1 Every high priest is chosen from his fellow-men and appointed to serve God on their behalf, to offer sacrifices and offerings for sins. 2 Since he himself is weak in many ways, he is able to be gentle with those who are ignorant and make mistakes. 3 And because he is himself weak, he must offer sacrifices not only for the sins of the people but also for his own sins. 4 No one chooses for himself the honor of being a high priest. It is only by God's call that a man is made a high priest—just as Aaron was.
5 In the same way, Christ did not take upon himself the honor of being a high priest. Instead, God said to him,
“You are my Son;
today I have become your Father.”
6 He also said in another place,
“You will be a priest forever,
in the priestly order of Melchizedek.”
7 In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. 8 But even though he was God's Son, he learned through his sufferings to be obedient. 9 When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, 10 and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.
Warning against Abandoning the Faith
11 There is much we have to say about this matter, but it is hard to explain to you, because you are so slow to understand. 12 There has been enough time for you to be teachers—yet you still need someone to teach you the first lessons of God's message. Instead of eating solid food, you still have to drink milk. 13 Anyone who has to drink milk is still a child, without any experience in the matter of right and wrong. 14 Solid food, on the other hand, is for adults, who through practice are able to distinguish between good and evil.
aza 5
1 kaka eṯir gwu alla yiziiza yir leleny yere yere ki lizi-na, na eṯir zi eca-na eḏi rilli ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeŋen ki yey-na yeḏi Allah, eḏefica haḏiya na karama eḏi gi zuɽi ŋikyaŋi. 2 eṯi ŋgwa kwir kiziiz kir kweleny ki lizi-na eḏi ŋuma eḏi zi ṯici nana jiɽem kla limaki ŋiɽaŋali pir, na kla leṯele rugwor ri reŋen, kaka eni gwu ŋundu tɔk kweṯajili. 3 kaka enuŋw gwu ŋu, ner ofḏani eḏi kete ŋundu karama keḏi ŋikya ŋuŋun, na keḏi ŋikya ŋeḏi lizi tɔk. 4 na eṯuŋw ere nii rɔgwɽɔ-na ruŋwun mac eḏorɔ kiziiz kir kweleny. eṯi Allah orɔ weṯornuṯi ŋunduŋwu, kaka ornuṯuŋw gwu haruunŋw tɔk.
5 ŋwu ṯaŋwu tɔk, Kwruztu kwiti kwuniiya rɔgwɽɔ-na ruŋwun mac eḏorɔ Kiziiz kir kweleny, lakin na ŋgwa kwica ŋunduŋwu-na, eca ŋwu:
a kwiri Tor tinyi,
nyi kwumorɔ aŋwunu Papa kwɔŋwa.
6 kaka aruŋw gwu ŋwu tɔk kezir wir ter:
a kwiri Kiziiz keṯinanniḏa dɔk
keḏi nizama kwir kaka kweḏi malkizaaḏik.
7 ki ŋwomur ŋwunani ŋi Yecu kwir aŋna, nuŋw ari ki yiriny tuṯalu ṯi, nuŋw ariḏa ŋgwa kwola ŋuma ŋi, ŋwal ŋi ki, kweḏi ŋuma eḏi kileḏi ŋunduŋwu ŋiɽany-na, nuŋw niŋnaci ŋunduŋwu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ṯinyica ṯuŋwun Allah nana. 8 urŋw gwu kinna Tor, eṯuŋw elŋece ṯinyica nana kwɔmne gi kweṯuŋw gi rerini; 9 na muŋw ṯimayini dap ta, nuŋw orɔ ṯuwa ṯeḏi ŋigileḏa ŋeṯinanniḏa dɔk, ŋeḏi kla tatap leṯinyici ŋunduŋwu nana, 10 kwuruza Allah Kiziiz kir kweleny, keḏi nizama kwir kaka kweḏi malkizaaḏik.
ṯoraca eḏi ililaḏa kereny ki ŋikwruztyan-na
11 ŋeni malkizaaḏik ŋeḏir zi ŋitezir eḏi zi andazi, ner nyji firlaṯa eḏizilŋiiḏini, kaka ma gwu riimeḏi yəni-na eḏi zi neŋne. 12 na ki lomur la ṯa klu kinna, ner ofḏani daŋgal-na eḏorɔ kla leṯizilŋiiḏini ŋiɽaŋali, na naŋni kwizi kwete eḏizilŋiiḏini ŋaŋwuzi kwokwony ŋa ŋir ŋiŋna ŋeḏi ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi Allah. a linaŋna ta kinna ŋan, na ere naŋni eḏneya wufirli-na kinna mac; 13 kaka kwete nyiḏak kweṯiruzi ŋan eḏne wuŋwun, eṯuŋw zi ere elŋe mac ŋir ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi ṯofḏana, kaka urŋw gwu tor tɔkwɽeny. 14 lakin eḏne wurfirli-na wiri weḏi kla limɔpeŋe, weḏi kla limelŋe ŋiɽaŋali ŋimerzi ireni gi eḏi zi elŋece ŋeni ŋizaw, na ŋeni ŋiki tɔk.