aza 12
buuluz muŋw eze kwɔmne kweḏi kilerena ŋiŋliṯa, na ṯajila ṯeṯejilini ŋunduŋwu ki rɔgwɽɔ
1 nyi kwellini nyi tɔk kwɔmne gi kwete; ŋiti ŋeḏi ṯəgna ṯere mac, lakin ŋinaŋnanyji eḏi zi andazi ŋeḏi kwɔmne kwizanyi ŋiŋliṯa, na ŋeḏi ṯiruwenizelu ṯinḏeḏa nyi Kweleny. 2 nyi kwilŋiiḏi kworu kwete eḏi Kwruztu-na ki yiḏla yir wri-kwaɽŋan yimɔ ṯamḏu, kwumer dimi la teṯ, ner gi ele kilerena lac lir nimra ṯɔɽɔl—kwunani kwir aŋna ya kwiti kwir aŋna mac, ŋiti ŋilŋiicanyji mac, Allah wiri wilŋiiḏizi. 3 nenyjelŋe ŋu ŋenuŋw kwor ŋgwu kwumer dimi la, ner gi ele kezir-na wizaw—kwunani kwir aŋna ya kwiti kwir aŋna mac, ŋiti ŋilŋiicanyji mac, Allah wiri wilŋiiḏizi— 4 nuŋw neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋiti ŋeŋgir zi andazi mac, ŋiti ŋeŋgi zi kwizi bonye eḏi ŋi ofi kworɔ tɔk mac. 5 ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi kwor ŋgwu enyi ŋi ellini, lakin ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi rɔgwɽɔ rinyi, enyi ŋi ere ellini mac, illi ŋeḏi ṯajila tinyi. 6 menyi kinna naŋni eḏellini, enyi ere orɔ kwete kwuḏiki mac, kaka inḏinyji gwu eḏi zi andazi ŋir rerem, lakin nyi ŋgwu kwudirna, mindaŋ muŋw ere kwere mac kwenyi alla eḏi ŋi ṯemizi nyuŋwu la beten kaka ŋizaŋw zi ki ŋeḏre-na ŋinyi, na ŋiniŋnaŋw zi nani nyi gwu. 7 na eḏi ṯinyini nyuŋwu eḏi piŋi rɔgwɽɔ beten ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋir ŋwunda ŋwunda ŋeḏi ṯurwenizelu, ner nyi inḏeḏa ṯugwiya kaŋna-na winyi, tir kafur keḏi zeyṯaan eḏundeŋni nyuŋwu, eḏi ṯinyini nyuŋwu eḏi piŋi rɔgwɽɔ beten. 8 nyamin-na tɔɽɔl nenyi dadici Kwelenyi lu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋu, eŋgi ṯugwi duŋgweci nyuŋwu; 9 lakin nuŋw eca nyuŋwu ŋwu: ṯimeca tinyi ṯeḏi ŋimɽi ṯimɔŋa ṯa biɽḏi ŋwu, kaka eṯi gwu ŋuma ŋinyi orɔ minmin ki ṯajila-na. ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nyi kwamina beṯen eḏellini ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ṯajila tinyi, eḏi ma ŋuma ŋeḏi Kwruztu nani duŋgwinyi-na. 10 ṯaŋwu, ki ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi Kwruztu ŋundu, nyi kwamina ṯajila ṯi, na ṯiruzine ṯi luŋw tɔk, na ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋifirli, na ṯowɽina ṯi yey mindaŋ, na ṯerrina ṯi dar tɔk; kaka menyi gwu eni kwajila ta, enyeni kwufirli.
buuluz muŋw dugwuɽezi ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋeḏi ṯellina ṯuŋwun
11 nyi kwumeni kwuḏiki! emba, ŋaŋa liri limenyi iili eḏi zi andazi, ŋaŋa liri emba keni rerec leŋgi nyi iɽi-na. kaka iti eni nyi gwu kwɔkwɽeny mac eḏi yafur la kyu yiṯemḏelu, menyi kinna ere eni kwɔmne kwere mac. 12 ŋilim ŋeḏi kafur kir rerem ŋimerrini daŋgal-na ṯindinyana ṯi nana tatap ŋilim ŋi eḏi ŋi liŋɽazi lizi, na ŋɔḏɽor ŋi ŋiṯemḏelu. 13 ŋinani ŋere ŋiti ŋimɔ ŋazi errici mac kaka yaniiza yiḏaḏu a? illi ma ŋazi ere ufini ṯofi ṯere mac. iɽinyacar nyji lu ŋu!
