رحيل يعقوب إلى مصر
1 فرَحَلَ يعقوبُ بِـجميعِ ما كانَ لَه وجاءَ إلى بِئرِ سَبْعَ، فذبَحَ ذبائِحَ لإلهِ أبـيهِ إسحَقَ. 2 فقالَ لَه اللهُ ليلا في رُؤيا: «يعقوبُ، يعقوبُ!» قالَ: «نعم، ها أنا». 3 قالَ: «أنا اللهُ إلهُ أبـيكَ. لا تَخَفْ أنْ تنزِلَ إلى مِصْرَ، فسَأجعَلُكَ أُمَّةً عظيمةً هُناكَ 4 أنا أنزِلُ معَكَ إلى مِصْرَ وأنا أُصعِدُكَ منها ويوسُفُ هوَ يُغمِضُ عينَيكَ ساعةَ تموتُ».
5 فقامَ يعقوبُ مِنْ بِئرِ سَبْعَ. وحَمَلَهُ بَنوه، كما حَمَلوا أطفالَهُم ونِساءَهُم على المَركباتِ الّتي أرسَلها فِرعَونُ. 6 وأخَذوا ماشيَتَهم وكُلَّ ما ا‏قتَنَوه في أرضِ كنعانَ وجاؤوا إلى مِصْرَ. وكانَ معَ يعقوبَ جميعُ نسلِهِ‌: 7 بَنوه وبَنو بَنيهِ وبَناتُه وبَناتُ بَنيهِ، عِندَما جاءَ إلى مِصْرَ.
بنو يعقوب
8 وهذِهِ أسماءُ بَني يعقوبَ الّذينَ جاؤوا إلى مِصْرَ: رَأوبـينُ بِكْرُ يعقوبَ، 9 وبَنو رَأوبـينَ: حَنوكُ وفَلُّو وحصرونُ وكَرمي، 10 بَنو شِمعونَ: يَمُوئِيلُ ويامينُ وأوهَدُ وياكينُ وصُوحَرُ وشأُولُ ا‏بنُ الكنعانِّيةِ، 11 وبَنو لاوي: جِرشُونُ وقَهاتُ ومَراري، 12 وبَنو يَهوذا عِيرُ وأُونانُ اللَّذانِ ماتا في أرضِ كنعانَ وشِيلَةُ وفارَصُ وزارَحُ، وا‏بنا فارَصَ: حصرونُ وحامولُ، 13 وبَنو يسَّاكرَ: تولاعُ وفُوَّةُ ويُوبُ‌ وشِمرُونُ، 14 وبَنو زبولونَ: سارَدُ وإِيلونُ وياحَلْئيلُ. 15 هؤلاءِ بَنو لَيئةَ الّذينَ ولَدَتْهم لِـيعقوبَ في سَهلِ أرامَ معَ دينَةَ ا‏بنَتِهِ، وجميعُهُم ثَلاثةٌ وثلاثونَ نفْسا.
16 وبَنو جادَ: صِفْيونُ وحَجِّي وشُوني وأصْبونُ وعيري وأرودي وأرئيلي، 17 وبَنو أشيرَ: يِمنَةُ ويِشوَةُ ويِشوي وبَريعَةُ وسارَحُ أُختُهم، وا‏بنا بَرِيعَةَ: حابَرُ ومَلْكِيئيلُ. 18 هؤلاءِ بَنو زِلْفَةَ الّتي أَعطاها لابانُ لِليئةَ ا‏بنَتِهِ فوَلَدَتْهم لِـيعقوبَ، وجميعُهم ستَّ عَشْرَة نفْسا.
19 وا‏بنا راحيلَ ا‏مرأةِ يعقوبَ: يوسُفُ وبنيامينُ. 20 ووُلِدَ لِـيوسُفَ في أرضِ مِصْرَ منَسَّى وأفرايمُ‌ مِنْ زوجتِهِ أسناتَ بِنتِ فوطي فارَعَ كاهنِ مدينَةِ أُونٍ‌. 21 وبَنو بنيامينَ: بالَعُ وباكَرُ وأشبـيلُ وجيرا ونعمانُ وإِيحي ورُوشُ ومُفِّيمُ وحُفِّيمُ وأرْدُ. 22 هؤلاءِ بَنو راحيلَ الّذينَ وُلِدُوا لِـيعقوبَ. وجميعُهُم أربَعَ عشْرَةَ نفْسا.
23 وا‏بنُ دانَ: حوشيمُ، 24 وبَنو نَفتالي: ياحَصْئيلُ وجوني ويِصْرُ وشِلِّيمُ. 25 هؤلاءِ بَنو بِلْهَةَ الّتي أعطاها لابانُ لراحيلَ ا‏بنتهِ فوَلَدَتْهم لِـيعقوبَ، وجميعُهم سَبْعُ أنفُسٍ.
26 فجميعُ الّذينَ جاؤوا إلى مِصْرَ معَ يعقوبَ، وهُم مِنْ صُلْبِه، ستَّةٌ وستُّونَ نفْسا‌ ما عدا نساءَ بَنيه. 27 وا‏بنا يوسُفَ اللَّذانِ وُلِدَا لَه في مِصْرَ نَفسانِ، فيكونُ جميعُ الّذينَ دخَلوا مِصْرَ مِنْ بَيتِ يعقوبَ سَبْعينَ نفْسا‌.
