1 لَيتَكَ لي كأخٍ
رضَعَ ثَدْيَ أُمِّي،
فألقاكَ في خارجِ الدَّارِ
وأُقَبِّلَكَ فلا أُحتَقَرُ.
2 أقودُكَ وأدخُلُ بكَ
إلى بَيتِ أمِّي.
هُناكَ تُعَلِّمُني الحبَّ،
فأسقيكَ أطيَبَ الخمرِ،
مِنْ عصيرِ رُمَّاني.
3 شِمالُكَ تَحتَ رأسي،
ويَمينُكَ تُعانِقُني.
4 أستَحلِفُكُنَّ يا بَناتِ أورُشليمَ،
ألاَّ تُنهِضْنَ حبـيبتي
ولا تُنبِهْنَها حتّى تَشاءَ.
5 مَنْ هذِهِ الطَّالِعةُ مِنَ البرِّيَّةِ
وهيَ تَستَنِدُ إلى حبـيبِها؟
تَحتَ التُفَّاحةِ نَبَّهْتُكَ‌.
هُناكَ ولَدَتْكَ أمُّكَ،
ولَدَتْكَ الّتي حَبِلَت بِكَ.
6 إجعَلْني خاتَما على قلبِكَ،
خاتَما على ذِراعِكَ.
الحبُّ قوِيٌّ كالموتِ،
والغَيرَةُ قاسيةٌ كعالَمِ الموتِ.
لَهيـبُها لَهيـبُ نارٍ،
وجَمْرُها مُتَّقِدٌ.
7 الحبُّ لا تُطفِئُهُ المياهُ الغزيرةُ،
ولا تَغمُرُهُ الأنهارُ.
لو أعطَى الإنسانُ ثَروةَ بَيتِهِ
ثَمَنا لِلحبِّ لَنالَهُ الاحتِقارُ.
إخوة العروس
8 أُختُنا صغيرةٌ بَعدُ،
ولا ثَديانِ لها.
إنْ جاءَها الخاطِبُ يوما،
فماذا تَرانا نفعَلُ؟
9 إنْ كانَت سُورا بَنَينا
علَيهِ بُرْجا مِنَ الفِضَّةِ،
وإنْ كانَت بابا أحَطْناهُ
بألواحٍ مِنْ أرْزٍ.
10 أنا سُورٌ وثَديايَ بُرْجانِ،
وعِندَ حبـيبـي وجَدْتُ السَّلامَ.
11 كانَ لِسُليمانَ كَرمٌ
في بَعلَ هامونَ.
سلَّمَهُ إلى النَّواطيرِ
بألفٍ مِنَ الفِضَّةِ
لِكُلِّ واحدٍ مِنهُم.
12 لكَ ألفُكَ يا سُليمانُ
ولِنَواطيرِكَ مِئتانِ،
أمَّا أنا فلي كَرمي،
13 يا ساكِنَةَ الجَنَّاتِ،
الأصحابُ يُصغونَ إليكِ،
فأسمِعينا صوتَكِ.
14 ا‏هرُبْ يا حبـيبـي
وكُنْ كالظَّبْـي،
أو كوَعْلٍ صغيرٍ
على جبَلِ الأطيابِ‌.
1 I wish that you were my brother,
that my mother had nursed you at her breast.
Then, if I met you in the street,
I could kiss you and no one would mind.
2 I would take you to my mother's house,
where you could teach me love.
I would give you spiced wine,
my pomegranate wine to drink.

3 Your left hand is under my head,
and your right hand caresses me.

4 Promise me, women of Jerusalem,
that you will not interrupt our love.
The Sixth Song
The Women
5 Who is this coming from the desert,
arm in arm with her lover?
The Woman
Under the apple tree I woke you,
in the place where you were born.
6 Close your heart to every love but mine;
hold no one in your arms but me.
Love is as powerful as death;
passion is as strong as death itself.
It bursts into flame
and burns like a raging fire.
7 Water cannot put it out;
no flood can drown it.
But if any tried to buy love with their wealth,
contempt is all they would get.
The Woman's Brothers
8 We have a young sister,
and her breasts are still small.
What will we do for her
when a young man comes courting?
9 If she is a wall,
we will build her a silver tower.
But if she is a gate,
we will protect her with panels of cedar.
The Woman
10 I am a wall,
and my breasts are its towers.
My lover knows that with him
I find contentment and peace.
The Man
11 Solomon has a vineyard
in a place called Baal Hamon.
There are farmers who rent it from him;
each one pays a thousand silver coins.
12 Solomon is welcome to his thousand coins,
and the farmers to two hundred as their share;
I have a vineyard of my own!

13 Let me hear your voice from the garden, my love;
my companions are waiting to hear you speak.
The Woman
14 Come to me, my lover, like a gazelle,
like a young stag on the mountains where spices grow.