aza 18
ṯiida ṯeḏi meḏiina kwupa
1 na ma ŋiɽaŋal ŋu ernine nenyeze maleyka kwir ter kwoɽu kilerena, kweḏi zulṯa kwupak; na ureyu erṯe fori gi lu kwuŋwun, 2 nuŋw ari ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯi ṯupak, ŋwu:
baabil, kweni kwupa, kwumiidi, kwumiidi!
kwumorɔ duənu kweḏi yibliiz,
na ezir weṯi gwu rigɽim riki urbeḏa,
na weḏi ndow liki leṯuwezi lizi;
3 kaka ma gwu ŋeleny tatap ii nabiṯa kwir ŋijin ŋuŋun,
na leleny leḏi ṯurmun nerzerri ŋir ŋijin ŋundu ŋali
na rayjir reḏi ṯurmun orɔ lurṯu ŋurṯu ŋi ŋuŋun ŋikiyaḏa lu cil.
4 nenyi neŋne ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯete ṯir ter ṯiruḏi kilerena, ṯaruŋw:
ruḏar gwu-na, ŋaŋa lir lizi linyi,
mindaŋ ma ere oɽmaṯi ŋundu ŋali ki ŋikya-na ŋuŋun mac,
mindaŋ ma ŋazi jiiza kwere kwuŋwun ere miḏa mac;
5 kaka ma gwu ŋikya ŋuŋun upaḏi kilerena,
mindaŋ mezi Allah kiḏayini.
6 inḏeḏer ŋunduŋwu kwir kaka kwinḏeḏaŋw zi liḏaḏu
ezi inḏeḏa ŋunduŋwu maḏbuga-na kwuɽen kweḏi ŋa ŋeṯuŋw zi erri;
na ki tiṯra-na kra teṯuŋw urṯazi,
urṯacer ŋunduŋwu maḏbuga-na kwuɽen.
7 kaka niiyaŋw gwu rɔgwɽɔ-na ruŋwun eḏizerri kaka kwijin,
ṯaŋwu, inḏeḏer ṯa ŋunduŋwu ṯurfa dap, na ŋwunda tɔk.
kaka eṯuŋw gwu aruŋw ki ṯugwor-na ṯuŋwun: nyi kwunanalu kwir kweleny,
nyi kwiti kwiri kweḏel mac, enyere eze ŋwunda dut.
8 ŋwu ṯaŋwu a jiiza kwuŋwun ila ki lamin lutuput,
kimeṯ kiki, na ŋwunda, na yaŋwu yu tɔrtɔr,
na er uɽezi igə yi;
kaka eḏi gwu Kweleny kwir Allah ŋuma ŋupak, kweṯiketize ŋunduŋwu hukma.
9 a leleny leḏi ṯurmun, leṯir zi li erri ŋir ŋijin, er ari ŋunduŋwu ŋwunda ŋwunda. mer eze kwuluŋi kwuŋwun kwumuŋw gi uɽeḏi; 10 er irli lirucena tuk, liṯinya ṯirara ṯuŋwun, mindaŋ er aruŋw:
eyewey, eyewey, ŋa kweni meḏiina kwupa,
ŋa, kwiri meḏiina kweḏi ŋuma ŋupak, kweni baabil!
ki zaa kwutuput na hukm wɔŋwa ila!
11 na eṯi rayjir reḏi ṯurmun ariḏa ŋunduŋwu ŋwunda ŋwunda, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi kwɔmne kweŋen, kaka iti liṯaḏi ŋwuzi gwu kwere mac ŋgwa kwapar ki lifaluuka-na, 12 kwir ḏahab, na faḏḏa, na ŋamal ŋir-na ter ter, na ŋete ŋir gaali beṯen ŋifiiḏu nana kaka ŋan, ŋeni lulu, na yireṯ yimri-na ter ter, yeḏi ŋele ŋiɽen ŋori, ɽiyer, na ŋwuɽi ŋwami wəŋ ŋwir-na ter ter, na kwɔmne tatap kweṯir daɽmaḏa yiŋaṯ yi yeḏi ṯuŋwur, na kwɔmne kweṯir daɽmaḏa yumbur yi yir gaali, na kwɔmne kwir zarṯu kwir zurman, na hadiid, na yal yir gaali tɔk, 13 na kwuḏɽul kwuru kwir-na ter ter, na murr, na luban, na nabiṯ, na ŋila, na yila yimri-na, na ŋwan ŋwir gamah, nyiḏri na yaŋal tɔk, na limɔrṯa yarbiya yi, na lizigwunaŋ lir luway leṯir zi ilila.
14 kwɔmne tatap kweṯi rɔgwɽɔ rɔŋwa naŋni, kwumɔŋa ṯaza lu:
a kwumɔṯuzi kwɔmne kwɔŋwa tatap kwir eḏne weḏi ŋila-na,
na firyar kweḏi ŋiniṯ ŋɔŋa,
na ere kaṯazi kwokwony mac.
15 na rayjir reḏi buḏaa ŋgwu, reṯəgini ŋurṯua ŋeŋen nanuŋw gwu, er irli rurucena tuk riṯinya ṯirara ṯuŋwun, rari kwola ŋwunda ŋwunda, ŋwu:
16 eyewey, eyewey kweḏi meḏiina kwupa
kweṯikenne yireṯi yimri-na, yeḏi ŋele ŋiɽen ŋori, ɽiyer,
kwɔgwuɽana ŋamal nana ŋir dahab, na ŋete ŋir gaali beṯen ŋifiiḏu nana kaka ŋan, ŋeni lulu!
17 ki zaa kwutuput, na ŋurtu ŋu ke ndendeṯ.
na lor lir leleny leḏi lifaluuka, na linani gwu-na tatap, na kla leṯaki ŋɔḏɽor ki rujul-na lirli tuk, 18 ner ari kwola, izar gwu kwuluŋi kweḏi igə dunnazaŋw gwu ŋunduŋwu, ner aruŋw:
meḏiina kwende kwere kwir kaka ŋgwu kwupa?
19 ner akani kulaŋi ŋwoɽa-na ŋweŋen, arir gwu kwola, lari ŋwunda tɔk, laruŋw:
eyewey, eyewey kweḏi meḏiina kwupa,
kwumer gwu be kla tatap leḏi lifaluuka linani ki rujul-na kwɔmne kwizaw kwizaw!
ki zaa kwutuput na ŋurṯu ŋuŋun ke ndendeṯ.
20 ŋa, kwir kilerena, nyiŋlar-na ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋuŋun,
na ŋaŋa, lirlinelu ter, na yafur, na liɽi,
kaka ma gwu Allah inḏeḏa ŋunduŋwu hukma ki ŋiɽaŋal ŋalu.
21 na maleyka kwete kwufirli teter dimi kali kete teṯ, kir kaka ali wupak, nuŋw kaṯa ki ṯujul-na, kwaruŋw:
le ta kalu baabilŋw kwir meḏiina kwupa taŋwu,
mindaŋ ŋwere inḏini kwokwony mac.
22 na rɔgwɽɔ reḏi kla letəri lumbəra, na leṯikete rilŋa rir-na ter ter, na kla leṯəri ŋwufɽitira na libruza,
er ere niŋnini nani ŋa gwu kwokwony mac;
na kwir kwɔrṯɔ kwere,
ŋwere inḏini daŋgal-na kwokony mac;
na kwurna kweḏi ali
ŋwere niŋnini nani ŋa gwu kwokony mac;
23 na fori kweḏi lɔmba
ŋwere fudi nani ŋa gwu kwokwony mac;
na tɔgwɽɔ ṯeḏi kwor kwagiḏu, ŋundu-ŋa kwaw gi kwuŋwun,
er ere niŋnini daŋgal-na kwokwony mac;
kaka ur gwu rayjir rɔŋwa lizi lupa leḏi ṯurmun kerreny,
na ŋeleny tatap ṯuḏi ŋuzur ŋi ŋɔŋa.
24 na ki meḏiina-na ŋgwa, ner kaṯazi ŋina ŋeḏi liɽi na kla lirlinelu ter,
na kla tatap limerzi endinye ki ṯurmun-na.
The Fall of Babylon
1 I saw another angel come from heaven. This one had great power, and the earth was bright because of his glory. 2 The angel shouted,

