حزقيا يصلح الحياة الدينية
1 ولمَّا تَمَّ هذا كُلُّهُ خرَجَ جميعُ بَني إِسرائيلَ الّذينَ حَضَروا، خَرَجوا إلى مُدُنِ يَهوذا وكسَّروا الأنصابَ، وحَطَّموا تَماثيلَ أشيرةَ، وهَدَموا المذابِـحَ الّتي على المُرتفعاتِ في جميعِ أرضِ يَهوذا وبنيامينَ وأفرايمَ ومنَسَّى، ثُمَّ رجَعَ كُلُّ واحدٍ مِنهُم إلى مدينَتِهِ وإلى مُلْكِهِ.
2 ونظَّمَ حِزقيَّا فِرَقَ الكهَنةِ واللاَّويِّينَ بِـحسَبِ وظائِفِهم الّتي تَشمُلُ خِدمةَ تَقديمِ المُحرَقاتِ وذبائِـحِ السَّلامةِ والحَمدِ والتَّسبـيحِ في مُختَلفِ أقسامِ الهَيكلِ، وما إلى ذلِكَ مِنَ الخَدَماتِ. 3 وأعطى المَلِكُ‌ حِصَّةً مِنْ مَواشيهِ لِمُحرَقاتِ الصَّباحِ والمساءِ ومُحرقاتِ السُّبوتِ ورؤوسِ الشُّهورِ والأعيادِ، كما هوَ مكتوبٌ في شريعةِ الرّبِّ. 4 وأمرَ سُكَّانَ أورُشليمَ بِأنْ يُعطوا الكهَنةَ واللاَّويِّينَ ما يَحتاجونَهُ، حتّى يتَفَرَّغوا لِشَريعةِ الرّبِّ. 5 فلمَّا شاعَ أمرُ المَلِكِ قدَّمَ بَنو إِسرائيلَ الكثيرَ مِنْ بَواكيرِ الحِنطَةِ والخمرِ والزَّيتِ والعسَلِ وجميعِ غَلَّةِ الأرضِ، وجاؤوا بِــعُشْرِ جميعِ ما يَملِكونَ‌. 6 وكذلِكَ فعَلَ السَّاكنونَ في مُدُنِ يَهوذا، فجاؤوا بعُشْرِ ما عِندَهُم مِنَ البقَرِ والغنَمِ، وبِأكوامٍ مِنَ الهِباتِ الّتي كرَّسوها لِلرّبِّ إلهِهِم. 7 وفي الشَّهرِ الثَّالِثِ بدَأوا بجَمْعِ هذِهِ الأكوامِ وا‏نْتَهوا مِنها في الشَّهرِ السَّابِـعِ. 8 فلمَّا جاءَ حِزقيَّا وأعوانُه ورَأَوا الأكوامَ هذِهِ باركوا الرّبَّ وشعبَهُ إِسرائيلَ. 9 وسألَ حِزقيَّا الكهَنةَ واللاَّويِّينَ عَنْ هذِهِ الأكوامِ، 10 فأجابَهُ عزَرْيا رئيسُ كهَنةِ بَيت صادوقَ: «مُنذُ بَدَأتِ الهِباتُ تَرِدُ إلى هَيكلِ الرّبِّ ونحنُ نأكُلُ مِنها بِكثرةٍ، وفضُلَ عنَّا هذا الطَّعامُ الكثيرُ، فالرّبُّ بارَكَ هذا الشَّعبَ، بِـحيثُ إنَّ هذِهِ الكميَّةَ الكبـيرةَ هيَ مِنَ الفَضَلاتِ».
11 فأمَرَ حِزقيَّا بِتَهيئةِ مَخازِنَ في الهَيكلِ، ففَعَلوا. 12 وأدخَلوا القرابـينَ والعُشورَ وما تكَرَّسَ للرّبِّ بأمانةٍ. وأوكَلَ أمرَ حِراسَتِها إلى كَنَنْيا اللاَّويِّ وشِمْعي أخيهِ كمُعاوِنٍ لَه. 13 وبأمرٍ مِنْ حِزقيَّا المَلِكِ وعزَرْيا رئيسِ الهَيكلِ كانَ يَحيئيلُ وعزَرْيا ونَحْثُ وعَسائيلُ ويَريموتُ ويوزابادُ وإيلئيلُ ويِسْمَخيا ومَحَثُ وبَنايا مُساعِدينَ لكنَنْيا وشِمْعي أخيهِ. 14 وأوكَلَ إلى قوري، ا‏بنِ يِمْنَةَ اللاَّويِّ، وكانَ حارِسَ البابِ الشَّرقيِّ، تَوزيعَ التَبَرُّعاتِ المُقَرَّبَةِ للهِ والهِباتِ والتَّقدِماتِ المُكرَّسَةِ لِلهَيكلِ. 15 وكانَ يُعاوِنُهُ عَدَنُ وبنيامينُ ويَشوعُ وشَمَعْيا وأمَرْيا وشَكَنْيا في تَوزيعِ الحِصَصِ بأمانَةٍ على أنسِبائِهِمِ الكهَنةِ اللاَّويِّينَ في مُدُنِهِم‌، كِبارا وصِغارا وعلى المُسَجَّلينَ، 16 وعلى الذُّكورِ البالِغةِ أعمارُهُم ثَلاثَ سِنينَ فما فَوقُ، وعلى كُلِّ مَنْ يَدخُلُ الهَيكلَ لِلقيامِ بِالخدمةِ اليوميَّةِ بِـحسَبِ وظائِفِهِم في فِرَقِهِم. 17 وكانَ تسجيلُ الكهَنةِ بِـحسَبِ عشائِرِهِم، وأمَّا تسجيلُ اللاَّويِّينَ مِنِ ا‏بنِ عِشرينَ سنَةً فما فَوقُ، فكانَ بِـحسَبِ وظائِفِهم في فِرَقِهِم. 18 وكانَ الكهَنةُ يتَسَجَّلونَ معَ أطفالِهِم ونِسائِهِم وبَنيهِم وبَناتِهِم جميعا، لأنَّ كلَّ تَقدِمَةٍ مُكرَّسَةٍ لِلرّبِّ كانَت مُكرَّسَةً لِتُوَزَّعَ علَيهِم أيضا. 19 وكانَ بَينَ الكهَنةِ السَّاكِنينَ في مُدُنِ بَني هرونَ ومَشاعِها رِجالٌ مُعَيَّنونَ أُوكِلَ إليهِم تَوزيعُ الحِصَصِ على الذُّكورِ مِنَ الكهَنةِ وجميعِ المُنتَسِبـينَ إلى بَني لاويّ.
