يوثام ملك يهوذا
(2مل 15‏:32‏-38)
1 وكانَ يوثامُ ا‏بنَ خمسٍ وعِشرينَ سنَةً حينَ ملَكَ، وملَكَ ستَّ عَشْرةَ سنَةً بِأورُشليمَ، وكانَ ا‏سمُ أمِّهِ يروشَةَ بنتَ صادوقَ. 2 وعَمِلَ ما هو قَويمٌ في نظَرِ الرّبِّ كما عَمِلَ أبوهُ، إلاَّ أنَّهُ لم يَخطَأْ كأبـيهِ بِدُخولِ هَيكلِ الرّبِّ وحَرْقِ البَخورِ على المذبَحِ. لكِنَّ الشَّعبَ ا‏ستَمَرّوا بِمُمارَسةِ الفَسادِ. 3 وهوَ الّذي بَنى البابَ الأعلى‌ لِلهيكلِ، وزادَ الكثيرَ مِنَ البِناءِ في سُورِ أورُشليمَ في المكانِ المُسَمَّى عوفَلَ‌. 4 كما أنَّهُ بَنى مُدُنا في جبَلِ يَهوذا وحُصونا وأبراجا في الغاباتِ. 5 وحارَبَ مَلِكَ بَني عَمُّونَ وا‏نتصَرَ علَيهِم، فدَفَعوا إليهِ في تِلكَ السَّنةِ وفي السَّنتَينِ التَّاليتَينِ سِتَّةَ عشَرَ قِنطارَ فِضَّةٍ، وخمسينَ ألفَ قُفَّةٍ مِنَ الحِنطَةِ، وخمسينَ ألفَ قُفَّةٍ مِنَ الشَّعيرِ. 6 وتقَوَّى يوثامُ لأنَّه سلَكَ في طُرُق الرّبِّ إلهِهِ.
7 وما تَبَقَّى مِنْ أخبارِ يوثامَ وجميعِ حُروبِهِ وأعمالِهِ مُدَوَّنٌ في سِفْرِ مُلوكِ إِسرائيلَ ويَهوذا‌. 8 وكانَ ا‏بنَ خمسٍ وعِشرينَ سنَةً حينَ ملَكَ، وملَكَ سِتَّ عَشْرةَ سنَةً بأورُشليمَ. 9 وماتَ يوثامُ ودُفِنَ معَ آبائِهِ في مدينةِ داوُدَ، فمَلَكَ آحازُ ا‏بنُهُ مكانَهُ.
King Jotham of Judah
(2 Kings 15.32-38)
1 Jotham became king at the age of twenty-five, and he ruled in Jerusalem for sixteen years. His mother was Jerushah, the daughter of Zadok. 2 He did what was pleasing to the Lord, just as his father had done; but unlike his father he did not sin by burning incense in the Temple. The people, however, went on sinning.
3 It was Jotham who built the North Gate of the Temple and did extensive work on the city wall in the area of Jerusalem called Ophel. 4 In the mountains of Judah he built cities, and in the forests he built forts and towers. 5 He fought against the king of Ammon and his army and defeated them. Then he forced the Ammonites to pay him the following tribute each year for three years: four tons of silver, fifty thousand bushels of wheat, and fifty thousand bushels of barley. 6 Jotham grew powerful because he faithfully obeyed the Lord his God. 7 The other events of Jotham's reign, his wars, and his policies, are all recorded in The History of the Kings of Israel and Judah. 8 Jotham was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for sixteen years. 9 He died and was buried in David's City and his son Ahaz succeeded him as king.