Please Others and Not Yourself
1 If our faith is strong, we should be patient with the Lord's followers whose faith is weak. We should try to please them instead of ourselves. 2 We should think of their good and try to help them by doing what pleases them. 3 Even Christ did not try to please himself. But as the Scriptures say, “The people who insulted you also insulted me.” 4 And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope. 5 God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. 6 Then all of you together will praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Good News Is for Jews and Gentiles
7 Honor God by accepting each other, as Christ has accepted you. 8 I tell you that Christ came as a servant of the Jews to show that God has kept the promises he made to their famous ancestors. Christ also came, 9 so that the Gentiles would praise God for being kind to them. It is just as the Scriptures say,

“I will tell the nations
about you,
and I will sing praises
to your name.”

10 The Scriptures also say to the Gentiles, “Come and celebrate with God's people.”
11 Again the Scriptures say,

“Praise the Lord,
all you Gentiles.
All you nations, come
and worship him.”

12 Isaiah says,

“Someone from David's family
will come to power.
He will rule the nations,
and they will put their hope
in him.”

13 I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.
Paul's Work as a Missionary
14 My friends, I am sure that you are very good and that you have all the knowledge you need to teach each other. 15 But I have spoken to you plainly and have tried to remind you of some things. God treated me with undeserved grace! 16 He chose me to be a servant of Christ Jesus for the Gentiles and to do the work of a priest in the service of his good news. God did this so that the Holy Spirit could make the Gentiles into a holy offering, pleasing to him.
17 Because of Christ Jesus, I can take pride in my service for God. 18 In fact, all I will talk about is how Christ let me speak and work, so that the Gentiles would obey him. 19 Indeed, I will tell how Christ worked miracles and wonders by the power of the Holy Spirit. I have preached the good news about him all the way from Jerusalem to Illyricum. 20 But I have always tried to preach where people have never heard about Christ. I am like a builder who doesn't build on someone else's foundation. 21 It is just as the Scriptures say,

