯejilina ṯi ki rɔgwɽɔ eḏi meciḏizina, kaka
eṯi gwu Allah ṯinyini lizi leṯellini,
lakin eṯuŋw zi inḏeḏa kla leṯejilini ki rɔgwɽɔ ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi.
6 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, eṯejilini ki rɔgwɽɔ ki ṯii-na ṯeḏi Allah ṯiṯemḏi ŋuma ŋi, mindaŋ ma lamin ila lofḏana, wɔŋazi dimeḏa la teṯ. 7 kitizari ŋunduŋwu kwɔmne kwalu ndendeṯ kweṯi ŋazi urreḏa, kaka eṯuŋw gwu karni ŋaŋwuzi. 8 eṯaŋrani ki rɔgwɽɔ; a nanalu yey yelu. ṯuwən ṯalu teni ibliiz ṯeṯi ireri la jilaŋ jilaŋ kaka zundaŋ kwetari, naŋnaŋw gwu kwizi lu kwere eḏi ŋiraŋ-na ŋurut ŋuruṯ. 9 niḏri nana ibliiz yi teter; enjer ŋwara lu teter ki təmna-na ṯalu, lilŋiica liaŋgalu ŋwuzi lalu, lir likwruztyan ṯurmun nana tatap letinḏa ṯurfa bɽe-bɽet taŋwu. 10 kwaḏan, ma rerini kwɔkwɔ, a Allah ŋundu, weḏi ṯimeca tatap teḏi ŋimɽi, wumɔ ŋazi ornuṯi eḏenḏi ki ŋinit-na ŋuŋun ŋetinanniḏa dɔk eḏi Kwruztu-na, wɔŋazi daɽmaci tuc, wɔŋazi enjelu kider, wɔŋazi firlazi la teter. 11 eḏi ŋinit-ŋa ŋuma ŋi ŋeḏi ŋeleny orɔ ŋuŋun dɔk dɔk. emba.
12 nyi kwumɔ ŋazi luca juwaba ŋgwu kwubla ṯii ṯi ṯeḏi zilwaanuz, kwir eŋgeri kwirlalu ki yey-na yinyi, eḏi gi oraci ŋaŋwuzi, na eḏi gwu unḏi ṯimeca teḏi ŋimɽi ki teḏi Allah; eti gwu enji ŋwara lu teter. 13 ŋgwa kwunani baabil, kwica Allah-na tɔk, kaka ŋaŋwuzi, kwagnaŋazi; marguz, kwir tor tinyi, kwagnaŋazi tɔk. 14 agnizar-na wuɽe-wuɽeny ṯagna ṯi ṯeḏi ŋimɽi.
eḏi ŋiɽena nani daŋgal-na nani gwu kla tatap linani eḏi Kwruztu-na.