Jeremiah Stays with Gedaliah
1 The Lord spoke to me after Nebuzaradan, the commanding officer, had set me free at Ramah. I had been taken there in chains, along with all the other people from Jerusalem and Judah who were being taken away as prisoners to Babylonia.
2 The commanding officer took me aside and said, “The Lord your God threatened this land with destruction, 3 and now he has done what he said he would. All this happened because your people sinned against the Lord and disobeyed him. 4 Now, I am taking the chains off your wrists and setting you free. If you want to go to Babylonia with me, you may do so, and I will take care of you. But if you don't want to go, you don't have to. You have the whole country to choose from, and you may go wherever you wish.”
5 When I did not answer, Nebuzaradan said, “Go back to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylonia has made governor of the towns of Judah. You may stay with him and live among the people, or you may go anywhere you think you should.” Then he gave me a present and some food to take with me, and let me go on my way. 6 I went to stay with Gedaliah in Mizpah and lived among the people who were left in the land.
Gedaliah, Governor of Judah
(2 Kings 25.22-24)
7 Some of the Judean officers and soldiers had not surrendered. They heard that the king of Babylonia had made Gedaliah governor of the land and had placed him in charge of all those who had not been taken away to Babylonia—the poorest people in the land. 8 So Ishmael son of Nethaniah, Johanan son of Kareah, Seraiah son of Tanhumeth, the sons of Ephai from Netophah, and Jezaniah from Maacah went with their men to Gedaliah at Mizpah. 9 Gedaliah said to them, “I give you my word that there is no need for you to be afraid to surrender to the Babylonians. Settle in this land, serve the king of Babylonia, and all will go well with you. 10 I myself will stay in Mizpah and be your representative when the Babylonians come here. But you can gather and store up wine, fruit, and olive oil, and live in the villages you occupy.” 11 Meanwhile, all the Israelites who were in Moab, Ammon, Edom, and other countries, heard that the king of Babylonia had allowed some Israelites to stay on in Judah and that he had made Gedaliah their governor. 12 So they left the places where they had been scattered, and returned to Judah. They came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, and there they gathered in large amounts of wine and fruit.
Gedaliah Is Murdered
(2 Kings 25.252 26)
13 After this, Johanan and the leaders of the soldiers who had not surrendered came to Gedaliah at Mizpah 14 and said to him, “Don't you know that King Baalis of Ammon has sent Ishmael to murder you?” But Gedaliah did not believe it. 15 Then Johanan said privately to him, “Let me go and kill Ishmael, and no one will know who did it. Why should he be allowed to murder you? That would cause all the Jews who have gathered around you to be scattered, and it would bring disaster on all the people who are left in Judah.”
16 But Gedaliah answered, “Don't do it! What you are saying about Ishmael is not true!”
Yeremaya Ka Ori Gedalaya be
1 Nebuzaradana, otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro, konji mate dritairo ni Rama ya oko, OPI atate märi. Ugu mate lau embeembero nyori si, tro lidri azaka se äru ni Yerusalema yasi ago ni Yuda yasi kamba'bai ro Babelona ya kai be.
2 Otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro ana ru mate di mate fere iṛe ago atate ekye: “OPI Lu miro nyaozite ŋgakozi oyene wari ono ya, 3 OPI 'ba tase ono te ago ye te oso se nda kata tana be oyene ronye; tase cini ono ko'debe a'done ämiri tana lidri amiro yeyi takozi te OPI ri ago royi nda kote. 4 Yauono mate nyori onji ni drì miro yasi ondro no. Ondro ka'do mindrete kadoro oyine mabe Babelona ya, minina ndi oyine, ago mandrena vo miro ndi. Oko ondro ka'do mindrete koziro oyine, miri amiro. 'Bädri cini ni kpeye mi mile wo minji ni kigyesi, ago minina ndi oyine vose mindrebe kado ago ŋgye oyine kigye 'do ya.”
5 Ondro mazatadri kote oko, Nebuzaradana atate ekye: “Ondro milete orine, migo kovole Gedalaya, ŋgwa Aikama ro kwozo Sapana ro re, se 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ko'babe wari'ba ro 'ba'desii Yuda ro dri ana. Miri robe nda be ago miri robe lidri lako, kode minina ndi oyine vose nyusu tana be oyine kigye 'do ya.” 'Dooko nda ozo ŋgapäṛi ndi ŋgaonya azaka be te märi, ago e'be mate oyine. 6 Moyite orine Gedalaya be Mizepa ya ago màrite nda be lidri se e'bebe wari ana ya ana lako.
Gedalaya wari'ba Yuda ro
(2 'Bädri'bai 25:22-24)
7 Dri'bai kyila'bai Yudai ro ro ndi kyila'bai ànyaro be se drigba wari tesisi iyi eriyitate ekye, 'bädri'ba Babelona ro 'ba Gedalaya te wari'ba wari ana ro, ago 'ba nda te 'desi lidri se cini mäyuro äru kote kamba'bai ro Babelona ya kai ro. 8 Ta'dota Isamaele ŋgwa Natania ro, Joanana ŋgwa Karea ro, Seraya ŋgwa Tanumeta ro, ŋgwàagoro Efai ro ni Netofa yasi, ndi Yezania se ni Maka yasi ana yibe oyiyite lidri ànyaro yibe Gedalaya re Mizepa ya. 9 Gedalaya äṛurute ànyari ekye: “Nyà'do ko turiro ni ami ozovoya Babelona'bai ri mìri wari ya ago nyìnduru 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri, ago ta cini a'dona ndi kadoro ämiri. 10 Oko ta maro ta, marina 'da Mizepa ya ago ma'dona ni ta amiro ata'ba ro ondro Babelona'bai kikyiyite noŋwa owo. Oko ämiri kala vino, doŋgo, ndi ido ice ido ro robe kotone ago odrone kuru, ago ämiri orine 'baŋwà se mirube iyi yasi.” 11 'Dooko, Yisaraele'bai se cini orivoya Moaba, Amona, Edoma, ndi 'bädri azaka be yasi iyi, eriyitate ekye 'bädri'ba Babelona ro letadrite Yisaraele'bai se e'bebe iyi, ri orine Yuda ya ago 'ba Gedalaya te wari'ba ànyaro. 12 Ta'dota Yudai cini e'beyi vose cini epere ànya be kigyesi kai te, ago egoyite Yuda ya. Ànya ikyiyite Gedalaya re Mizepa ya, ago ànya otoyikala vino ndi doŋgo duru robe te amba lau.
Äfu Gedalaya te
(2 'Bädri'bai 25:25-26)
13 Ta'do vosi oko, Joanana ŋgwa Karea ro ndi dri'bai kyila'bai se drigba wari yasi iyi ikyiyite Gedalaya re Mizepa ya, 14 ago atayite ndäri ekye: “Inye'do mini ṛoko Balisa 'Bädri'ba Amona ro ezo Isamaele ŋgwa Natania ro te mi ufune ya?” Caoko Gedalaya ma ta ànyaro kote. 15 'Dooko Joanana atate iṛero Gedalaya ri ekye: “Mi'ba moyi Isamaele ufune, ago 'diaza unina ko 'dise koye ta 'do be 'do unine. A'bana nda gi'de mi ufune etaya? 'Do o'bana Yudai se cini kotoyikalabe milomvo ono ndi ruperene, ago ezina rriti ndi lidri se cini e'bebe Yuda ya ono dri.”
16 Oko Gedalaya zatadrite ekye: “Miye ko inye! Tase nyabe atana ta Isamaele rota ono ko orivoya taŋgye yi!”