“All who haven't been told
about him
will see him,
and those who haven't heard
about him
will understand.”
Paul's Plan To Visit Rome
22 My work has always kept me from coming to see you. 23 Now there is nothing left for me to do in this part of the world, and for years I have wanted to visit you. 24 So I plan to stop off on my way to Spain. Then after a short, but refreshing, visit with you, I hope you will quickly send me on.
25-26 I am now on my way to Jerusalem to deliver the money that the Lord's followers in Macedonia and Achaia collected for God's needy people. 27 This is something they really wanted to do. But sharing their money with the Jews was also like paying back a debt, because the Jews had already shared their spiritual blessings with the Gentiles. 28 After I have safely delivered this money, I will visit you and then go on to Spain. 29 And when I do arrive in Rome, I know it will be with the full blessings of Christ.
30 My friends, by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the love that comes from the Holy Spirit, I beg you to pray sincerely with me and for me. 31 Pray that God will protect me from the unbelievers in Judea, and that his people in Jerusalem will be pleased with what I am doing. 32 Ask God to let me come to you and have a pleasant and refreshing visit. 33 I pray that God, who gives peace, will be with all of you. Amen.
Id̶r ŋen iŋi ŋəbəd̶ia led̶a lwomən ləŋəra nano
1 Ŋen d̶eṯəm nëndr ləŋgr ləgwonḏəṯr ed̶wonaṯa, ŋen ŋafo ŋopia ṯa alaməd̶aṯr led̶a ildi lëbia eŋen eŋen iŋi luwirtia ṯa ñerṯe ñagəŋənnia nano bəɽan. 2 Ŋen d̶eṯəm ṯa lëndr pred̶ alid̶r led̶a ləɽo ëuwər ləŋəra nano ṯa ŋen ŋəŋəra aŋəleṯa nano na ṯa alaɽəjeini eŋen. 3 Ŋen ŋanṯa Almasiya gero gəŋərinia nano bəɽan, orn garno ŋen ŋəwërd̶ənu ṯa, “Đəd̶aməca eŋen d̶əled̶a ildi ləd̶aməcaŋa eŋen d̶iɽəṯiñi nano.” 4 Ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen pred̶ iŋi ŋəwërd̶ənu pənde, ŋawërd̶ənu ṯa ŋəndërrəŋaiciar ŋen, ṯa aləgerṯr d̶əṯurṯia d̶walad̶a arano na d̶onḏeiciad̶a id̶i ad̶am gə-Rəmwa gəndənaicar.
5 Egabeɽəd̶ia ṯa Rəmwa irri rənanaica led̶a d̶walarano na d̶wonḏəṯa, rënəŋu arəndənaice ŋen ŋonto ldəɽo eŋen ŋ-Almasiya Yesu, 6 ṯa ñananaice Rəmwa ŋaɽrwa ŋenŋa ŋonto na ëiñuaya yento, rënəŋu irri rəɽo Đaṯa g-Eləŋ igëndr Yesu Almasiya.
Đërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋəŋəra eled̶a gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ
7 Ŋen ŋafəṯia, aŋënṯr lorklaland̶a ed̶əɽəbəd̶ia eŋen, garno Almasiya com gəŋenṯənd̶r gënəŋu ṯa Rəmwa arnaneini ŋaɽrwa. 8 Ŋen ŋanṯa igandəlwaɽəṯia ṯa Almasiya gaɽo ed̶a igi gəduɽəd̶ənṯu led̶a ildi luɽəd̶ənu ṯa ŋen aŋerrəŋeid̶əni ṯa Rəmwa raɽo d̶eṯəm, na ṯa aŋëndi ŋen alo iŋi Rəmwa rëɽu ŋen ŋanṯa d̶aṯanda ləpənde, 9 na ṯa led̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ alnaice Rəmwa ŋaɽrwa ŋen ŋanṯa ŋəbaiya ŋəlëɽəŋu, garno ŋen ŋəwërd̶ənu ṯa,
“Ŋen ŋafəṯia igid̶i iŋəŋërti nano eled̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ.
Na igid̶i yaləŋiṯi irəŋ gəlaɽəŋa.”
10 Na ŋen ŋawërd̶ənu com ṯa,
“Ŋəreṯr nano, ya led̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ, led̶ala ɽ-Rəmwa!”
11 Na ŋen ŋawërd̶ənu təŋ ṯa,
“Naicr Eləŋ Rəmwa d̶amia ñaŋ pred̶ ñəŋgi gerṯe ñagaɽo Alyawuḏ.
Đeṯəm ŋgiṯr led̶a pred̶ alaləŋe ṯa aləmanaice d̶amia!”
12 Na təŋ com Isaiya gaṯa ṯa,
“Id̶ia gə-Yassa gid̶i aŋela,
gënəŋu igi gid̶i aŋətwod̶e ṯa aŋəɽeṯe eləŋ gəled̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ,
na lënəŋulu lid̶i alëɽi d̶əṯurṯia ed̶en iŋu.”
