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1 To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. 2 It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God's approval.
3 It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.
4 It was faith that made Abel offer to God a better sacrifice than Cain's. Through his faith he won God's approval as a righteous man, because God himself approved of his gifts. By means of his faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.
5 It was faith that kept Enoch from dying. Instead, he was taken up to God, and nobody could find him, because God had taken him up. The scripture says that before Enoch was taken up, he had pleased God. 6 No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him.
7 It was faith that made Noah hear God's warnings about things in the future that he could not see. He obeyed God and built a boat in which he and his family were saved. As a result, the world was condemned, and Noah received from God the righteousness that comes by faith.
8 It was faith that made Abraham obey when God called him to go out to a country which God had promised to give him. He left his own country without knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he lived as a foreigner in the country that God had promised him. He lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who received the same promise from God. 10 For Abraham was waiting for the city which God has designed and built, the city with permanent foundations.
11 It was faith that made Abraham able to become a father, even though he was too old and Sarah herself could not have children. He trusted God to keep his promise. 12 Though Abraham was practically dead, from this one man came as many descendants as there are stars in the sky, as many as the numberless grains of sand on the seashore.
13 It was in faith that all these persons died. They did not receive the things God had promised, but from a long way off they saw them and welcomed them, and admitted openly that they were foreigners and refugees on earth. 14 Those who say such things make it clear that they are looking for a country of their own. 15 They did not keep thinking about the country they had left; if they had, they would have had the chance to return. 16 Instead, it was a better country they longed for, the heavenly country. And so God is not ashamed for them to call him their God, because he has prepared a city for them.
17 It was faith that made Abraham offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice when God put Abraham to the test. Abraham was the one to whom God had made the promise, yet he was ready to offer his only son as a sacrifice. 18 God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that you will have the descendants I promised.” 19 Abraham reckoned that God was able to raise Isaac from death—and, so to speak, Abraham did receive Isaac back from death.
20 It was faith that made Isaac promise blessings for the future to Jacob and Esau.
21 It was faith that made Jacob bless each of the sons of Joseph just before he died. He leaned on the top of his walking stick and worshiped God.
22 It was faith that made Joseph, when he was about to die, speak of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and leave instructions about what should be done with his body.
23 It was faith that made the parents of Moses hide him for three months after he was born. They saw that he was a beautiful child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king's order.
24 It was faith that made Moses, when he had grown up, refuse to be called the son of the king's daughter. 25 He preferred to suffer with God's people rather than to enjoy sin for a little while. 26 He reckoned that to suffer scorn for the Messiah was worth far more than all the treasures of Egypt, for he kept his eyes on the future reward.
27 It was faith that made Moses leave Egypt without being afraid of the king's anger. As though he saw the invisible God, he refused to turn back. 28 It was faith that made him establish the Passover and order the blood to be sprinkled on the doors, so that the Angel of Death would not kill the first-born sons of the Israelites.
29 It was faith that made the Israelites able to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land; when the Egyptians tried to do it, the water swallowed them up.
30 It was faith that made the walls of Jericho fall down after the Israelites had marched around them for seven days. 31 It was faith that kept the prostitute Rahab from being killed with those who disobeyed God, for she gave the Israelite spies a friendly welcome.
32 Should I go on? There isn't enough time for me to speak of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. 33 Through faith they fought whole countries and won. They did what was right and received what God had promised. They shut the mouths of lions, 34 put out fierce fires, escaped being killed by the sword. They were weak, but became strong; they were mighty in battle and defeated the armies of foreigners. 35 Through faith women received their dead relatives raised back to life.
Others, refusing to accept freedom, died under torture in order to be raised to a better life. 36 Some were mocked and whipped, and others were put in chains and taken off to prison. 37 They were stoned, they were sawed in two, they were killed by the sword. They went around clothed in skins of sheep or goats—poor, persecuted, and mistreated. 38 The world was not good enough for them! They wandered like refugees in the deserts and hills, living in caves and holes in the ground.
39 What a record all of these have won by their faith! Yet they did not receive what God had promised, 40 because God had decided on an even better plan for us. His purpose was that only in company with us would they be made perfect.
aza 11
lugul leḏi ṯəmna
1 ṯəmna ṯinderṯa ṯeṯiruzi ṯəkiza ṯeri kizen rerem, na eṯuŋw firlazi nyuŋwuzi eḏaruŋw, kwɔmne kwiti kwijine mac kwunderṯa kwir rerem. 2 ṯəmna ṯi na lizi leḏi kerrenyŋw əmi Allah-na. 3 ṯəmna ṯi a kwilŋiiḏir eḏaruŋw, ṯurmun ṯikitine ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi Allah, ṯaŋwu na kwɔmne kweṯijini ruwene lu kwɔmne gi ŋgwa kwiti kweṯijini mac.
