Seven Leaders for the Church
1 A lot of people were now becoming followers of the Lord. But some of the ones who spoke Greek started complaining about the ones who spoke Aramaic. They complained that the Greek-speaking widows were not given their share when the food supplies were handed out each day.
2 The twelve apostles called the whole group of followers together and said, “We should not give up preaching God's message in order to serve at tables. 3 My friends, choose seven men who are respected and wise and filled with God's Spirit. We will put them in charge of these things. 4 We can spend our time praying and serving God by preaching.”
5 This suggestion pleased everyone, and they began by choosing Stephen. He had great faith and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they chose Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and also Nicolaus, who worshiped with the Jewish people in Antioch. 6 These men were brought to the apostles. Then the apostles prayed and placed their hands on the men to show they had been chosen to do this work. 7 God's message spread, and many more people in Jerusalem became followers. Even a large number of priests put their faith in the Lord.
Stephen Is Arrested
8 God gave Stephen the power to work great miracles and wonders among the people. 9 But some men from Cyrene and Alexandria were members of a group who called themselves “Free Men.” They started arguing with Stephen. Some others from Cilicia and Asia also argued with him. 10 But they were no match for Stephen, who spoke with the great wisdom that the Spirit gave him. 11 So they talked some men into saying, “We heard Stephen say terrible things against Moses and God!”
12 They turned the people and their leaders and the teachers of the Law of Moses against Stephen. Then they all grabbed him and dragged him in front of the council.
13 Some men agreed to tell lies about Stephen, and they said, “This man keeps on saying terrible things about this holy temple and the Law of Moses. 14 We have heard him claim that Jesus from Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses gave us.” 15 Then all the council members stared at Stephen. They saw that his face looked like the face of an angel.
Ŋen led̶a luṯənu d̶enəŋ ldəməñe ləɽijan ildi ləɽo d̶aməd̶aṯa
1 Na iliga ildei ndə ṯaləmis yaɽəjaid̶o egworəb led̶a ildi ləɽo Alyunaniyin ləɽwata olia g-Alyawuḏ, ldətwod̶e ldaṯa liji əɽəlda elden ləṯëd̶ənialo, eba enanda lai o lero lənaneinia la e lənə elaŋge ildi ləbakarnəd̶ənia ñoman pred̶. 2 Na ṯaləmis isi red̶ neməñe eɽijan yundəd̶u ṯaləmis ywomən pred̶ ldəɽo niyaṯa, “Ŋen ŋero ŋəfia ŋopia ṯa nanda ñaŋgiṯia d̶ërrəŋaid̶ia d̶əŋen ŋə-Rəmwa, ṯa ñid̶i ŋəmëɽria ŋəlaŋge ləsənia. 3 Lorldaiñ, otər led̶a eñaŋ lərrwa d̶enəŋ ldəməñe ləɽijan ildi lerṯo d̶aməd̶aṯa d̶əŋəra na lunḏəjeinu enare Usilaga Gətəɽe, na d̶ələŋeṯa, ṯa ñalnaice ŋəmëɽria iŋi. 4 Na nanda ñagəbëndia ŋen ŋəd̶əṯurṯia Rəmwa na ŋəd̶ërrəŋaid̶ia d̶əŋen ŋə-Rəmwa.”
5 Na ŋen iŋi nəŋəreṯe led̶a nano pred̶, ldëndi Isṯəfanus maje igi gwunḏəjeinu d̶wonaṯad̶a na Usilaga Gətəɽe, na Filibus, na Burukurus, na Nikanurs, na Tamun, na Barminas, na Nikulawus galo y-Anṯakiya igi gero gəɽia Alyawuḏ. 6 Ldələd̶uri led̶a nëiñua ləd̶weinu na lënəŋulu ldəṯurṯi Rəmwa ldəlëɽi rəŋ nəŋəɽwa.
7 Na ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ṯaŋələldəd̶ənu alo na ṯaləmis ṯaiyakaɽəjaid̶o egworəb ywaiña kaiñ alo yi-Ursalim na kana ywaiña yaŋënṯu d̶wonaṯa.
Ŋen ŋəd̶ëndia Isṯəfanus
8 Na Isṯəfanus, gwunḏəjeinu d̶ənaicad̶a d̶ə-Rəmwa na ŋabəɽaŋa ṯaŋid̶u ŋen ŋoɽra na aŋwara led̶a nëiñua. 9 Na led̶a ldətwod̶e ləmaṯan ləmajma isi yibërnia majma a y-Aləbrṯaniyin na ləmaṯan lə-Girəwaniyin, na l-Askandariyin na lalo yi-Kilikiya na lalo y-Asiya ldukuɽəbijəd̶əṯi eŋen Isṯəfanus ŋəla. 10 Orn lënəŋulu lero ləɽwad̶aṯa ləmad̶ama ŋen ŋanṯa gəɽwata d̶ələŋeṯad̶a ŋan nəsi na Usilaga Gətəɽe. 11 Na lënəŋulu lanaico majanda olia ŋaməɽa na ildi ldaṯa, “Ñagano fəŋu gaṯa ṯa ŋen ŋə-Musa ŋeicia na ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ŋeicia.” 12 Na ldətwod̶e ŋenŋa ŋeicia led̶ala na nələŋəna na led̶ala ildi ləbërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋ-Alganun ldəmëndi na leṯəmaiya enələŋ nëiñua ini nalmajlis, 13 na ldəme led̶a ildi ləɽwato ŋəɽəwen, ildi laṯa, “Maje igi gaɽwata jaica ŋen ŋeicia ŋalo isi yed̶əñinu yetəɽe na ŋ-Alganun yi-Musa com. 14 Ŋen ŋanṯa ñaganəma gəlwaɽo ṯa Yesu igi galo yi-Nasəraṯ gid̶i aŋgere Alekəl isi, na gid̶i aŋəməlëd̶i ŋen iŋi Musa ganaicəndr.” 15 Na led̶a pred̶ ildi ləɽaŋalo egalmajlis ṯalmaseicu ldəseici isiano ilëɽəŋu yarno yemalaiyəka.