التمسك الأعمى بالتقاليد
(متى 15‏:1‏-9)
1 واَجتمعَ إليهِ الفَرّيسيّونَ وبَعضُ مُعَلّمي الشّريعةِ القادمينَ مِنْ أُورُشليمَ. 2 فرأَوا بَعضَ تلاميذِهِ يتَناولونَ الطّعامَ بأيدٍ نَجِسَةٍ، أي غيرِ مَغسولَةٍ، فَلامُوهُ. 3 لأنّ الفَرّيسيّينَ واليهودَ على العُمومِ يَتَمسّكونَ بِتقاليدِ القُدَماءِ، فلا يأكُلونَ إلاّ بَعدَ أنْ يَغسِلوا أيديَهُم جيّدًا. 4 وإذا رَجَعوا مِنَ السّوقِ لا يأكُلونَ شَيئًا إلاّ إذا غَسَلوهُ. وهُناكَ أشياءُ أُخرى كثيرةٌ توارثوها ليَعملوا بِها، كغَسْلِ الكؤُوسِ والأباريقِ وأَوعيةِ النّحاسِ والأسرّةِ.
5 فسألَهُ الفَرّيسيّونَ ومُعَلّمو الشّريعَةِ: «لماذا لا يُراعي تلاميذُكَ تَقاليدَ القُدَماءِ، بل يتَناولونَ الطّعامَ بأيدٍ نَجِسَةٍ؟» 6 فأجابَهُم: «يا مُراؤونَ! صَدَقَ إشَعيا في نُبوءَتِهِ عنكُم، كما جاءَ في الكِتابِ:
هذا الشّعبُ يُكرِمُني بشَفَتَيهِ،
وأمّا قَلبُهُ فبعيدٌ عنّي.
7 وهوَ باطِلاً يَعبُدُني
بِتعاليمَ وضَعَها البَشَرُ.
8 أنتُم تُهمِلونَ وَصيّةَ اللهِ وتتَمَسّكونَ بِتقاليدِ البشَرِ».
9 وقالَ لهُم: «ما أبرَعكُم في نَقضِ شَريعةِ اللهِ لِتُحافِظوا على تَقاليدِكُم! 10 قالَ موسى: أكرِمْ أباكَ وأُمّكَ، ومَنْ لعَنَ أباهُ أو أُمّهُ فَموتًا يَموتَ. 11 أمّا أنتُم فتَقولونَ: إذا كانَ عِندَ أحَدٍ ما يُساعِدُ بِه أباهُ أو أُمّهُ، ثُمّ قالَ لهُما: هذا قُربانٌ، أي تَقدِمةٌ للهِ، 12 يُعفَى مِنْ مُساعَدَةِ أبيهِ أو أُمّهِ. 13 فتُبطِلونَ كلامَ اللهِ بتقاليدَ مِنْ عِندِكُم تَتوارثُونَها وهُناكَ أُمورٌ كثيرةٌ مِثْلُ هذِهِ تَعمَلونَها».
ما ينجس الإنسان
(متى 15‏:10‏-20)
14 ودعا الجُموعَ وقالَ لهُم: «أَصغُوا إليّ كُلّكُم واَفهَموا: 15 ما مِنْ شيءٍ يَدخُلُ الإنسانَ مِنَ الخارِجِ يُنجّسُهُ. ولكن ما يخرُجُ مِنَ الإنسانِ هوَ الذي يُنَجّسُ الإنسانَ. 16 [مَنْ كانَ لَه أُذُنانِ تَسمَعانِ، فليَسمَعْ!»].
17 ولمّا ترَكَ الجُموعَ ورجَعَ إلى البَيتِ، سألَهُ تلاميذُهُ عَنْ مَغزى هذا المثَلِ، 18 فقالَ لهُم: «أهكذا أنتُم أيضًا لا تَفهَمونَ؟ ألا تَعرِفونَ أنّ ما يَدخُلُ الإنسانَ مِنَ الخارِجِ لا يُنجّسُهُ، 19 لأنّهُ لا يَدخُلُ إلى قلبِهِ، بل إلى جَوفِهِ، ثُمّ يَخرُجُ مِنَ الجَسَدِ؟» وفي قولِهِ هذا جعَلَ يَسوعُ الأطعِمَةَ كُلّها طاهِرَةً.