13 Nṯia egabeɽəd̶ia ṯa Rəmwa irri rənanaid̶ia d̶əṯurṯia, rënəŋu rid̶i arəndonḏəjaice d̶əŋərad̶a nano pred̶, na d̶ëuṯaralo ŋen ŋanṯa ñagëndu ŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu, ṯa ŋabəɽaŋa ŋ-Usila Gətəɽe d̶əṯurṯia ed̶alo ad̶əɽeṯe d̶oɽra.
Ŋen ŋəŋəmëɽria ŋə-Bulus na ŋen gəlwaɽo təmwar
14 Igënəñi igëndu ŋen d̶eṯəm eŋalo ya lorldaiñ, ṯa ñaganəñaŋ pred̶ ñagwunḏeinu ŋenŋa ŋəŋəra, na d̶ələŋeṯad̶a na ṯa ñagəɽwad̶aṯa ñagəbërrəŋaicia lorldalanda ŋen. 15 Orn ṯa igandulëldəŋəd̶einia eŋen, igawërd̶əṯənde d̶wonḏəṯad̶a eŋen ŋəmaṯan ŋen ŋanṯa d̶ənaica məɽəməɽeñ id̶i Rəmwa rənaicəñe, 16 liga rënəŋu rid̶əñi ṯa egaɽo ed̶a igi gəd̶uɽəd̶ənṯia Almasiya Yesu eled̶a gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ iŋəmëɽria ŋətəɽe garno kana yeŋen ŋəŋəra ŋə-Rəmwa, ṯa Rəmwa arəŋënṯi d̶ənaid̶ia id̶i egənaica id̶i d̶əled̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ, ŋen ŋanṯa d̶ənaid̶ia id̶i d̶id̶ənu d̶ətəɽe Usilaga Gətəɽe. 17 Nṯia, igëminia ig-Almasiya Yesu, ŋen ŋanṯa laŋge ildi Rəmwa rid̶əlo ñiga. 18 Ŋen ŋanṯa egaber igid̶i elwaɽe eŋen ŋənəŋ illi eŋen ŋəŋəmëɽria Almasiya gid̶u ñiga ndə gënəŋu gid̶u led̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ ṯa alerṯe d̶ənaṯa eŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu, na iŋəmëɽria, 19 na ŋabəɽaŋa ŋəŋaməla na ŋaŋwara na ŋabəɽaŋa ŋ-Usila Gətəɽe. Nṯia egabəɽenḏeṯo d̶əɽwata d̶əŋen ŋəŋəra ŋ-Almasiya alo pred̶, alo yi-Ursalim nerəmaṯe alo y-Alirikun. 20 Eŋen iŋi egafo egwonaṯa jaica jaica ṯa egaɽwata ŋen ŋəŋəra ŋ-Almasiya alo isi irəŋ g-Almasiya gero gulwaɽənia, ṯa yerṯe egabəd̶aṯa nad̶una isi ed̶a gwomən gid̶u, 21 orn garno ŋen ŋəwërd̶ənu ṯa,
“Led̶a ildi lero ləlwaɽənṯia ŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu lënəŋulu lid̶i aləseid̶i,
na led̶a ildi lero lənna ŋen iŋu lënəŋulu lid̶i alləŋeṯe.”
Ŋen Bulus gwonaṯa gənwana alo yi-Rumiya
22 Fəŋen iŋi igətrinṯiau ṯa yendeṯa nano ñoman ñwaiña. 23 Orn d̶əñid̶i alo yero yiṯënu ŋen ŋanṯa ñi ṯwaiñ ëli, na inṯəlia nwaiña egafo egwonaṯa ṯa yendeṯa nano, 24 ndə egabəṯa alo y-Aspaniya. Nṯia egwonaṯa ṯa yendeṯa nano ndə egabəṯa tu na ndə ləgəɽaŋar d̶əŋərad̶a nano liga lobəlano, ṯa ñañaməd̶aṯe. 25 Orn d̶əñid̶i egafo ed̶ad̶ na egabəṯa alo yi-Ursalim ṯa yaməd̶aṯe led̶a ɽ-Rəmwa. 26 Ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a lalo yi-Makəḏuniya na lalo y-Akaiya laŋəra nano ŋen ŋanṯa lënəŋulu lafo lwonaṯa laməd̶aṯa led̶a gərusya ildi ləɽo ŋəbaiyaŋəno eled̶a ɽ-Rəmwa alo yi-Ursalim. 27 Đeṯəm lënəŋulu lafo laŋəra nano kaiñ ŋen ŋanṯa lwonaṯa ləbəd̶ia ṯia, na lerṯo ëməcu eled̶a lalo yi-Ursalim. Ŋen ŋanṯa ndə led̶a ildi gerṯe laɽo Alyawuḏ lënṯu ed̶əɽəbəd̶ia d̶-Alyawuḏ eŋen ŋəd̶əbuŋṯia d̶usila, ŋen d̶eṯəm ṯa lënəŋulu aldaməd̶aṯe elaŋge ildi ləɽo d̶eṯəm. 28 Nṯia ndə egəbəɽenḏeṯo ŋen iŋi na egələŋeṯo ŋen iŋi ŋətwod̶a ed̶ənaica ŋen ŋanṯa ŋulu igid̶i yendeṯa nano orn igid̶i endoməñe yeɽe alo y-Aspamya. 29 Egaləŋeṯo d̶əge ṯa ndə egətənde nano igid̶i ela d̶əbuŋṯiad̶a pred̶ d̶-Almasiya.
30 Đəñid̶i igandəlwaɽəṯia, lorldaiñ, Eləŋga igëndr Yesu Almasiya na d̶əbwid̶iad̶a id̶i Usila Gətəɽe gəbəd̶ia, ṯa ad̶əfeṯe ṯa ñaŋ alëndəjeicr ŋen ŋəɽwano ed̶eɽəd̶ia Rəmwa ŋen ŋanṯa ŋen ŋəlëɽəñi. 31 Eɽəd̶r Rəmwa ṯa igid̶i yëbərni eled̶a alo Yuḏiya ildi ləned̶o ṯa lənna ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa, na ṯa led̶a ɽ-Rəmwa alo yi-Ursalim lid̶i aləŋënṯi d̶aməd̶aṯa id̶i igələməṯia d̶əŋərad̶a nano, 32 ṯa ndə fəŋen iŋi Rəmwa rwonaṯa igid̶i yendeṯa nano d̶əŋərad̶a nano na ṯa igid̶i yimiñəniano na ṯa igid̶i yonḏeicini liga ləgəfr. 33 Egabeɽəd̶ia ṯa Rəmwa irri rənanaid̶ia d̶ëuṯaralo arndefeṯe ñaŋ pred̶. Amin.