4 ṯəmna ṯi na habiil ketice Allah karama kiṯemḏi ŋga keḏi gayiin, na gi Allah unḏizi ṯofḏana ṯuŋwun ki, kaka ma gwu haḏiya wuŋwun əmi ŋunduŋwu-na. nuŋw ay, lakin eṯuŋw andindaci nyuŋwuzi kineni kire-kirem ŋgwu, kaka eḏuŋw gwu ṯəmna. 5 ṯəmna ṯi, na aknuuk dirnini mindaŋ nuŋw ere inḏa ŋiɽany mac; nuŋw ere inḏini mac, kaka ma gwu Allah dimi. na iti diminaŋw gwu kinna mac, ner ŋi unḏi ki ŋeni ŋwu: kwuməmi Allah-na. 6 ma kwizi ere eḏi ṯəmna mac, ŋwere eḏi ŋuma ḏuṯ eḏəmi Allah-na. kwere kwunaŋna eḏi duŋgwaḏa Allah nana, eḏuŋw emni eḏaruŋw, weṯinanni, na weṯizinḏeḏa kla haḏiya leṯi naŋnini ŋunduŋwu. 7 ṯəmna ṯi na nuuh, ireca gwu Allah kwɔmne gi kwiti kwijine kinna mac, nuŋw ketize ŋiɽaŋali yey mindaŋ nuŋw daɽmaḏa faluuka eḏi gi kileḏi lizi leḏi duənuŋw kwuŋwun; na ṯəmna ṯi ṯuŋwun nuŋw zi ruzi leḏi ṯurmun kaṯi. mindaŋ nuŋw afi ŋoru ŋir ṯofḏana ṯeṯila ṯəmna ṯi.
8 ṯəmna ṯi na ibrahiim enye nana kinaŋw ma Allah ornuṯi eḏi durṯi eḏele kezir wa winḏuŋw gwu eḏafi ŋoru. nuŋw ru, kwiti kwilŋiiḏi ezir winḏuŋw gwu eḏi ilaḏa mac. 9 na ṯəmna ṯi nuŋw orɔ kwete kwuṯimḏina kezir wukitaḏi gwu Allah eḏindeḏa, ner nana kheyma-na izhaag ŋali, na yaguub tɔk, linḏir li eḏafi ŋoru ṯikitaḏa ṯi ṯa ṯete ṯete. 10 kaka əkizaŋw gwu meḏiina kizen, ŋgwa kweḏi rugwagiza, kwowcina na kwudaɽmaḏi Allah. 11 ṯəmna ṯi na zaara afi ŋuma eḏi ŋi elŋe, kwumɔṯamḏu keni yiḏla yi, kaka ruzaŋw gwu ŋgwa kwumɔkitaḏa kwirlalu. 12 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, na kwor kwete kwumadiḏi eḏay ŋimeyaŋ ŋi orɔ papa kweḏi ŋelŋe ŋuru, ner uri kaka rorum reḏi lere, na kaka kufurṯa kimri-na kir ṯije, kiti keḏir ŋuma eḏi iɽeḏa mac.
13 ki ṯəmna-na ner ay klu tatap, iti afir gwu mac kwɔmne kwukitaḏir gwu eḏafi. lakin izar gwu kinanɔŋw tuk rugwor ri-na, ner agani ki rugwor-na tɔk ner zi ruwezelu pɔrpɔr eḏaruŋw: nyiŋa liri liṯimḏina kezir wu, nenyorɔ ki ṯay laŋw ki ṯurmun-na. 14 lizi leṯi zi andindazi ŋwu, eṯirnyji ilŋiiḏini ŋamaŋ eḏaruŋw, leni linaŋna ezir eḏi ruzi duənu kweŋen. 15 eŋgir ṯiŋayini duənuŋw ŋgwana kwuruḏir gwu, eŋgir eḏi ŋuma eḏi gwu aɽiḏa. 16 lakin, urir ṯa ŋwu, eṯir naŋni ezir wiṯemḏi. winder wiri weḏi kilerena, ṯaŋwu na ṯurony ere miḏa Allah mac eḏeni Allah weŋen, kaka muŋw zi gwu daɽmaci meḏiina kwete.
17 ṯəmna ṯi na ibrahiim, ṯecer gwu, kete izhaagŋw ki ŋweḏgwun la kaka karama, na ŋgwa kwumafi ṯikitaḏa emni eḏi ruzi toru tuŋwun tutuput teḏuŋwi karama, 18 timer ri aruŋw: izhaag kwinḏi eḏorɔ kwukwurna kweḏi ŋelŋe ŋɔŋa. 19 kaka ilŋiicaŋw gwu eḏaruŋw, Allah weḏi ŋuma kinna eḏi diɽi lizi ŋiɽany-na; nuŋw afi kwokwony kaka kwete kwumɔdiɽa ki ŋiɽany-na. 20 ṯəmna ṯi na izhaag ortaḏa yaguubŋwuzi izuu gi, nuŋw zi andaci ŋeḏi kwɔmne kwinḏi eḏerrini. 21 ṯəmna ṯi na yaguub, erricaŋwi ŋiɽany, nuŋw ortaḏa nyoru nyere nyere nyeḏi yuzif, nuŋw kwoce Allah lu, kwuniḏelu ṯu ṯi. 22 ṯəmna ṯi na yuzif, muŋw adiḏi eḏay, nuŋw zi andazi ŋeḏi ṯuruweḏe lu ṯeḏi lizi leḏi izrayiil, nuŋw zi inḏeḏa amra weḏi ṯaniḏa ṯeḏi ŋwia ŋwuŋwun.