20 وقالَ لهُم: «ما يخرُجُ مِنَ الإنسانِ هوَ الذي يُنجّسُهُ، 21 لأنّ مِنَ الدّاخِلِ، مِنْ قُلوبِ النّاسِ، تَخرُجُ الأفكارُ الشّرّيرةُ: الفِسقُ والسّرِقةُ والقَتلُ 22 والزّنى والطّمعُ والخُبثُ والغشّ والفُجورُ والحَسَدُ والنّميمَةُ والكِبرياءُ والجَهلُ. 23 هذِهِ المفاسِدُ كُلّها تَخرُجُ مِنْ داخلِ الإنسانِ فَتُنَجّسُهُ».
إيمان المرأة الكنعانية
(متى 15‏:21‏-28)
24 واَنتَقَلَ مِنْ هُناكَ إلى نواحي صورَ. ودخَلَ بَيتًا، وكانَ لا يُريدُ أنْ يَعلَمَ بِه أحدٌ، فَما أمكَنَهُ أنْ يُخفِيَ أمرَهُ. 25 وما إنْ سَمِعَت بِه اَمرأةٌ كانَ في اَبنَتِها رُوحٌ نَجِسٌ، حتى أسرعَت إليهِ واَرتَمَت على قَدَميهِ، 26 وسألتهُ أنْ يُخرِجَ الشّيطانَ مِن اَبنتِها. وكانَتِ المرأةُ غَيرَ يهودِيّةٍ، ومِنْ أصلٍ سورِيّ فينيقيّ. 27 فأجابَها يَسوعُ: «دَعي البَنِينَ أوّلاً يَشبَعونَ، فلا يَجوزُ أنْ يُؤْخَذَ خُبزُ البَنينَ ويُرمى لِلكِلابِ».
28 فقالَتِ المرأةُ: «يا سيّدي، حتى الكِلابُ تأكُلُ تَحتَ المائِدَةِ مِنْ فُتاتِ البَنينَ!» 29 فقالَ لها: «اَذهَبي، مِنْ أجلِ قولِكِ هذا خرَجَ الشّيطانُ مِن اَبنتِكِ». 30 فرجَعَتِ المرأةُ إلى بَيتِها، فوجَدَتِ اَبنتَها على السّريرِ، والشّيطانُ خرَجَ مِنها.
شفاء أصم
31 وترَكَ يَسوعُ نواحيَ صورَ، ومَرّ بصيدا راجِعًا إلى بحرِ الجليلِ، عَبْرَ أراضي المُدُنِ العَشْرِ. 32 فجاؤُوا إلَيهِ بأصمّ مُنعَقِدِ اللسانِ وتَوسّلوا إلَيهِ أنْ يَضَعَ يَدَهُ علَيهِ. 33 فاَبتَعَدَ بِه يَسوعُ عَنِ الجُموعِ، ووَضَعَ أصابِعَهُ في أُذنيِ الرّجُلِ وبصَقَ ولَمَسَ لِسانَهُ. 34 ورفَعَ عَينَيهِ نحوَ السّماءِ وتنَهّدَ وقالَ لِلرّجُلِ: «إفاتا، أي اَنفَتِحْ!» 35 ففي الحالِ اَنفَتحَت أُذُنا الرّجُلِ واَنحلّت عُقدةُ لِسانِهِ، فتكَلّم بِطَلاقةٍ. 36 وأوصاهُم يَسوعُ أنْ لا يُخبِروا أحدًا. فكانَ كُلّما أكثرَ مِنْ تَوصِيَتِهِم أكثَروا مِنْ إذاعَةِ الخَبَرِ. 37 وكانوا يَقولونَ بإِعجابٍ شَديدٍ: «ما أروَعَ أعمالَهُ كُلّها! جَعَلَ الصّمّ يَسمَعونَ والخُرسَ يَنطِقونَ».
