1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him whipped. 2 The soldiers made a crown out of thorny branches and put it on his head; then they put a purple robe on him 3 and came to him and said, “Long live the King of the Jews!” And they went up and slapped him.
4 Pilate went back out once more and said to the crowd, “Look, I will bring him out here to you to let you see that I cannot find any reason to condemn him.” 5 So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, “Look! Here is the man!”
6 When the chief priests and the Temple guards saw him, they shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
Pilate said to them, “You take him, then, and crucify him. I find no reason to condemn him.”
7 The crowd answered back, “We have a law that says he ought to die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”
8 When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid. 9 He went back into the palace and asked Jesus, “Where do you come from?”
But Jesus did not answer. 10 Pilate said to him, “You will not speak to me? Remember, I have the authority to set you free and also to have you crucified.”
11 Jesus answered, “You have authority over me only because it was given to you by God. So the man who handed me over to you is guilty of a worse sin.”
12 When Pilate heard this, he tried to find a way to set Jesus free. But the crowd shouted back, “If you set him free, that means that you are not the Emperor's friend! Anyone who claims to be a king is a rebel against the Emperor!”
13 When Pilate heard these words, he took Jesus outside and sat down on the judge's seat in the place called “The Stone Pavement.” (In Hebrew the name is “Gabbatha.”) 14 It was then almost noon of the day before the Passover. Pilate said to the people, “Here is your king!”
15 They shouted back, “Kill him! Kill him! Crucify him!”
Pilate asked them, “Do you want me to crucify your king?”
The chief priests answered, “The only king we have is the Emperor!”
16 Then Pilate handed Jesus over to them to be crucified.
Jesus Is Crucified
(Matthew 27.32-44Mark 15.21-32Luke 23.26-43)
So they took charge of Jesus. 17 He went out, carrying his cross, and came to “The Place of the Skull,” as it is called. (In Hebrew it is called “Golgotha.”) 18 There they crucified him; and they also crucified two other men, one on each side, with Jesus between them. 19 Pilate wrote a notice and had it put on the cross. “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews,” is what he wrote. 20 Many people read it, because the place where Jesus was crucified was not far from the city. The notice was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. 21 The chief priests said to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am the King of the Jews.’”
22 Pilate answered, “What I have written stays written.”
23 After the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and divided them into four parts, one part for each soldier. They also took the robe, which was made of one piece of woven cloth without any seams in it. 24 The soldiers said to one another, “Let's not tear it; let's throw dice to see who will get it.” This happened in order to make the scripture come true:
“They divided my clothes among themselves
and gambled for my robe.”
And this is what the soldiers did.
25 Standing close to Jesus' cross were his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved standing there; so he said to his mother, “He is your son.”
27 Then he said to the disciple, “She is your mother.” From that time the disciple took her to live in his home.
The Death of Jesus
(Matthew 27.45-56Mark 15.33-41Luke 23.44-49)
28 Jesus knew that by now everything had been completed; and in order to make the scripture come true, he said, “I am thirsty.”
29 A bowl was there, full of cheap wine; so a sponge was soaked in the wine, put on a stalk of hyssop, and lifted up to his lips. 30 Jesus drank the wine and said, “It is finished!”
Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Jesus' Side Is Pierced
31 Then the Jewish authorities asked Pilate to allow them to break the legs of the men who had been crucified, and to take the bodies down from the crosses. They requested this because it was Friday, and they did not want the bodies to stay on the crosses on the Sabbath, since the coming Sabbath was especially holy. 32 So the soldiers went and broke the legs of the first man and then of the other man who had been crucified with Jesus. 33 But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead, so they did not break his legs. 34 One of the soldiers, however, plunged his spear into Jesus' side, and at once blood and water poured out. ( 35 The one who saw this happen has spoken of it, so that you also may believe. What he said is true, and he knows that he speaks the truth.) 36 This was done to make the scripture come true: “Not one of his bones will be broken.” 37 And there is another scripture that says, “People will look at him whom they pierced.”
