1 From James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ:
Greetings to all God's people scattered over the whole world.
Faith and Wisdom
2 My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, 3 for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. 4 Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5 But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all. 6 But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. 7-8 If you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord.
Poverty and Riches
9 Those Christians who are poor must be glad when God lifts them up, 10 and the rich Christians must be glad when God brings them down. For the rich will pass away like the flower of a wild plant. 11 The sun rises with its blazing heat and burns the plant; its flower falls off, and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way the rich will be destroyed while they go about their business.
Testing and Tempting
12 Happy are those who remain faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing such a test, they will receive as their reward the life which God has promised to those who love him. 13 If we are tempted by such trials, we must not say, “This temptation comes from God.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. 14 But we are tempted when we are drawn away and trapped by our own evil desires. 15 Then our evil desires conceive and give birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
16 Do not be deceived, my dear friends! 17 Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning. 18 By his own will he brought us into being through the word of truth, so that we should have first place among all his creatures.
Hearing and Doing
19 Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. 20 Human anger does not achieve God's righteous purpose. 21 So get rid of every filthy habit and all wicked conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that he plants in your hearts, which is able to save you.
22 Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice. 23 If you listen to the word, but do not put it into practice you are like people who look in a mirror and see themselves as they are. 24 They take a good look at themselves and then go away and at once forget what they look like. 25 But if you look closely into the perfect law that sets people free, and keep on paying attention to it and do not simply listen and then forget it, but put it into practice—you will be blessed by God in what you do.
26 Do any of you think you are religious? If you do not control your tongue, your religion is worthless and you deceive yourself. 27 What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.
aza 1
eḏi zi ilŋiiḏini ŋedi ŋiɽanal ŋere ŋere
1 nyi, kweni yaguub, kwir kaḏaam keḏi Allah na keḏi Kweleny kweni Yecu Kwruztu, kwagne lizi leḏi yabiila wri-kwuɽen limɔ faḏa ṯurmun nana.
2 eṯi keni nyeŋlena, lieŋgeri linyi, ma iidi ki ṯurfuna ṯere, 3 ilŋiiḏi ŋa gwu rac eḏaruŋw, ṯiṯeca ṯeḏi ṯəmna ṯalu ṯeṯi kikindezi ṯukwurmɔṯana. 4 efrinjer ṯukwurmɔṯana eḏi lirli ŋaŋwuzi teter mindaŋ ma orɔ ŋaŋa lofḏana minmin, liti ləmrəṯu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋere mac.
5 muŋw əmrəṯi kwere ṯeḏinayeyna ta, eḏuŋw uṯici Allah lu, weṯami inḏeḏa lizi ŋwu tatap beyin, witi weṯi zi ermici tɔk mac, ta ŋwinḏeḏa ŋunduŋwu. 6 lakin lazim eḏuŋw uṯalu ṯəmna ṯi rerem, kwiti kwir rugwor-na riɽen mac. ŋgwa kweṯorɔ rugwor-na riɽen kwir kaka ŋaw ŋeḏi ṯujul ŋeṯizi kurun urṯezila wurwur kineŋge kineŋge. 7 kwizi ŋgwa kwende kweḏi ŋuma eḏinḏa kwɔmne kwere nani gwu Kweleny, 8 kaka urŋw gwu rugwor-na riɽen kweṯurlili ŋiɽaŋal lu.
9 lakin, eḏi eŋgeri kwir kwuway ellini ki rɔgwɽɔ urŋw gwu kwumɔ Allah dimeḏa la teṯ. 10 na ŋgwa kwir kwurṯu, eḏuŋw ellini ki rɔgwɽɔ ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeŋgi ŋi ṯurony miḏa, kaka inḏuŋw gwu eḏernine kaka ufɽinya weḏi karwa. 11 kaka eti gwu aŋwun dalliḏa kijaŋ gi kufuḏu circir, mindaŋ eti karwa unḏi kwurɔp, eti ufɽiny binḏaḏa lu mindaŋ eṯuŋw irṯazi ŋizana lu ŋuŋun. na kwurṯu kweṯi ṯa orɔ ŋwu tɔk, kwinḏi eḏirṯaḏa lu kwɔmne-na kwuŋwun kweṯuŋw erri.
