Zelevoi Rubena ro
1 Kwoi ni zelevoi Rubena ŋgwa kayo ro Yakoba ro ro owo. (Oko tana nda ye tate toko ogyeako täpi ndaro robe, ta'dota taŋgye uti ndaro ro ozote Yosepa ri, tana ta'doro egyi ävuru ndaro kote zelevoi lako a'do 'di utiro ronye. 2 Katidri Yuda ro ka'do gica mbara ro ago 'dimiri'bai ka'do gica ni kigyesi katidrii cini dri owo.) 3 Rubena ŋgwa kayo ro Yakoba ro orivoya ŋgwàagoro be su: ni Anoka, Palu, Ezerona, ndi Karumi be. 4 Kwoi ni zelevoi Yoele ro owo le kovole'ba na ya: ni Semaya, Goga, Simei, 5 Maika, Reya, Bala, 6 Bera, se Tigelata Pilesera 'bädri'ba Asaria ro kurube kamba'ba ro di ana, nda ni dri'ba katidri Rubena'bai ro owo. 7 Egyi katidri Rubena ro ro dri'bai käläsikala ànyaro voro orivoya oso nonye, dri'ba nai ni Jiela, Zekaria, 8 Bela, ŋgwa Azaza ro, kwozo Sema ro, käläsikala Yoele ro ro, se rite Aroeri ya, sagwo le Nebo ndi Balameona be ya. 9 Anya riyi kpate ogone 'buzelesi sagwo le sidri vocowa se ketobe ni Golo Eferata roya ana ya, tana koronya 'ba ro ànyaro litite amba wari Gilada roya. 10 Tu 'bädri'ba Saulo ro rosi katidri Rubena ro gota Agara'bai te ago tufu ànya te kyila ya, ago ànya riyite wari cini ànyaro ogone 'buzele Gilada ro yasi ya.
Zelevoi Gada ro
11 'Bakala Gada ro riyite ogone mä'dudri 'bakala Rubena ro roya wari Basana roya sagwo le Saleka ya. 12 Yoele ni dri'ba käläsikala käti ro, käläsikala ṛiri ro ni Safama, Janai ndi Safata be ni dri'bai käläsikala azaka ro Basana ya. 13 Ago 'bakala ànyaro azakana ni 'di käläsikala njidrieri ono ro: ni Mikaela, Masulama, Sheba, Jorai, Jakana, Zia, Ebera. 14 Anya orivoya zelevoi Abihaila ŋgwa Uri ro ro, arabe zutui ànyaro voro orivoya oso nonye: Abihaila, Jaroa, Gilada, Mikaela, Jesisai, Jado, Buza, 15 Ahi ŋgwa Abediela ro kwozo Guni ro, ni dri'ba käläsikala kwoi ro. 16 Ànya riyite wari Gilada ndi Basana be roya, ndi 'ba'desii se lau ana be yasi, ago wari cini lowo ro Saroma ro yasi. 17 (Egyi zelevoi se cini kwoi te tu Yotama 'bädri'ba Yudaro ndi Yeroboama 'bädri'ba Yisaraele be rosi.)
Kyila'bai 'Bakalai 'Buzelesi ro
18 'Bakalai Rubena, Gada, ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ro robe, kyila'bai kyila oyero ànyaro se orivoya ŋga ruotaro be, bando be, ndi kusu be be, se embate orivoya kado otina cini orivoya kutu 'butesu fosu kama njidrieri 'butenjidrialo. 19 Anya yeyi kyila te 'bakalai Agara'bai ro, Jetura, Nafisa ndi Nodaba be be. 20 Ànya yiyi tate Lu ya ago mätuyi nda te ta ŋgaopa rota, ago Lu zatadri mätu ànyaro rote ago 'ba ànya te Agara'bai opene ṛe ndi beraazii cini ànyaro yibe. 21 Ànya oroyi koronyai 'baro kyila'baazii ànyaro rote, gamelei kutu 'butenji (50,000), timele kutu kama ritu 'butenji (250,000), doŋgyi kutu ritu (2,000), ago lidri se arube lidriidri ro orivoya kutu kama alo (100,000). 22 Ànya tufuyi amba kyila'baazii rote, tana kyila ana orivoya ole Lu ro yi, ànya riyite vo ànyaro yasi madale tu 'di ururo kamba'ba ro rosi.