The Burial of Jesus
(Matthew 27.57-61Mark 15.42-47Luke 23.50-56)
38 After this, Joseph, who was from the town of Arimathea, asked Pilate if he could take Jesus' body. (Joseph was a follower of Jesus, but in secret, because he was afraid of the Jewish authorities.) Pilate told him he could have the body, so Joseph went and took it away. 39 Nicodemus, who at first had gone to see Jesus at night, went with Joseph, taking with him about one hundred pounds of spices, a mixture of myrrh and aloes. 40 The two men took Jesus' body and wrapped it in linen cloths with the spices according to the Jewish custom of preparing a body for burial. 41 There was a garden in the place where Jesus had been put to death, and in it there was a new tomb where no one had ever been buried. 42 Since it was the day before the Sabbath and because the tomb was close by, they placed Jesus' body there.
aza 19
bilaaṯuz, muŋw gwu ṯiŋaci yahuuḏa Yecuŋw lu
1 na ṯa bilaaṯuz ṯiŋa Yecuŋw lu, ner ipii zɔṯ gi, 2 na ezgar emme yugwia kura, kaka taŋgi teḏi ŋeleny, ner oɽaci kinda, ner oɽaci kireti kete kori tɔk. 3 eṯir ila nanuŋw gwu, eṯir eca ŋwu: a ŋgwa fa ta, Melik kweḏi yahuuḏ! ner ipii yerge yi ki yeyna tɔk.
4 na bilaaṯuz ru par kwokwony, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: izarṯi nyi ŋgwu kwumulicaŋazi ŋunduŋwu mindaŋ ezelŋe kwiti kwinḏacanyi kaṯiya kere duŋgwun-na mac. 5 ṯaŋwu, na Yecu ru par, kwukinna taŋgiŋi teḏi yugwi kinda, nuŋw kenne kireṯi kori. nezi bilaaṯuz eca ŋwu: izarṯi, Kwor ŋgwu. 6 ma ṯa leleny leḏi yiziiz eze, laŋɽa li, ner miḏiḏi kwola ŋuma ŋi, ner eca ŋwu: ṯigreḏi, ṯigreḏi ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu. nezi bilaaṯuz eca ŋwu: miḏir ŋaŋa, a ṯigreḏa ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu, kaka iti inḏacanyi gwu kaṯiya kere mac duŋgwun-na. 7 na yahuuḏ eŋnici, ner eca ŋwu: nyiŋa ta leḏi kuruu kete, keḏi gwu iɽinyaḏa, kaka ruzaŋw gwu rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun Tor teḏi Allah. 8 mezi bilaaṯuz neŋne ŋu, nuŋw emba ṯenye ṯeṯec, 9 nuŋw enḏi kwokwony ki muḏiriya, nuŋw eca Yecuŋw ŋwu: a kweḏi ṯakaŋw kwiri? na Yecu nani ṯirṯir. 10 na bilaaṯuz eca ŋwu: ati kwenyi andaci pa ŋiɽaŋali ŋere a? ati kwilŋiicanyi, eḏari: nyi kweḏi zulṯa eḏefrici ŋaŋwu, nenyeḏi zulṯa eḏi ṯigreḏa ŋaŋwu ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu a? 11 na Yecu eŋnici, nuŋw eca ŋwu: eŋgir ŋa ere inḏeḏa zulṯa kweḏi kindalaŋw mac, eŋgere eḏi zulṯa kwere duŋgwinyi la mac. ŋwu ṯaŋwu, ŋgwa kwiilenyi nani ŋa gwu, kwunderṯa kwuṯemḏiŋa la kaṯi gi. 12 na gwu ṯa bilaaṯuz naŋni eḏefrici. lakin na yahuuḏ miḏiḏi kwola eṯir eca ŋwu: ma efrici kworu ŋgwu, na a liti liri ma ŋumaḏi gezar gi mac. muŋw ruzi kwere rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun melik, eṯuŋw upupuḏaci gezarŋw ŋiɽaŋali lu. 13 ma ṯa bilaaṯuz neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋu, nuŋw ruwezi Yecuŋw lu par, nuŋw nanalu kwurzi la kweḏi zeyria, kezir wudaɽmaḏir lu yal yi, wece yahuuḏ jabbaaṯa. 14 na lamin kla leḏi ogwumlu liri, eḏi ma kuruu keni ṯiṯamḏa ŋiɽany nani, na kaŋwun-na orɔ. nuŋw eca yahuuḏa ŋwu: izarṯi, Melik kwalu. 15 ner miḏiḏi kwola, ner eca ŋwu: ire kiṯay, ire kiṯay, ṯigreḏi ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu. nezi bilaaṯuz eca ŋwu: ŋazi fa ta eɽenyje Melik kwalu a? na leleny leḏi yiziiz eŋnici, ner eca ŋwu: nyiŋa liti leḏi melik kwere kwir ter mac. gezar kwiri ṯa dak. 16 nuŋw zi ṯa ṯiŋaca lu nyiḏak eḏi ṯigreḏa ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu.