12 kwizi kwere kweṯikwurmɔṯani ki ṯurfa-na kweni kwortani, kaka mer ṯeci ta, ŋwafi taŋgiŋi teḏi ŋimiiḏa, nyikitaḏi nyi Kweleny eḏi zi inḏeḏa lizi lere lere lamɽa ŋunduŋwu. 13 eḏuŋw ere kwere aruŋw mac, muŋw kaṯazi ṯumɔmma, Allah wiri wumummi nyi. ŋikya ŋiti ŋeḏi ŋuma mac eḏimummi Allah, ŋwu ṯa eṯuŋwere mummi kwizi kwere ŋundu lamin lere tɔk mac. 14 lakin ma kwizi kwere mummini, eti kaduwa orɔ kuŋwun keḏi rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun kwumummi ŋunduŋwu, na eṯuŋw gi mulɔtine. 15 mindaŋ ma kaduwa peŋe ki rugwor-na ta, eṯuŋw elŋe ŋikyaŋi. na ŋikya ta mer peŋe eṯir elŋe ŋiɽany.
16 ṯaŋwu, lieŋgeri lamɽanyji, eṯefrinja ŋikyaŋi eḏi kekeɽinji ŋaŋwuzi lu mac. 17 kwɔmne tatap kwizaw na haḏiya ndendeṯ wir minmin, eṯuŋw oɽa kilerena nani gwu Papa kweḏi fori kweḏi lere, kwiti kweṯorle mac mindaŋ eḏaɽazi kirimi kezir were. 18 na ki ṯugwor-na ṯuŋwun wuɽe-wuɽeny nuŋw kitaḏa eḏinḏeḏa nyuŋwuzi ŋimiiḏa ŋiaŋ ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋirlalu, eḏorɔ nyiŋa kaka kwɔmne kwiŋna kwɔmne-na kwuŋwun kwumiiḏu.
ṯiin ṯir rerem
19 lieŋgeri lamɽanyji, miḏir ŋiɽaŋali ŋu, eti niŋniḏi eḏi kete yəni pet eḏi zi neŋne; eṯere firgaḏi mac eḏandazi; eṯere apri ŋarriny fita-fitak mac. 20 kaka iti eḏi gwu ŋarriny ŋeḏi lizigwunaŋ ŋuma mac eḏəkizi Allah ŋɔḏɽor ŋizaw. 21 ŋwu ṯa, aɽizari ŋuduri ṯay ṯete na ŋikya ŋeṯi dalliḏa ŋitezir, na afari rugwor ri riḏi jiɽem ŋiɽaŋali ŋimerzi kiiḏi ki rugwor-na ralu, ŋeṯeḏi ŋuma eḏefica ŋaŋwuzi ŋigileḏa.
22 lakin eṯizerri kaka ŋandicaŋazi injiil eḏi zi erri; eṯi ruḏur liniŋnazi domony mac mindaŋ eḏi zi ere erri mac. leṯizerri ŋwu leni leṯi keɽinji rɔgwɽɔ lu reŋen. 23 muŋw neŋne kwere ŋiɽaŋali ŋir injiil mindaŋ muŋw zi ere erri mac, eṯuŋw orɔ kaka kwizi kweṯi izanni kalmanḏar-na, 24 ŋgwa kweṯi izanni kiyeyna kwuŋwun mindaŋ muŋw ele, eṯuŋw ere kiḏayini mac eḏaruŋw, nyi ŋgwu kwurti ḏa. 25 lakin ŋgwa kweṯi izanni ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋir minmin, ŋa ŋeṯinyji ruzi hurr, na muŋw gwu dirnaṯi-na ta, eṯuŋw ere ṯuḏina ŋiɽaŋal ŋi mac, lakin eṯuŋw zi erri. kwunderṯa kwinḏi eḏeni kwortani erreŋw zi gwu.
26 muŋw ari kwere ŋwu, nyi kweṯi miḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋeḏi Allah, mindaŋ muŋw ere miḏa ṯiŋla ṯuŋwun mac, eṯuŋw keɽinji rɔgwp lu ruŋwun, na eṯi ṯəmna ṯuŋwun ere eḏi fayḏa mac. 27 ḏiin tir ṯuzuɽu, titi ṯeḏi ŋerleṯa ŋere mac ki yey-na yeḏi Allah wir Papa, ṯinderṯa ṯeni ŋwu, eḏaŋraci kwelle kwiira rernyin ŋwuzi lenyin ŋali; na layu tɔk lir leḏel, ki ṯurfa-na ṯeŋen; na eḏaŋraci rɔgwp wuɽe-wuɽeny mindaŋ eḏi zi ṯurmun ere ruŋwi mac.