1 وفرَضَ المَلِكُ أحشويروشُ ضَريـبةً في مَملكتِهِ على اليابِسَةِ وجَزائرِ البحرِ. 2 وجميعُ الأعمالِ الّتي عَمِلَها المَلِكُ بِـجَبَروتِهِ وقُدْرَتِهِ وكَيفَ رفَعَ مُرْدخايَ إلى أعلى مَقامٍ مَكتوبةٌ في كِتابِ أخبارِ الأيّامِ‌ لِمُلوكِ مادي وفارسَ‌ 3 وكَيفَ كانَ مُرْدخايُ الثَّانيَ بَعدَ أحشويروشَ وعظيما بَينَ اليهودِ ومقبولا عِندَ مُعظَمِ بَني قَومِهِ، يَطلُبُ الخَيرَ لِشعبِهِ ويتكلَّمُ بالسَّلامِ لِجميعِ أبناءِ جِنسِهِ.
The Greatness of Xerxes and Mordecai
1 King Xerxes imposed forced labor on the people of the coastal regions of his empire as well as on those of the interior. 2 All the great and wonderful things he did, as well as the whole story of how he promoted Mordecai to high office, are recorded in the official records of the kings of Persia and Media. 3 Mordecai the Jew was second in rank only to King Xerxes himself. He was honored and well-liked by his fellow Jews. He worked for the good of his people and for the security of all their descendants.