Lidri Manase ro 'Buzelesi
23 Lidri Manase ro 'buzelesi riyite wari Basana roya le ogone mä'dudriro sagwo le Bala Eremona, Senira, ndi 'bereŋwa Eremona robe ya. 24 Dri'bai käläsikalai ànyaro ro ni kwoi: Ebera, Isi, Eliela, Azeriela, Yeremaya, Odavaya, ndi Jadiela be. Ànya cini orivoya 'di mbaraekye yi, ago dri'bai likuekye yi käläsikala ànyaro ya.
Oro 'Bakalai se 'Buzelesi te
25 Oko lidri a'dote ta'diriako Lu zutui ànyaro ro ri, ago e'beyi nda te ago mätuyite lui tu'dei se Opi keperebe ni ànya milesi kai ro ayani. 26 Ago Lu Yisaraele ro eŋga ya Pula 'bädri'ba Asaria ro, (se ni Tigelata Pilesera) ago nda oto 'bakalai Rubena, Gada, ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ro robe te di. 'Ba ànya te orine 'du Ala, Abora, ndi Arana be yasi, ago Golo Gozana kala madale tu ono si.
The Descendants of Reuben
1 These are the descendants of Reuben, the oldest of Jacob's sons. (Because he had sex with one of his father's concubines, he lost the rights belonging to the first-born son, and those rights were given to Joseph. 2 It was the tribe of Judah, however, that became the strongest and provided a ruler for all the tribes.) 3 Reuben, the oldest of Jacob's sons, had four sons: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
4-6 These are the descendants of Joel from generation to generation: Shemaiah, Gog, Shimei, Micah, Reaiah, Baal, and Beerah. The Assyrian emperor, Tiglath Pileser, captured Beerah, a leader of the tribe, and deported him.
7 The family records list the following clan leaders in the tribe of Reuben: Jeiel, Zechariah, 8 and Bela, the son of Azaz and grandson of Shema, of the clan of Joel. This clan lived in Aroer and in the territory from there north to Nebo and Baal Meon. 9 They had large herds in the land of Gilead, and so they occupied the land as far east as the desert that stretches all the way to the Euphrates River.
10 In the time of King Saul the tribe of Reuben attacked the Hagrites, killed them in battle, and occupied their land in the eastern part of Gilead.
The Descendants of Gad
11 The tribe of Gad lived to the north of Reuben in the land of Bashan as far east as Salecah. 12 Joel was the founder of the leading clan, and Shapham of the second most important clan. Janai and Shaphat were founders of other clans in Bashan. 13 The other members of the tribe belonged to the following seven clans: Michael, Meshullam, Sheba, Jorai, Jacan, Zia, and Eber. 14 They were descendants of Abihail son of Huri, whose ancestors were traced back as follows: Abihail, Huri, Jaroah, Gilead, Michael, Jeshishai, Jahdo, Buz. 15 Ahi, the son of Abdiel and grandson of Guni, was head of these clans. 16 They lived in the territory of Bashan and Gilead, in the towns there and all over the pasture lands of Sharon. ( 17 These records were compiled in the days of King Jotham of Judah and King Jeroboam II of Israel.)
The Armies of the Eastern Tribes
18 In the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh there were 44,760 soldiers, well-trained in the use of shields, swords, and bows. 19 They went to war against the Hagrite tribes of Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab. 20 They put their trust in God and prayed to him for help, and God answered their prayers and made them victorious over the Hagrites and their allies. 21 They captured from the enemy 50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep, and 2,000 donkeys, and took 100,000 prisoners of war. 22 They killed many of the enemy, because the war was God's will. And they went on living in that territory until the exile.
The People of East Manasseh
23 The people of East Manasseh settled in the territory of Bashan as far north as Baal Hermon, Senir, and Mount Hermon, and their population increased greatly. 24 The following were the heads of their clans: Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and Jahdiel. They were all outstanding soldiers, well-known leaders of their clans.
The Eastern Tribes Are Deported
25 But the people were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and deserted him to worship the gods of the nations whom God had driven out of the land. 26 So God caused Emperor Pul of Assyria (also known as Tiglath Pileser) to invade their country. He deported the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh and settled them permanently in Halah, Habor, and Hara, and by the Gozan River.