Yecu, mer gwu ṯigreḏa ŋwuɽi la
ner miḏa Yecuŋw, ner gi ele kiṯay; 17 nuŋw ru, kwapina ŋwuɽi ŋwuŋwun ŋwuɽmɔḏalu eḏi ŋi ele kezir weni ezir weḏi kurkony, wece yahuuḏ, juljuṯa. 18 ner gwu ṯigreḏi ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu, ner li nani nden lir ter ner zi kəmi ki yəni, na Yecu nani keligeny-na. 19 na bilaaṯuz lɔ ŋiɽaŋali nuŋw zi allazi ŋwuɽi la, ŋenu ŋwu: Yecu kweḏi nazraŋw, kwir Melik kweḏi yahuuḏ. 20 na yahuuḏ yuru orti ŋiɽaŋali ŋu, kaka naniza gwu ezir wutigreḏir gwu Yecuŋw meḏiina ketok, na ŋwuli lɔḏine kandiza gi keḏi yahuuḏ, na keḏi ruumaani, na keḏi yunaani tɔk. 21 na ta leleny leḏi yiziiz yeḏi yahuuḏ andaci bilaaṯuzŋw, ner eca ŋwu: eti zi luḏi mac ŋeni, kwiri Melik kweḏi yahuuḏ, luḏi zi ŋeni: kwetari, nyi kwiri Melik kweḏi yahuuḏ. 22 nezi bilaaṯuz eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ŋimenyji lɔ, er ta nani.
23 mer ṯigreḏi Yecuŋw ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu, na yezgar dimi yireṯi yuŋwun, ner zi uɽeḏa-na kwaɽŋan eḏi zi afi yere yere, na kwofan tɔk. na kwofan kwiti kweḏi yafa mac. 24 ner ta andazina deŋgen-na wuɽe-wuɽeny, ner gi ari: er emba ere undeḏi-na mac, er upi ŋwɔḏrɔma, er zi eze, ŋwudallu ŋweni eya. ner ṯa orɔ ŋwu, eḏi rataḏi ŋeni ŋuluḏina, ŋaruŋw:
ner kanni yireṯi-na yinyi,
ner upici kwofan kwinyi ŋwɔḏrɔma.
25 nezi ṯa ezgar erri ŋwu dap. ner rillazi ŋwuɽi kworɔ keṯɔk, ŋwunani gwu Yecu la, lenyin-ŋa eŋgen gi kwir kwaw kweni maryam, kwir kwaw kweḏi kuluuba, na maryam majdaliiya tɔk. 26 ma gwu ṯa Yecu eze lenyin, na meḏgen kwurillu keṯɔk, kwamɽaŋw, nuŋw eca lenyin ŋwu: kwaw kwalu, izaṯi, tiɽŋelu tɔŋwa tiri ṯa kru. 27 ta, nuŋw eca meḏgen ŋwu: izaṯi, lanyalu kwɔŋwa kwiri ṯa ŋgwu. na meḏgen ŋgwa mulḏani ki lomur ṯa kla tuc, nuŋw gi ele duənu duŋgwun.
