Judging Others
(Luke 6.37Luke 38Luke 41Luke 42)
1 Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you. 2 God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them.
3 You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. 4 How can you say, “My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you don't see the log in your own eye? 5 You're nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye; then you can see how to take the speck out of your friend's eye.
6 Don't give to dogs what belongs to God. They will only turn and attack you. Don't throw pearls down in front of pigs. They will trample all over them.
Ask, Search, Knock
(Luke 11.9-13)
7 Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. 8 Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks.
9 Would any of you give your hungry child a stone, if the child asked for some bread? 10 Would you give your child a snake if the child asked for a fish? 11 As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask.
12 Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about.
The Narrow Gate
(Luke 13.24)
13 Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. 14 But the gate to life is very narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.
A Tree and Its Fruit
(Luke 6.43-45)
15 Watch out for false prophets! They dress up like sheep, but inside they are wolves who have come to attack you. 16 You can tell what they are by what they do. No one picks grapes or figs from thornbushes. 17 A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. 19 Every tree producing bad fruit will be chopped down and burned. 20 You can tell who the false prophets are by their deeds.
A Warning
(Luke 13.26Luke 27)
21 Not everyone who calls me their Lord will get into the kingdom of heaven. Only the ones who obey my Father in heaven will get in. 22 On the day of judgment many will call me their Lord. They will say, “We preached in your name, and in your name we forced out demons and worked many miracles.” 23 But I will tell them, “I will have nothing to do with you! Get out of my sight, you evil people!”
Two Builders
(Luke 6.47-49)
24 Anyone who hears and obeys these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock. 25 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it was built on solid rock, and so it did not fall.
26 Anyone who hears my teachings and doesn't obey them is like a foolish person who built a house on sand. 27 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and the winds blew and beat against that house. Finally, it fell with a crash.
28 When Jesus finished speaking, the crowds were surprised at his teaching. 29 He taught them like someone with authority, and not like their teachers of the Law of Moses.
Ŋen ŋəd̶akəmia led̶a lwomən
(Luka 6:37-38, Luka 41-42)
1 “Ñerṯe ñagakəmia led̶a, na ñagaber ñagid̶i ñakəməni. 2 Ñagid̶i ñakəməni ŋenŋa iŋi ñagakəmiaya led̶a, na ñagid̶i ñaneini laŋge likilinu ŋen ŋarno ñagikiliaya laŋge. 3 Ŋen ŋanṯau agəseicia lelia isi yoralo, na agaber agəseicia lwad̶ia isi elaɽəŋa? 4 Na ŋen ŋanṯau agəlwaɽəṯia oralo ṯa, ‘Ŋgiṯəñi eŋamaṯe lelia isi elaɽəŋa,’ na lwad̶ia lafo isi elaɽəŋa? 5 Ya ed̶a ŋəŋgi agerṯo ŋen ŋəɽijan! Meinu lwad̶ia isi elaɽəŋa ananoŋ, na agid̶i ŋəseid̶i ŋopia ṯa ŋəmiñeici oralo lelia isi ilëɽəŋu.
6 “Ñerṯe ñagənaica ñina ŋen ŋətəɽe, na ñerṯe ñagëuwəṯa ŋwandra iŋi ŋwaiña iliano ŋəbërnia lulu lṯrua nëiñua, ŋen ŋanṯa lënəŋulu alerṯe ɽrəldad̶aṯa alo na alerṯe ɽred̶ialo ṯa aləndəse.
Eɽəd̶r na ñagid̶i ñafid̶i
(Luka 11:9-13)
7 “Eɽəd̶r waŋge, na ñagid̶i ñaneini, pwaiñr waŋge na ñagid̶i ñafid̶i, pur ëuwər na yid̶i aindəgagid̶ənṯi. 8 Ŋen ŋanṯa ed̶a gənəŋ igi gəbekeɽəd̶ia waŋge gid̶i aŋəneini, na gënəŋu igi gəabapwaiña waŋge gid̶i aŋəfid̶i na gënəŋu igi gəpwa ëuwər yid̶i aimagagid̶ənṯi. 9 Ǝsëgi eñaŋ gəɽo bapa ndə id̶ia gəmeɽəd̶ia aicəba orn eṯen aŋəmanaice lwandra? 10 Walla ndə id̶ia gəmeɽəd̶ia ome oro eṯen aŋəmanaice rəmwa reicia ŋəsia? 11 Ndə ñaŋ ñəŋgi ñageicia ñagələŋeṯo ñagənanaica ñere eñalo laŋge ləŋəra. Eṯalo igi gəfo elo gaməñaṯənde gid̶i aŋənaice led̶a laŋge ləŋəra lënəŋulu ildi ləmekeɽəd̶ia.