20 هكذا فعَلَ حِزقيَّا في جميعِ مُدُنِ يَهوذا، فعَمِلَ ما هوَ خَيرٌ وقَويمٌ وحَقٌ أمامَ الرّبِّ إلهِهِ. وكانَ مُوَفَّقا في ذلِكَ، 21 لأنَّ كُلَّ ما عَمِلَهُ في سبـيلِ إلهِهِ مِنْ خِدمةٍ لِهَيكلِ اللهِ ومُحافَظَةٍ على الشَّريعةِ ووصايا الرّبِّ، إنَّما عَمِلَهُ بِكُلِّ قَلبِهِ.
Hezekiah Reforms Religious Life
1 After the festival ended, all the people of Israel went to every city in Judah and broke the stone pillars, cut down the symbols of the goddess Asherah, and destroyed the altars and the pagan places of worship. They did the same thing throughout the rest of Judah, and the territories of Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh; then they all returned home.
2 King Hezekiah reestablished the organization of the priests and Levites, under which they each had specific duties. These included offering the burnt offerings and the fellowship offerings, taking part in the Temple worship, and giving praise and thanks in the various parts of the Temple. 3 From his own flocks and herds he provided animals for the burnt offerings each morning and evening, and for those offered on the Sabbath, at the New Moon Festival, and at the other festivals which are required by the Law of the Lord.
4 In addition, the king told the people of Jerusalem to bring the offerings to which the priests and the Levites were entitled, so that they could give all their time to the requirements of the Law of the Lord. 5 As soon as the order was given, the people of Israel brought gifts of their finest grain, wine, olive oil, honey, and other farm produce, and they also brought the tithes of everything they had. 6 All the people who lived in the cities of Judah brought tithes of their cattle and sheep, and they also brought large quantities of gifts which they dedicated to the Lord their God. 7 The gifts started arriving in the third month and continued to pile up for the next four months. 8 When King Hezekiah and his officials saw how much had been given, they praised the Lord and praised his people Israel. 9 The king spoke to the priests and the Levites about these gifts, 10 and Azariah the High Priest, a descendant of Zadok, said to him, “Since the people started bringing their gifts to the Temple, there has been enough to eat and a large surplus besides. We have all this because the Lord has blessed his people.”
11 On the king's orders they prepared storerooms in the Temple area 12 and put all the gifts and tithes in them for safekeeping. They placed a Levite named Conaniah in charge and made his brother Shimei his assistant. 13 Ten Levites were assigned to work under them: Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah. All this was done under the authority of King Hezekiah and Azariah the High Priest. 14 Kore son of Imnah, a Levite who was chief guard at the East Gate of the Temple, was in charge of receiving the gifts offered to the Lord and of distributing them. 15 In the other cities where priests lived, he was faithfully assisted in this by other Levites: Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah. They distributed the food equally to their fellow Levites according to what their duties were, 16 and not by clans. They gave a share to all males thirty years of age or older who had daily responsibilities in the Temple in accordance with their positions. 17 The priests were assigned their duties by clans, and the Levites twenty years of age or older were assigned theirs by work groups. 18 They were all registered together with their wives, children, and other dependents, because they were required to be ready to perform their sacred duties at any time. 19 Among the priests who lived in the cities assigned to Aaron's descendants or in the pasture lands belonging to these cities, there were responsible men who distributed the food to all the males in the priestly families and to everyone who was on the rolls of the Levite clans.
20 Throughout all Judah, King Hezekiah did what was right and what was pleasing to the Lord his God. 21 He was successful, because everything he did for the Temple or in observance of the Law, he did in a spirit of complete loyalty and devotion to his God.