Personal Greetings
1 I have good things to say about Phoebe, who is a leader in the church at Cenchreae. 2 Welcome her in a way that is proper for someone who has faith in the Lord and is one of God's own people. Help her in any way you can. After all, she has proved to be a respected leader for many others, including me.
3 Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila. They have not only served Christ Jesus together with me, 4 but they have even risked their lives for me. I am grateful for them and so are all the Gentile churches. 5 Greet the church that meets in their home.
Greet my dear friend Epaenetus, who was the first person in Asia to have faith in Christ.
6 Greet Mary, who has worked so hard for you.
7 Greet my relatives Andronicus and Junia, who were in jail with me. They are highly respected by the apostles and were followers of Christ before I was.
8 Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend whose faith is in the Lord.
9 Greet Urbanus, who serves Christ along with us.
Greet my dear friend Stachys.
10 Greet Apelles, a faithful servant of Christ.
Greet Aristobulus and his family.
11 Greet Herodion, who is a relative of mine.
Greet Narcissus and the others in his family, who have faith in the Lord.
12 Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who work hard for the Lord.
Greet my dear friend Persis. She also works hard for the Lord.
13 Greet Rufus, that special servant of the Lord, and greet his mother, who has been like a mother to me.
14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, and Hermas, as well as our friends who are with them.
15 Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all of God's people who are with them.
16 Be sure to give each other a warm greeting.
All of Christ's churches greet you.
17 My friends, I beg you to watch out for anyone who causes trouble and divides the church by refusing to do what all of you were taught. Stay away from them! 18 They want to serve themselves and not Christ the Lord. Their flattery and fancy talk fool people who don't know any better. 19 I am glad that everyone knows how well you obey the Lord. But still, I want you to understand what is good and not have anything to do with evil. 20 Then God, who gives peace, will soon crush Satan under your feet. I pray that our Lord Jesus will be kind to you.
21 Timothy, who works with me, sends his greetings, and so do my relatives, Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater.
22 I, Tertius, also send my greetings. I am a follower of the Lord, and I wrote this letter.
23-24 Gaius welcomes me and the whole church into his home, and he sends his greetings.
Erastus, the city treasurer, and our dear friend Quartus send their greetings too.
Paul's Closing Prayer
25 Praise God! He can make you strong by means of my good news, which is the message about Jesus Christ. For ages and ages this message was kept secret, 26 but now at last it has been told. The eternal God commanded his prophets to write about the good news, so that all nations would obey and have faith. 27 And now, because of Jesus Christ, we can praise the only wise God forever! Amen.
Ŋen Bulus geɽəd̶o led̶a lənenəŋ lənenəŋ
1 Igandəŋaicia oraiñ igëndr igi gəɽəbwa, gəbërnia Fibi, gënəŋu igi gəɽo eləŋ iliji əɽəlda ikanisa alo yi-Kangiriya, 2 ṯa ñaməŋenṯi eg-Eləŋ Yesu, eŋen iŋi ŋəfo ŋopia ŋəled̶a ɽ-Rəmwa, na ṯa ñamamədaṯe eŋen pred̶ iŋi ŋəɽo d̶eṯəm iŋu, ŋen ŋanṯa gënəŋu gaməd̶aṯo led̶a lwama na gaməd̶aṯiñe com.
3 Nər Briskila na Akila ëiñua lënəŋulu ildi ñagid̶əlda ŋəmëɽria ig-Almasiya Yesu, 4 lënəŋulu ildi lëɽu ntam enen ṯa alebən d̶əməṯia d̶əlëɽəñi. Igaŋerṯəlo nano jaica jaica na gerṯe fiñi ikərəŋ, orn kanisa pred̶ d̶əled̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ com daŋerṯəlo nano. 5 Nər com led̶a ëiñua ildi ləbəd̶ita kanisa egeɽa egen.
Nər Abinṯus ëiñua igi igəbwamaiya kaiñ, gënəŋu igi gëndu ŋen ananoŋ eled̶a ildi igəmaməṯəlo Almasiya alo y-Asiya, 6 Nər Mariam ëiñua igi gid̶u ŋəmëɽria kaiñ ŋen ŋanṯa ñaŋ. 7 Nər Anḏrunikus na Yunias ëiñua ildi ləlëɽəñi, lënəŋulu ildi ñagiṯəlda Rəmwa ŋəmëɽria asijən. Lënəŋulu lələŋinu ŋopia eled̶a ləd̶weinu, na lënəŋulu lëndu ŋen ŋ-Almasiya liga igəmulu igəbëndia ŋen.
8 Nər Ambiliaṯus ëiñua igi gəɽo d̶appa d̶əlëɽəñi id̶i igəbwaiya eg-Eləŋ igëndr Yesu. 9 Nər Urbanus ëiñua igi ñagid̶əlda ŋəmëɽria ŋ-Almasiya, na Asṯakis igi gəɽo d̶appa d̶əlëɽəñi igəbwamaiya. 10 Nər Abilis ëiñua igi gaŋaid̶u ŋen ṯa gëndialo ig-Almasiya kaiñ. Nər led̶a ëiñua legeɽa g-Arisṯubuls. 11 Nər Iruḏiyun ëiñua igi gəled̶a əllëɽəñi. Nər led̶a ëiñua legeɽa gə-Narkisus ildi lëndu ŋen ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu.