23 ṯəmna ṯi mer gwu elŋe muuzaŋw, na ṯernyin-ŋa lenyin gi ner luci ŋunduŋwu yowa ṯɔɽɔl, kaka izar gwu toru teni tizaw beṯe-beṯen; ner ere ṯenye mac amra weḏi kweleny kweni firaawun. 24 ṯəmna ṯi na muuza, muŋw orɔ kwor, nuŋw derne eḏeni tor teḏi tira teḏi firaawun, 25 icaŋw gwu-na keni eḏoɽmaṯi lizi li leḏi Allah ki ṯowɽina yey, ki lobi leḏi ṯinyiŋlana teḏi ŋikya, ṯeṯernine fita-fitak. 26 nuŋw ruzi ṯermiḏeḏa nana, ṯimɔŋw ṯi rerini ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeni Kwruztu, kaka ŋurṯu ŋupa eḏi kwɔmne la kwir gaali gaali kwownina mizr, kaka icazaŋw gwu ujra kiṯay winḏi eḏila. 27 ṯəmna ṯi nuŋw ṯayi mizrŋw lu, iti ṯinyaŋw gwu mac ŋirŋaza ŋeḏi firaawun; kwurmɔṯanaŋw gwu kaka izaŋw gwu ŋgwa kwiti kweṯijini mac. 28 ṯəmna ṯi nuŋw kete kuruu ṯayṯi keni ṯiṯamḏa ŋiɽany, nuŋw rece ezir ŋin ŋi, mindaŋ mezi ŋgwa kwinḏi eḏi kirazi nyoru lu nyir ŋwoɽa ere ilica mac.
29 ṯəmna ṯi ner ṯamḏu ṯujuli ṯori kaka ezir wunḏu; na lizi leḏi mizrŋw ṯeci eḏizerri ŋu ṯɔk, nezi ŋaw enji. 30 ṯəmna ṯi na rilaŋgwu reḏi ariihaŋw rir yarṯiny iidi mer zi gwu rikaḏa lu ŋwamin dufɔkwɽeny. 31 ṯəmna ṯi na rahab kwir kwijin ere kiraḏa lu mac lizi li kla liti limemni mac, kaka amuŋw gwu enji lizi kla limer zi uzi eḏi raŋḏa ezir.
32 na aḏa kwiri kwere kwenyi andazi kwuḏaḏu? lomur lenyi iiraci eḏizandazi ŋeḏi jaḏuun, barak tɔk, zamzuun tɔk, yafṯaaw tɔk, ŋeḏi dauḏ tɔk na zamwiil-ŋa liɽi li— 33 na klu, kaka eḏir gwu ṯəmna, ner ilazi ŋelenyi ki ŋuru, ner ari hakwuma lirlalu, ner afi ṯikitaḏa, ner miḏa lizundaŋa runyu, 34 ner iɽinyaḏa igəŋi lu wufuḏu, ner kilaḏa kalala kirana, ner ferle ki ṯajila-na ṯeŋen, ner ferle ki ṯuwən-na, ner tinyi orṯa weḏi ŋeleny ŋiṯimḏina, 35 na law afi lizi leŋen layyu limɔdiɽi ŋiɽany-na, na lɔkwɔ ner zi inḏa ṯurfa tir ŋudur ŋudur, ner derne eḏi kilaḏa ṯurfa, mindaŋ eḏi diɽi eḏenḏi ki ŋimiiḏa-na ŋiṯemḏi. 36 na liḏaḏu ner rerini ṯiruze ṯi luŋw, na lizɔṯ li, ner zi kəki ŋwuɽun ŋi, ner zi kaṯu ki zijin-na. 37 ner zi aci yal yi, ner unda yaŋna-na yeŋen dəkdək, ner zi endinye kalala gi; eṯir irerelu likinna yima yeḏi yaŋal-ŋa yiɽu yi, ner zi ṯuzezi kwɔmne kweŋen tatap kweḏir, eṯir zi inḏini ṯurfa, eṯir zi owɽina yey beṯen. 38 na ki lizi klu na ṯurmun kḏu ere ofḏani mac. eṯir ta irerelu kwuḏer-na domony, ki yayin la tɔk, ki yumbuŋ-na, na ki yibaŋ-na tɔk.
39 na ŋunduŋa klu tatap, əginer gwu ṯiɽinena kaka eḏir gwu ṯəmna, ner ere afi keni ṯikitaḏa tir minmin mac, 40 kaka izacinyji gwu Allah ŋiɽaŋali ŋiṯemḏelu, ŋenuŋw, lizi klu liti liṯimayini dap mac liira nyuŋwuzi.