12 “Iṯr led̶a ŋen pred̶ garno ŋen ñagwonaṯa ṯa led̶a landiṯia. Fəŋen iŋi ŋ-Alganun yi-Musa na d̶ërrəŋaid̶ia d̶alanəbiya.
Ŋen ŋëuwər yimud̶wano yed̶əməṯia
(Luka 13:24)
13 “Ënṯr igëuwər isi yimud̶wano, ŋen ŋanṯa ëuwər yabərano isi yebəṯa id̶əməndëd̶ənia, na led̶a lwaiña ləbərlda ed̶ad̶ id̶ei ŋen ŋanṯa d̶obaŋəno. 14 Orn ŋen ŋëuwər yeta yimud̶wano isi yebəṯa ed̶əməṯia na led̶a ildi ləfid̶ia lətëfr ŋen ŋanṯa d̶ad̶ d̶abɽwaŋəno.
Ŋen ŋuɽi na ləd̶ia əllëɽəŋu
(Luka 6:43-44)
15 “Rəmojəd̶r eganəbiya isi eŋəɽəwen yid̶i aiyəndeṯa nano yarno alkəraiñ isi yeicoiña, yëɽənu erna nano yarno yaŋala. 16 Ñagid̶i ñalləŋeṯe iləd̶ia elden, ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a laber ləmama ŋəbəd̶a eŋoɽe, na laber ləmama ŋətəmwa eŋorrəŋwa. 17 Nṯia nuɽi pred̶ nəŋəra naləŋa ləd̶ia ləŋəra, na nuɽi pred̶ neicia naləŋa ləd̶ia leicia. 18 Uɽi gəŋəra gaber gəɽwad̶aṯa gələŋa ləd̶ia leicia, na uɽi geicia gaber gəɽwad̶aṯa gələŋa ləd̶ia ləŋəra. 19 Nuɽi pred̶ ini nəber nələŋa ləd̶ia ləŋəra nid̶i anərid̶əni na nid̶i anəwujəni isia. 20 Nṯia ñagid̶i ñalləŋeṯe iləd̶ia elden.
Ŋen na ŋəmëɽria
(Luka 13:25-27)
21 “Led̶a pred̶ ildi ləñəɽwatiṯia ṯa, ‘Ya Eləŋ, ya Eləŋ,’ gerṯe lënəŋulu pred̶ lid̶i alënṯi eŋələŋe ŋelo, orn ed̶a gid̶i aŋënṯi igi gəbəd̶ia ŋen ŋə-Bapa gəlëɽəñi igi gəfo elo. 22 Na iliga lakəl led̶a lwaiña lid̶i ṯaliñeiṯi ṯa, ‘Ya Eləŋ, ya Eləŋ! Gerṯe ñagaɽwato irəŋga gəlaɽəŋa, na gerṯe ñagəmiñu nusila neicia led̶a nano irəŋga gəlaɽəŋa, na gerṯe ñagid̶u aŋwara ywaiña irəŋga gəlaɽəŋa?’ 23 Orn igid̶i illwaɽəṯi ṯa, ‘Egero egəndaləŋeṯa kwai kwai. Ŋgaṯəñr nano ya led̶a ñəŋgi ñagəgera ŋen’.
Ŋen ŋid̶una eɽijan
(Luka 6:47-49)
24 “Ed̶a gənəŋ igi gənna ŋen iŋi ŋəlëɽəñi na ṯaŋid̶u, gënəŋu garno ed̶a igi gələŋeṯo ŋen nəsi gwad̶o eɽa nəŋwandr. 25 Na rəmwa ndrəd̶əne na ŋawa nəŋobəd̶e ed̶əbarlda nəŋabwaicalo na d̶əbera d̶ura, ldəbuɽi eɽa gakəl, orn eɽa nəŋerṯe gəbəɽia, ŋen ŋanṯa ad̶una yafo naməca. 26 Orn ed̶a gənəŋ igi gənna ŋen iŋi ŋəlëɽəñi na gəber gəbəd̶ia gënəŋu garno ed̶a igi gəɽo iɽəṯiano igi gwad̶o eɽa gəlëɽəŋu nëbia. 27 Na rəmwa ndrəd̶əne na ŋawa nəŋobəd̶e ed̶əbarlda nəŋabwaicalo na d̶əbera ṯad̶uru, ldəbuɽi eɽa. Na eɽa nəŋiɽi taltal nəŋəməndëd̶əni d̶əge.” 28 Ndə Yesu gabəɽenḏeṯo ŋen iŋi, led̶a lwaiña ldirəwano kaiñ ŋen ŋanṯa d̶ërrəŋaid̶ia d̶əlëɽəŋu. 29 Ŋen ŋanṯa gënəŋu gërrəŋaicəlo ŋen garno ed̶a gerṯo ŋələŋe, na gerṯe garno led̶a ildi ləbërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋ-Alganun.