Loŋgo Räṛu ro
1 Mapena 'desipara miro tana 'da, Lu 'bädri'ba maro,
ago märäṛuna mi 'da rriro äduako.
2 Tu cini si mayena aro'boya 'da miri;
märäṛuna mi 'da rriro äduako.
3 OPI orivoya 'desi ago ṛo nda räṛune ndra;
'desipara ndaro orivoya ndrani tauni drisi.

4 Kovole'ba alo itina tase miyebe 'da kovole'ba kinja ri;
ànya ayonayi taoye mbaraekye miro tana 'da.
5 Ànya atanayi a'do'desi miro ndi a'dopara miro be tana 'da,
ago musuna taoye liŋgyiekye miro tavona 'da.
6 Lidri atana taoye mbaraekye miro tana 'da
ago mitina 'desipara miro tana 'da.
7 Ànya itinayi liku takado amba miro ro tana 'da
ago oŋgonayi loŋgo 'da ta a'do'diri miro rota.
8 OPI orivoya 'di lu'ba yi ago yauni amba be,
ka oŋga kyilaro liyaro ago orivoya twi ŋgalu 'duro be.
9 Nda orivoya kado 'dicini ri
ago yauni be ŋgase cini nda ko'babe dri.

10 Ŋgase cini mi'ba be oyena aro'boya 'da miri, OPI,
ago taŋgye'bai cini miro räṛunayi mi 'da.
11 Ànya atanayi a'do'desi miri 'bädri'ba miro ro tana 'da
ago itinayi mbara miro tana 'da,
12 tana lidri kuni taoye mbaraekye miro tana ro robe
ndi a'do'desi para miri 'bädri'ba miro robe.
13 Miri 'bädri'ba miro ro orivoya äduako,
ago 'dimiri miro orina ndi äduako.

OPI orivoya 'diri tao'bai cini ndaro ya,
ago yauni be ŋgacini se nda ko'ba be ri.
14 OPI kani ànya se kabe o'de ätina;
ago nda kani ànya se 'dete rriti ya eŋgana.

15 Ŋgavo cini ka mio'ba midri,
ago nyani ŋgaonya ozo ànyari tuna se ŋgye ya,
16 Nyani ozona ànyari amba
ago mi'ba ojo lemeri ŋgacini lindriidriro rote.

17 OPI orivoya taŋgye'ba yi tase cini nda kabe oyena ya,
yauni amba be taoye cini ndaro ya.
18 OPI orivoya loto ànya se cini kayibe nda uzi re,
se cini kabe nda uzi taŋgye si 'do.
19 Nda kani ŋga ozo ànya se kayibe nda oro ri;
nda ka kpani liyi ànyaro eri ago kani ànya opa.
20 OPI kani 'dicini se kabe nda lu gaga,
oko nda tufuna takozi'bai 'da.

21 Märäṛuna OPI 'da ondoalo;
ago mi'ba ŋga o'bao'baro cini käräṛu ävuru alokado ndaro äduako.
A Hymn of Praise
1 I will proclaim your greatness, my God and king;
I will thank you forever and ever.
2 Every day I will thank you;
I will praise you forever and ever.
3 The Lord is great and is to be highly praised;
his greatness is beyond understanding.

4 What you have done will be praised from one generation to the next;
they will proclaim your mighty acts.
5 They will speak of your glory and majesty,
and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.
6 People will speak of your mighty deeds,
and I will proclaim your greatness.
7 They will tell about all your goodness
and sing about your kindness.
8 The Lord is loving and merciful,
slow to become angry and full of constant love.
9 He is good to everyone
and has compassion on all he made.

10 All your creatures, Lord, will praise you,
and all your people will give you thanks.
11 They will speak of the glory of your royal power
and tell of your might,
12 so that everyone will know your mighty deeds
and the glorious majesty of your kingdom.
13 Your rule is eternal,
and you are king forever.

The Lord is faithful to his promises;
he is merciful in all his acts.
14 He helps those who are in trouble;
he lifts those who have fallen.

15 All living things look hopefully to you,
and you give them food when they need it.
16 You give them enough
and satisfy the needs of all.

17 The Lord is righteous in all he does,
merciful in all his acts.
18 He is near to those who call to him,
who call to him with sincerity.
19 He supplies the needs of those who honor him;
he hears their cries and saves them.
20 He protects everyone who loves him,
but he will destroy the wicked.

21 I will always praise the Lord;
let all his creatures praise his holy name forever.