1 Liku kado onjine ayani orivoya kadopara ndrani a'do ŋgaamba be drisi; ago yauni orivoya ndrani mo'di kode logo läguläguro drisi.
2 Ŋgadriamba'ba ndi lemeri'ba be riti orivoya ojoojoro; tana OPI 'ba ànya ni riti.
3 Lidri se tavousu kado be kondre rriti te ikyivoya diru ndi ni kigyesi, oko 'dise tausu kado ako ci ṛo kigye ago ezaru ndi ni rigye.
4 Päläti o'do trwe ro ago OPI ororo ni ŋgadriamba, taoro ndi ori madaro be.
5 Ondro ka'do nyulu adri miro gindi, nyana mi lozo ni kukyi ndi abari se kabe takozi'bai uruna liti dri 'do yasi.
Happy Father’s Day
6 Nyembe ŋgwa ori se be ndäri orine 'do ya, 'dooko ondro nda komba te oko nda odina ru ko ni kigyesi.
7 Lidri se ŋgadriamba be kayi ni lemeri'bai miri; ago yuŋguuru'ba orivoya iyeäṛi yuŋguozo'ba ro.
8 Ndase ka kwari taŋgyeako ro orina ayani, olona iro gialo rriti, 'dieza ndaro kyilasi 'do okyena ndi.
9 Ndase kabe drì ndaro e'be uŋbo ŋga ozovoya 'do äṛuna ndi; tana nda ka ŋgaonya ndaro la'dona ati'bai be.
10 Nyana 'dise taofaekye 'do tesi, 'dooko kaladiṛi a'dona i'do ago kalaope, ndi la'da be okyena ndi.
11 'Dise kulute ata ya ŋgye si ago yauni si ayani, 'bädri'ba a'dona ndi bereazi ndaro.
12 OPI ka 'dise tavouni be gagana ni oko nda ka ta ata taŋgyeako'bai ro pere ni.
13 Mano se tovo ro ka ori 'bäru, tana nda ekye ondro ka'do yifote tesi ibi osina yi ndi.
14 Ta ata toko se ronyiro ro orivoya abari yi ka ànya se OPI orivoya kyilaro sina iyi uruna.
15 Ŋgàga ka tase cini amaamaro iyi loyena aya, oko co'da o'bi ànya zele kani ànya emba taoyene kadoro.
16 Ndase ka ati'bai eza a'dozana ndäri ŋgadriamba be kode ka ŋgapäṛi ozo toto ŋgadriamba'bai ri, a'dona kpa lemeri'ba ro.
Ata 'butenätu tavouni si
17 Miga bi, ago nyeri tase lidri tavouni'bai katayibe ono. Nyetenyi ta ŋgaembaro maro, 18 tana nya'dona ndi yai'dwesi ondro ka'do miyi tana te ndi ago mirite tana atana rri owo. 19 Ma ni tana embana ämiri ondro no; tana miyi ta robe OPI ya. 20 Megyi ata 'butenätu kwoi te ämiri, se tauni ndi tavoozo kado be orivoya kigye, 21 ago embana taŋgye ndi ta'diri be ndi ämiri. Tana 'dooko mìzana tadri ŋgye ndi ànya se kozoyi ami be ri.
22 Nyoco ati'bai ko tana ànya ka'dobe ati'bai ro 'do ro ago nyalaga taŋgye ànya se kabe edre ŋgaopa aza ako vure ya 'do ro ko. 23 OPI opena vure ànyaro ni ago 'dise kabe ozionya adri ànyaro lomvo iyi OPI onyana ozi kpa adri ànyaro lomvo.
24 Mi'be bereazi ko lidri se kabe oŋga ndriŋwa kyilaro 'do be ca nyaba ko lidri se ozibe be, 25 tana ukyi miru taoye ànyaro 'da ago nyabaṛi andivo miro 'da rriti si.
26 Mi'ba tao'ba ko yuŋgu 'di to azaro ozone, ca nya'do ko driute'ba ro ta yuŋgu rota. 27 Tana ondro ka'do nya'dote ŋga aza ako ozone, 'dooko ànya urunayi ca kitapara miro kpa.
28 Miswe kishwe uku se zutui miro kosibe 'do ko cu alona.
29 'Dise kabe losioye kadoro 'do induru na ndi 'bädri'bai ri; nda induruna ko lidri wayiro ri.
The Value of a Good Reputation
1 A good reputation and respect
are worth much more
than silver and gold.
2 The rich and the poor
are all created
by the Lord.
3 When you see trouble coming,
don't be stupid
and walk right into it—
be smart and hide.

4 Respect and serve the Lord!
Your reward will be wealth,
a long life, and honor.
5 Crooks walk down a road
full of thorny traps.
Stay away from there!
6 Teach your children
right from wrong,
and when they are grown
they will still do right.
7 The poor are ruled by the rich,
and those who borrow
are slaves of moneylenders.
8 Troublemakers get in trouble,
and their terrible anger
will get them nowhere.

9 The Lord blesses everyone
who freely gives food
to the poor.
10 Arguments and fights
will come to an end,
if you chase away those
who insult others.
11 The king is the friend of all
who are sincere
and speak with kindness.

12 The Lord watches over everyone
who shows good sense,
but he frustrates the plans
of deceitful liars.
13 Don't be so lazy that you say,
“If I go to work,
a lion will eat me!”
14 The words of a bad woman
are like a deep pit;
if you make the Lord angry,
you will fall right in.
15 All children are foolish,
but firm correction
will make them change.
16 Cheat the poor to make profit
or give gifts to the rich—
either way you lose.
Thirty Wise Sayings
17 Here are some sayings
of people with wisdom,
so listen carefully
as I teach.
18 You will be glad
that you know these sayings
and can recite them.
19 I am teaching them today,
so that you
may trust the Lord.
20 I have written thirty sayings
filled with sound advice.
21 You can trust them completely
to give you the right words
for those in charge of you.
22 Don't take advantage
of the poor
or cheat them in court.
23 The Lord is their defender,
and what you do to them,
he will do to you.
24 Don't make friends with anyone
who has a bad temper.
25 You might turn out like them
and get caught in a trap.
26 Don't guarantee to pay
someone else's debt.
27 If you don't have the money,
you might lose your bed.
28 Don't move a boundary marker
set up by your ancestors.
29 If you do your job well,
you will work for a ruler
and never be a slave.