12 Nər Ṯrifina na Ṯrifusa ëiñua ildi lid̶u ŋəmëɽria kaiñ ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu. Nər Barsis ëiñua igi igəbwamaiya, gënəŋu igi gid̶u ŋəmëɽria ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu kaiñ. 13 Nər Rufus ëiñua igi gid̶u ŋəmëɽria kaiñ ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu, na ləŋgen igi gəɽo ənna com. 14 Nər Asinikriṯus na Fligun na Armas na Baṯrubas na Armis na lorəba pred̶ ëiñua ildi ləfəlda. 15 Nər Filulugus na Juliya na Niriyus na orəba gəlëɽəŋu igi gəɽəbwa na Ulimbas na led̶a ɽ-Rəmwa ëiñua ildi ləfəlda. 16 Nanəd̶r ëiñua d̶əkëndəd̶iad̶ano d̶ətəɽe. Kanisa pred̶ d̶-Almasiya d̶eɽəd̶ənde.
Đaŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋənḏurṯu
17 Egandeɽəd̶ia kaiñ, lorldaiñ, ṯa ñarəmojəd̶e eled̶a ildi ləbəd̶ia d̶akarnəd̶iano, na ildi ləndəgiria ŋen, ŋen iŋi ŋəgeiya ŋen ñagërrəŋeinu. Ŋgaṯr eled̶a ildi! 18 Ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a ildei laber ləd̶uɽəd̶ənṯia Eləŋ igëndr Almasiya, orn lad̶uɽəd̶ənṯia nara enen, na lënəŋulu lëbəd̶ia led̶a ŋad̶əna ildi lëbia eŋen ŋenŋa eŋen iŋi ŋəd̶əməɽiano. 19 Led̶a pred̶ lano ṯa ñaŋ ñagənna ŋen iŋi, nṯia egaŋəra nano eŋen eŋalo, orn egwonaṯa ṯa ñaləŋeṯe ŋen nəsi eŋen ŋəŋəra na ṯa ñerṯe ñagəfia eŋen ŋeicia. 20 Rəmwa irri rənanaid̶ia d̶ëuṯaralo aten rid̶i arərldad̶aṯe Seṯan alo rəmanəñara eralo. Egabeɽəd̶ia ṯa d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶-Eləŋ igëndr Yesu Almasiya ad̶əndofeṯe.
21 Ṯiməd̶awus igi ñagëbəd̶ia ldəga ŋəmëɽria ganənde ëiñua. Lukiyus na Yasun na Susibaṯrus lanənde ëiñua com ildi ləɽo led̶a əllëɽəñi.
22 Fiñi Ṯarṯiyus ñiŋgi igəwërd̶u ad̶am igi, egeɽəd̶ənde eg-Eləŋ Yesu.
23 Gaiyus, igi egəɽaŋa egeɽa gəlëɽəŋu, na kanisa pred̶ d̶əfo egeɽa gəlëɽəŋu, gënəŋu ganənde ëiñua. Arasṯus, igi gərəmoṯwa ŋen pred̶ ŋəlgərus irnuŋ, gënəŋu ganənde ëiñua, na com oraiñ Kwarṯus. [ 24 Egabeɽəd̶ia ṯa d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ d̶-Eləŋ igëndr Yesu Almasiya ad̶əndofeṯe ñaŋ pred̶. Amin.]
Ŋen Bulus gənaico Rəmwa ŋaɽrwa
25 Rəmwa raɽwad̶aṯa rəndonḏəca eŋen ŋəŋəra ŋ-Almasiya iŋi egəmama, iŋi ŋəɽo d̶ërrəŋaid̶ia d̶əŋen d̶ə-Yesu Almasiya eŋen ŋəd̶əŋaid̶ia d̶əŋaməɽa iŋi ŋero ŋulwaɽənia pənde, 26 orn d̶əñid̶i ŋid̶ənu ŋələŋinu d̶əge nad̶amna ini alanəbiya yiwërd̶əlo ini nəɽwata ŋen iŋi ŋəmulu ŋeṯo. Ŋen iŋi ŋəŋəra ŋə-Rəmwa ŋid̶ənu ŋələŋinu eled̶a lalo pred̶, eŋen ŋə-Rəmwa irri rəməṯia bəɽəbəte, ṯa lënəŋulu alne na alëndi ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa. 27 Egabeɽəd̶ia ṯa rënəŋu irri rəɽo Rəmwa ronto irri rələŋeṯo ŋen nəsi arnaneini ŋaɽrwa Yesu Almasiyaga bəɽəbəte! Amin.