28 kwaḏan ta, ilŋiica gwu Yecu kwɔmne tatap kwumɔrataḏi, nuŋw ari: owḏa wumenyi ye; mindaŋ eḏi ma ŋiɽaŋal rataḏi tatap ŋuluḏina. 29 na tonyɔ nani, turena khall-na tiketar lu kinaŋw. ner oɽazi kwɔmne-na eḏi zi gi aka, ner zi ṯiŋaḏa lufuru li kworɔ. 30 ma ṯa Yecu ii khall, nuŋw ari: ŋimɔ rataḏi. nuŋw irrazi ndalu, nuŋw ṯiŋaḏa ṯigɽima ṯuŋwun.
mer gwu ṯugwi kireji gi, na ṯaniḏa ṯuŋwun
31 na lomur klu orɔ leḏi ogwumlu, na gwu ṯa yahuuḏ ere naŋni yaŋna eḏi nani ŋwuri la ki lamin leni zabiṯ mac, kaka eni gwu lamin kla leni zabiṯ lupa. ner uṯizi bilaaṯuzŋw lu, ner eca ŋwu: eḏir zi agraḏa ŋwara, er dimi yaŋna kiṯay. 32 na ṯa yezgar ila, ner agraḏa ŋwara ŋweḏi kwete kerreny, na ŋweḏi ŋgwa kwuḏaḏu tɔk, liṯigreḏir zi li. 33 mindaŋ mer ila nani gwu Yecu, mer eze kwumay, ner ere agraḏa ŋwara mac. 34 na ṯa kwete kweḏi ezgar ṯugwi kireji gi ki ṯuɽma la, na ŋin ira tuc, ŋaw ŋi-na. 35 ŋgwa kwumeze, kwunderṯa kwumɔ ŋi unḏi ki, na ṯunḏiza ṯuŋwun ki eni rerem, ŋilŋiicaŋw zi ŋundu andizaŋwzi ŋirlalu eḏi zi emni ŋaŋa tɔk. 36 na ṯa ŋiɽaŋal orɔ ŋwu, ner rataḏi ŋuluḏina, ŋaruŋw:
kwiti kwer kiici liaŋi lere mac,
37 na ŋir ter ŋuluḏina, ŋaruŋw:
kwer ecice ŋgwa kwumer ṯugwi.
38 kwaḏan ta na yuzif kweḏi ar raamaŋw, kwirir Yecu gi ŋumaḏi ŋejmeṯi, kaka ṯinyaŋw gwu yahuuḏa, uṯizi bilaaṯuzŋw lu aŋna yi lu weḏi Yecu, eḏi dimi kiṯay. na bilaaṯuz emni. ṯaŋwu ner ila, ner dima aŋna weḏi Yecu kiṯay. 39 na nikudimuz ila tɔk, kwapa kwuḏɽula rɔṯla ruɽi-ṯɔɽɔl-wri-ṯuḏni (75), kwir murr kwulagḏina kwɔmne gi kwete kwiɽi; kwunderṯa kwumila lamin lete kerreny nani gwu Yecu kilikelu. 40 ṯaŋwu ner dimi aŋna weḏi Yecu, ner pezi yireṯi nana yimri-na, kwuḏɽul gi, kaka əḏya weḏi yahuuḏ weṯir yi aniḏizi. 41 kezir wuṯigredir gwu, na gwu jineyna nani, na ṯimamu nani ṯiaŋ ki jineyna-na, ṯiti ṯanaḏir gwu kwizi kwere kinna mac. 42 kaka nani gwu ṯimamu keṯɔk, ner ogwumlu lir yahuuḏ ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi zabiṯ kwinḏi eḏi nani ŋurpu ŋgwa, ner gwu aniḏa.