“Fallen! Powerful Babylon
has fallen
and is now the home
of demons.
It is the den
of every filthy spirit
and of all unclean birds,
and every dirty
and hated animal.
3 Babylon's evil and immoral wine
has made all nations drunk.
Every king on earth
has slept with her,
and every merchant on earth
is rich because of
her evil desires.”

4 Then I heard another voice
from heaven shout,
“My people, you must escape
from Babylon.
Don't take part in her sins
and share her punishment.
5 Her sins are piled
as high as heaven.
God has remembered the evil
she has done.
6 Treat her as she
has treated others.
Make her pay double
for what she has done.
Make her drink twice as much
of what she mixed
for others.
7 That woman honored herself
with a life of luxury.
Reward her now
with suffering and pain.

“Deep in her heart
Babylon said,
‘I am the queen!
Never will I be a widow
or know what it means
to be sad.’
8 And so, in a single day
she will suffer the pain
of sorrow, hunger, and death.
Fire will destroy
her dead body,
because her judge
is the powerful Lord God.”

9 Every king on earth who slept with her and shared in her luxury will mourn. They will weep, when they see the smoke from that fire. 10 Her sufferings will frighten them, and they will stand at a distance and say,

“Pity that great
and powerful city!
Pity Babylon!
In a single hour
her judgment has come.”

11 Every merchant on earth will mourn, because there is no one to buy their goods. 12 There won't be anyone to buy their gold, silver, jewels, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, sweet-smelling wood, fancy carvings of ivory and wood, as well as things made of bronze, iron, or marble. 13 No one will buy their cinnamon, spices, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, slaves, and other humans.

14 Babylon, the things
your heart desired
have all escaped
from you.
Every luxury
and all your glory
will be lost forever.
You will never
get them back.

15 The merchants had become rich because of her. But when they saw her sufferings, they were terrified. They stood at a distance, crying and mourning. 16 Then they shouted,

“Pity the great city
of Babylon!
She dressed in fine linen
and wore purple
and scarlet cloth.
She had jewelry
made of gold
and precious stones
and pearls.
17 Yet in a single hour
her riches disappeared.”

Every ship captain and passenger and sailor stood at a distance, together with everyone who does business by traveling on the sea. 18 When they saw the smoke from her fire, they shouted, “This was the greatest city ever!”
19 They cried loudly, and in their sorrow they threw dust on their heads, as they said,

“Pity the great city
of Babylon!
Everyone who sailed the seas
became rich
from her treasures.
But in a single hour
the city was destroyed.
20 The heavens should be happy
with God's people
and apostles and prophets.
God has punished her
for them.”

21 A powerful angel then picked up a huge stone and threw it into the sea. The angel said,

“This is how the great city
of Babylon
will be thrown down,
never to rise again.
22 The music of harps and singers
and of flutes and trumpets
will no longer be heard.
No workers will ever
set up shop in that city,
and the sound
of grinding grain
will be silenced forever.
23 Lamps will no longer shine
anywhere in Babylon,
and couples will never again
say wedding vows there.
Her merchants ruled
the earth,
and by her witchcraft
she fooled all nations.
24 On the streets of Babylon
is found the blood
of God's people
and of his prophets,
and everyone else.”