نشيد الخلاص
1 لِكبـيرِ المُغَنِّينَ على القيثارةِ. مزمورٌ لآسافَ‌. نشيدٌ:
2 اللهُ معروفٌ في يَهوذا
واسمُهُ عظيمٌ في إِسرائيلَ.
3 في أورُشليمَ‌ مُقامُهُ،
ومَسكِنُهُ في صِهيَونَ.
4 هُناكَ كسَرَ السِّهامَ البارِقَةَ‌
والتُّرْسَ والسَّيفَ وعَتادَ الحربِ.
5 أنتَ أبهى‌ أيُّها القديرُ
مِنَ الجبالِ الرَّاسخةِ‌ إلى الأبدِ.
6 أقوياءُ القلُوبِ سُلِبت غنائِمُهُم‌
وغرِقوا في سُباتِ الموتِ،
7 وَمنِ ا‏نتِهارِكَ يا إلهَ يَعقوبَ
صُعِقَ الفارسُ والجوادُ.
8 أنتَ رهيـبٌ يا اللهُ،
ففي غضَبِكَ مَنْ يَقِفُ أمامَكَ؟
9 مِنَ السَّماءِ تُسمِعُ أحكامَكَ،
فتخافُ الأرضُ وتهدَأُ.
10 وحينَ تقومُ للقضاءِ يا اللهُ
تُخَلِّصُ جميعَ مساكينِ الأرضِ.
11 غضَبُكَ على أدومَ يحمَدُكَ،
وثاراتُ حماةٍ تُعيِّدُ لكَ‌.
12 أنذِروا وأوفُوا للرّبِّ إلهِكُم.
قَدِّموا الهدايا لِلإلهِ المَهيـبِ،
يا جميعَ الّذينَ حولَهُ.
13 هوَ يقطَعُ أنفاسَ العُظَماءِ،
وهوَ الرَّهيـبُ عِندَ مُلوكِ الأرضِ.
God the Victor
1 God is known in Judah;
his name is honored in Israel.
2 He has his home in Jerusalem;
he lives on Mount Zion.
3 There he broke the arrows of the enemy,
their shields and swords, yes, all their weapons.

4 How glorious you are, O God!
How majestic, as you return from the mountains
where you defeated your foes.
5 Their brave soldiers have been stripped of all they had
and now are sleeping the sleep of death;
all their strength and skill was useless.
6 When you threatened them, O God of Jacob,
the horses and their riders fell dead.

7 But you, Lord, are feared by all.
No one can stand in your presence
when you are angry.
8 You made your judgment known from heaven;
the world was afraid and kept silent,
9 when you rose up to pronounce judgment,
to save all the oppressed on earth.

10 Human anger only results in more praise for you;
those who survive the wars will keep your festivals.

11 Give the Lord your God what you promised him;
bring gifts to him, all you nearby nations.
God makes everyone fear him;
12 he humbles proud princes
and terrifies great kings.