14 nyi ŋgwu kwumɔ ṯimayini eḏila nani ŋa gwu kirem, mindaŋ ma nyamin orɔ-na ṯɔɽɔl. ta enyi ere ufini ṯofi ṯere mac, kaka iti naŋnaḏi ŋazi gwu kwɔmne kwalu mac, lakin ŋaŋa liri; kaka iti ofḏanir gwu mac eḏi nyor immeci rernyinŋwuzi kwɔmne, lakin eḏi rernyinŋa immeci nyoru. 15 nyi kwamina beṯe-beṯen eḏi ṯuzi kweḏi rɔgwɽɔ rinyi ndendeṯ ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi rɔgwɽɔ ralu. ma ŋazi amɽi ṯamɽa ṯi ṯuru ta, er nyi amɽi ṯamɽa ṯi ṯɔkwɽeny, a? 16 ŋilŋiiḏina kinna derder eḏaruŋw, ki rɔgwɽɔ rinyi nyi kwende kwumɔŋazi ufini ṯofi ṯere daŋgal-na, ŋaŋa laruŋw, kweḏizi nyuŋwuzi ŋejmeṯi-na, nuŋw illazi nyuŋwuzi ki array yi. 17 nyi kwumɔ ŋazi ani yaḏa kwɔmne kwere lizi limɔ ŋazi uzica? 18 nyi kworaca tiiṯazŋw eḏele nenyi uzi eŋgeriŋw ŋundu gi. tiiṯaz kwumɔ ŋazi yaḏa kwɔmne kwere? ŋiti ŋerrenyji Ṯigɽim ṯi ṯutuput manya? nyiŋa liti liri kwurɔ kwutuput manya?
19 a limari kezni, nyiŋa limɔ roce rɔgwɽɔ reri ki yey-na yalu? ŋandizanyji ŋu eḏi Kwruztu-na ki yey-na yeḏi Allah, ner orɔ dak, limɽi linyi, eḏi duŋgwuŋgwazi ŋaŋwuzi. 20 kaka ṯinya nyi gwu, menyila a ŋazi ere kaṯazi kezir were kaka ŋinaŋnazi ṯugwor tinyi mac, mindaŋ mer nyi ere eḏinḏa tɔk mac kaka ŋinaŋnazi rugwor ralu; kaka ṯinya nyi gwu enyinḏa kezni ŋurreḏa, ke ŋiɽany, ŋerya tɔk, ṯamɽa ṯeḏi rɔgwɽɔ, ṯuŋwun, ṯermiḏeḏa nana, ṯipiŋa rɔgwɽɔ, na ŋitembilna tɔk. 21 nyi ŋgwu kwuṯinya mindaŋ menyila kwokwony, Allah winyi wenyi iini ṯurony ki yey-na yalu, enyi ŋi ronyina ŋeḏi kla luru limezerri ŋiki kerreny, na liti limurla rugwori lu mac ṯuronyina ṯi, eḏi zi efrici ŋir ṯortunana ṯiki, ŋijin tɔk, na yey yurlu tɔk, ŋimerzerri.
Paul's Visions and Revelations
1 I have to boast, even though it doesn't do any good. But I will now talk about visions and revelations given me by the Lord. 2 I know a certain Christian man who fourteen years ago was snatched up to the highest heaven (I do not know whether this actually happened or whether he had a vision—only God knows). 3-4 I repeat, I know that this man was snatched to Paradise (again, I do not know whether this actually happened or whether it was a vision—only God knows), and there he heard things which cannot be put into words, things that human lips may not speak. 5 So I will boast about this man—but I will not boast about myself, except the things that show how weak I am. 6 If I wanted to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be telling the truth. But I will not boast, because I do not want any of you to have a higher opinion of me than you have as a result of what you have seen me do and heard me say.
7 But to keep me from being puffed up with pride because of the many wonderful things I saw, I was given a painful physical ailment, which acts as Satan's messenger to beat me and keep me from being proud. 8 Three times I prayed to the Lord about this and asked him to take it away. 9 But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. 10 I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Paul's Concern for the Corinthians
11 I am acting like a fool—but you have made me do it. You are the ones who ought to show your approval of me. For even if I am nothing, I am in no way inferior to those very special “apostles” of yours. 12 The many miracles and wonders that prove that I am an apostle were performed among you with much patience. 13 How were you treated any worse than the other churches, except that I did not bother you for financial help? Please forgive me for being so unfair!
14 This is now the third time that I am ready to come to visit you—and I will not make any demands on you. It is you I want, not your money. After all, children should not have to provide for their parents, but parents should provide for their children. 15 I will be glad to spend all I have, and myself as well, in order to help you. Will you love me less because I love you so much?
16 You will agree, then, that I was not a burden to you. But someone will say that I was tricky, and trapped you with lies. 17 How? Did I take advantage of you through any of the messengers I sent? 18 I begged Titus to go, and I sent the other believer with him. Would you say that Titus took advantage of you? Do not he and I act from the very same motives and behave in the same way?
19 Perhaps you think that all along we have been trying to defend ourselves before you. No! We speak as Christ would have us speak in the presence of God, and everything we do, dear friends, is done to help you. 20 I am afraid that when I get there I will find you different from what I would like you to be and you will find me different from what you would like me to be. I am afraid that I will find quarreling and jealousy, hot tempers and selfishness, insults and gossip, pride and disorder. 21 I am afraid that the next time I come my God will humiliate me in your presence, and I shall weep over many who sinned in the past and have not repented of the immoral things they have done—their lust and their sexual sins.