لقاء يوسف ويعقوب
28 وأرسَلَ يعقوبُ ا‏بنَه يَهوذا قُدَّامَه إلى يوسُفَ لِـيُلاقيَهُ في أرضِ جاسانَ‌. ثُمَّ جاؤوا أرضَ جاسانَ، 29 فأعَدَّ يوسُفُ مَركَبَته وصَعِدَ إلى هُناكَ لِـيلاقيَ‌ يعقوبَ أباه، فلمَّا رآهُ أقبلَ علَيه وعانَقَهُ وبَكى طويلا. 30 فقالَ لَه يعقوبُ: «دَعني أموتُ الآنَ بَعدَما رأيتُ وجهَكَ وعرَفْتُ أنَّكَ حَيٌّ بَعدُ».
31 وقالَ يوسُفُ لإخوتِه ولأهلِ بَيتِ أبـيهِ: «أنا ذاهِبٌ إلى فِرعَونَ لأقولَ لَه: إخوتي وأهلُ بـيتِ أبـي الّذينَ كانوا في أرضِ كنعانَ جاؤوا إليَّ. 32 وهم رُعاةُ غنَمٍ وأصحابُ ماشيةٍ، وأتَوا بِــغنَمِهِم وبقَرِهِمِ وجميعِ ما هوَ لهُم. 33 فإذا ا‏سْتَدعاكُم فِرعَونُ وقالَ لَكُم: ما حِرْفَتُكُم؟ 34 فقولوا: كُنَّا يا سيِّدي أصحابَ ماشيةٍ مِنْ صِغَرِنا إلى الآنَ، نحنُ وأباؤُنا جميعا. وهكذا يُمكِنُكُم أنْ تُقيمُوا بأرضِ جاسانَ، لأنَّ كُلَّ راعي غنَمٍ مَمقوتٌ عِندَ المِصْريِّينَ».
Jacob and His Family Go to Egypt
1 Jacob packed up all he had and went to Beersheba, where he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 2 God spoke to him in a vision at night and called, “Jacob, Jacob!”
“Yes, here I am,” he answered.
3 “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go to Egypt; I will make your descendants a great nation there. 4 I will go with you to Egypt, and I will bring your descendants back to this land. Joseph will be with you when you die.”
5 Jacob set out from Beersheba. His sons put him, their small children, and their wives in the wagons which the king of Egypt had sent. 6 They took their livestock and the possessions they had acquired in Canaan and went to Egypt. Jacob took all his descendants with him: 7 his sons, his grandsons, his daughters, and his granddaughters.
8 The members of Jacob's family who went to Egypt with him were his oldest son Reuben 9 and Reuben's sons: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. 10 Simeon and his sons: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a Canaanite woman. 11 Levi and his sons: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 12 Judah and his sons: Shelah, Perez, and Zerah. (Judah's other sons, Er and Onan, had died in Canaan.) Perez' sons were Hezron and Hamul. 13 Issachar and his sons: Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron. 14 Zebulun and his sons: Sered, Elon, and Jahleel. 15 These are the sons that Leah had borne to Jacob in Mesopotamia, besides his daughter Dinah. In all, his descendants by Leah numbered thirty-three.
16 Gad and his sons: Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arod, and Areli. 17 Asher and his sons: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, Beriah, and their sister Serah. Beriah's sons were Heber and Malchiel. 18 These sixteen are the descendants of Jacob by Zilpah, the slave woman whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah.
19 Jacob's wife Rachel bore him two sons: Joseph and Benjamin. 20 In Egypt Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, by Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, a priest in Heliopolis. 21 Benjamin's sons were Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard. 22 These fourteen are the descendants of Jacob by Rachel.
23 Dan and his son Hushim. 24 Naphtali and his sons: Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem. 25 These seven are the descendants of Jacob by Bilhah, the slave woman whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel.
26 The total number of the direct descendants of Jacob who went to Egypt was sixty-six, not including his sons' wives. 27 Two sons were born to Joseph in Egypt, bringing to seventy the total number of Jacob's family who went there.
Jacob and His Family in Egypt
28 Jacob sent Judah ahead to ask Joseph to meet them in Goshen. When they arrived, 29 Joseph got in his chariot and went to Goshen to meet his father. When they met, Joseph threw his arms around his father's neck and cried for a long time. 30 Jacob said to Joseph, “I am ready to die, now that I have seen you and know that you are still alive.”
31 Then Joseph said to his brothers and the rest of his father's family, “I must go and tell the king that my brothers and all my father's family, who were living in Canaan, have come to me. 32 I will tell him that you are shepherds and take care of livestock and that you have brought your flocks and herds and everything else that belongs to you. 33 When the king calls for you and asks what your occupation is, 34 be sure to tell him that you have taken care of livestock all your lives, just as your ancestors did. In this way he will let you live in the region of Goshen.” Joseph said this because Egyptians will have nothing to do with shepherds.