Immoral Followers
1 I have heard terrible things about some of you. In fact, you are behaving worse than Gentiles. A man is even sleeping with his own stepmother. 2 You are proud, when you ought to feel bad enough to chase away anyone who acts like this.
3-4 I am with you only in my thoughts. But in the name of our Lord Jesus I have already judged this man, as though I were with you in person. So when you meet together and the power of the Lord Jesus is with you, I will be there too. 5 You must then hand that man over to Satan. His body will be destroyed, but his spirit will be saved when the Lord Jesus returns.
6 Stop being proud! Don't you know how a little yeast can spread through the whole batch of dough? 7 Get rid of the old yeast! Then you will be like fresh bread made without yeast, and this is what you are. Our Passover lamb is Christ, who has already been sacrificed. 8 So don't celebrate the festival by being evil and sinful, which is like serving bread made with yeast. Be pure and truthful and celebrate by using bread made without yeast.
9 In my other letter I told you not to have anything to do with immoral people. 10 But I wasn't talking about the people of this world. You would have to leave this world to get away from everyone who is immoral or greedy or who cheats or worships idols. 11 I was talking about your own people who are immoral or greedy or worship idols or curse others or get drunk or cheat. Don't even eat with them! 12 Why should I judge outsiders? Aren't we supposed to judge only church members? 13 God judges everyone else. The Scriptures say, “Chase away any of your own people who are evil.”
Ŋen ŋəd̶id̶ia ŋen ŋeicia kaiñ ikanisa
1 Led̶a ləbaṯa ṯa d̶əɽaŋa wujiga gərto d̶afo eñaŋ, nṯia d̶eicia kaiñ id̶i d̶ero eled̶a ildi laijəba Rəmwa, garno ed̶a gənəŋ eñaŋ gəmo wuji geṯen. 2 Na ñaganəñaŋ ñaginia enare məldin! Gerṯe ŋen ŋaŋəra ṯa ñwane? Ŋen ŋaŋəra ṯa ñaməñeici ed̶a ndëuwər eñaŋ igi gid̶u ŋen iŋi. 3 Egero egəndofia egaŋəno orn egafəndau usilaga, na garno ed̶a gəfo eñaŋ, igënəñi egakəme ed̶a igi gid̶u ŋen iŋi irəŋga gə-Eləŋ Yesu. 4 Ndə ñagərraid̶o ldəɽo aləgafr na usilaga gəlëɽəñi na ŋabəɽa ŋəlëɽəŋu, 5 ṯa ñanaice Seṯan ed̶a igi gid̶u ṯia, ŋen ŋanṯa aiyəgere aŋəno ilëɽəŋu, na ṯa usila gəlëɽəŋu aŋëbərni eloman l-Eləŋ Yesu.
6 Đëminia ed̶alo d̶ero d̶əŋəra. Ñagəjəbənu nano ṯa ud̶əɽi gətëfr gupinia aicəbano pred̶? 7 Ŋen ŋafəṯia, ŋgeicr ud̶əɽi igi gicwaro ṯa ñaɽeṯe aicəba gəmaŋən, ŋen ŋanṯa d̶eṯəm ñagarno aicəba igi ud̶əɽi gerau. Ŋen ŋanṯa Almasiya gəɽəd̶ənṯəndr igi gəɽo ŋaŋala iŋëndr ŋəd̶əsa d̶-Alfissa. 8 Ŋen ŋafəṯia, ŋgiṯr alid̶r d̶əsa gerṯe ud̶əɽiga gicwaro, na gerṯe ud̶əɽiga gəŋen ŋeicia na gəŋəmëɽria ŋeicia, orn aicəbaga igi gəd̶ətəɽia na gəd̶eṯəm igi ud̶əɽi gerau.
9 Igawërd̶əṯənde egad̶am, ṯa ñerṯe ñagərreid̶ia led̶ala ŋen ildi ləɽaŋa lijila ɽrəlo, 10 orn egero egəlwaɽa ṯa ñaŋgiṯi led̶a lalo kwai kwai ildi ləɽaŋa lijila ɽrəto, walla ildi ləməñed̶əñano walla ildi ləɽo ndom, walla led̶a ildi lukwud̶əñiṯia laŋge alo ləpiano, gəbanṯa fəṯia ñnŋgaṯe eləbate ildi. 11 Orn igawërd̶əṯənde ṯa ñerṯe ñagəfia ed̶aga gënəjənu oralo, ndə gënəŋu gəɽaŋa wujiga gərto walla gəməñed̶əñano, walla gukwud̶əñiṯia laŋge alo ləpiano, walla gad̶aməca led̶a eŋen, walla gərrërəmuɽua, walla gaɽo oɽom. Đeṯəm com ñerṯe ñagəsa ed̶aga igi. 12 Gerṯe ŋen ŋəlëɽəñi ṯa yakəme led̶a ndëuwər? Gerṯe led̶a ildi ləfo egwaŋ ləkanisa ildi ñagəlakəmia? 13 Orn Rəmwa rid̶i arakəme led̶a ləndëuwər. Ŋen ŋarno ad̶am gə-Rəmwa gaṯa, “Miñeicr ed̶a ndëuwər geicia eñaŋ.”