The Teaching of the Ancestors
(Matthew 15.1-9)
1 Some Pharisees and teachers of the Law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus. 2 They noticed that some of his disciples were eating their food with hands that were ritually unclean—that is, they had not washed them in the way the Pharisees said people should.
( 3 For the Pharisees, as well as the rest of the Jews, follow the teaching they received from their ancestors: they do not eat unless they wash their hands in the proper way; 4 nor do they eat anything that comes from the market unless they wash it first. And they follow many other rules which they have received, such as the proper way to wash cups, pots, copper bowls, and beds. )
5 So the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law asked Jesus, “Why is it that your disciples do not follow the teaching handed down by our ancestors, but instead eat with ritually unclean hands?”
6 Jesus answered them, “How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you! You are hypocrites, just as he wrote:
‘These people, says God, honor me with their words,
but their heart is really far away from me.
7 It is no use for them to worship me,
because they teach human rules
as though they were my laws!’
8 “You put aside God's command and obey human teachings.”
9 And Jesus continued, “You have a clever way of rejecting God's law in order to uphold your own teaching. 10 For Moses commanded, ‘Respect your father and your mother,’ and, ‘If you curse your father or your mother, you are to be put to death.’ 11 But you teach that if people have something they could use to help their father or mother, but say, ‘This is Corban’ (which means, it belongs to God), 12 they are excused from helping their father or mother. 13 In this way the teaching you pass on to others cancels out the word of God. And there are many other things like this that you do.”
The Things That Make a Person Unclean
(Matthew 15.10-20)
14 Then Jesus called the crowd to him once more and said to them, “Listen to me, all of you, and understand. 15 There is nothing that goes into you from the outside which can make you ritually unclean. Rather, it is what comes out of you that makes you unclean.”
17 When he left the crowd and went into the house, his disciples asked him to explain this saying. 18 “You are no more intelligent than the others,” Jesus said to them. “Don't you understand? Nothing that goes into you from the outside can really make you unclean, 19 because it does not go into your heart but into your stomach and then goes on out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared that all foods are fit to be eaten.)
20 And he went on to say, “It is what comes out of you that makes you unclean. 21 For from the inside, from your heart, come the evil ideas which lead you to do immoral things, to rob, kill, 22 commit adultery, be greedy, and do all sorts of evil things; deceit, indecency, jealousy, slander, pride, and folly— 23 all these evil things come from inside you and make you unclean.”
A Woman's Faith
(Matthew 15.21-28)
24 Then Jesus left and went away to the territory near the city of Tyre. He went into a house and did not want anyone to know he was there, but he could not stay hidden. 25 A woman, whose daughter had an evil spirit in her, heard about Jesus and came to him at once and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was a Gentile, born in the region of Phoenicia in Syria. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter. 27 But Jesus answered, “Let us first feed the children. It isn't right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs.”
28 “Sir,” she answered, “even the dogs under the table eat the children's leftovers!”
29 So Jesus said to her, “Because of that answer, go back home, where you will find that the demon has gone out of your daughter!”
30 She went home and found her child lying on the bed; the demon had indeed gone out of her.
Jesus Heals a Deaf-Mute
31 Jesus then left the neighborhood of Tyre and went on through Sidon to Lake Galilee, going by way of the territory of the Ten Towns. 32 Some people brought him a man who was deaf and could hardly speak, and they begged Jesus to place his hands on him. 33 So Jesus took him off alone, away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man's ears, spat, and touched the man's tongue. 34 Then Jesus looked up to heaven, gave a deep groan, and said to the man, “Ephphatha,” which means, “Open up!”
35 At once the man was able to hear, his speech impediment was removed, and he began to talk without any trouble. 36 Then Jesus ordered the people not to speak of it to anyone; but the more he ordered them not to, the more they told it. 37 And all who heard were completely amazed. “How well he does everything!” they exclaimed. “He even causes the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak!”