Help for Needy Believers
1 There is really no need for me to write you about the help being sent to God's people in Judea. 2 I know that you are willing to help, and I have boasted of you to the people in Macedonia. “The believers in Achaia,” I said, “have been ready to help since last year.” Your eagerness has stirred up most of them. 3 Now I am sending these believers, so that our boasting about you in this matter may not turn out to be empty words. But, just as I said, you will be ready with your help. 4 However, if the people from Macedonia should come with me and find out that you are not ready, how ashamed we would be—not to speak of your shame—for feeling so sure of you! 5 So I thought it was necessary to urge these believers to go to you ahead of me and get ready in advance the gift you promised to make. Then it will be ready when I arrive, and it will show that you give because you want to, not because you have to.
6 Remember that the person who plants few seeds will have a small crop; the one who plants many seeds will have a large crop. 7 You should each give, then, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly. 8 And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. 9 As the scripture says,
“He gives generously to the needy;
his kindness lasts forever.”
He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.
10 And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity. 11 He will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us. 12 For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God's people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God. 13 And because of the proof which this service of yours brings, many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity in sharing with them and everyone else. 14 And so with deep affection they will pray for you because of the extraordinary grace God has shown you. 15 Let us thank God for his priceless gift!
aza 9
1 na eḏi zi meci kla lirlinelu ter eḏi Kwruztu-na, ŋiti ŋiri ŋiɽaŋal ŋere duŋgwinyi mac eḏi zi luca ŋaŋwuzi. 2 kaka ilŋiiḏinyji gwu rac eḏaruŋw, rugwor ralu reṯi nani cugwɔ-cugwɔp; nyi kweṯi ŋazi piŋi ki lizi-na ledi makḏunyaŋw, eti nyi aruŋw: leḏi akayaŋw limɔ kete kwɔmne lu cugwɔ-cugwɔp kiḏla kimere; na ṯifirlaza la ṯalu ṯimɔ zi ukwazi luru deŋgen-na. 3 lakin nyi ŋgwu kwuza lieŋgeriŋwuzi mindaŋ ma ṯellina ṯeri ṯeni ŋaŋa ere eni luŋw mac ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋu, mindaŋ ma ami kete kwɔmne lu cugwɔ-cugwɔp kaka andicenyi gwu lizi; 4 mindaŋ menyi li ila lɔkwɔ leḏi makḏunyaŋw, mer ŋazi ere inḏa limɔ kete kwɔmne lu cugwɔ-cugwɔp mac, enyji ṯurony miḏa—na ŋaŋwuzi tɔk—kaka mer ŋazi gwu kete ki rugwor-na beṯen. 5 ṯaŋwu nenyaruŋw, ŋofḏana eḏukwazi lieŋgeriŋwuzi eḏiŋnaci nyuŋwu kereny daŋgal-na, eḏogwumice haḏiya lu kerreny wukitaḏi ŋa gwu, mindaŋ muŋw ketinelu cugwɔ-cugwɔp, witi wukitinalu kazip mac, lakin haḏiya wukitinalu rugwor ri ramina.
ŋeḏi kanni kwuruuza aŋgwuru
6 ṯiŋayinar, kweṯi kwe mɔrɔṯ, ŋwuni tɔk mɔrɔṯ; na kweṯi kwe kwuru, ŋwuni tɔk kwuru. 7 kwete nyiḏak ŋwerri kaka kwukitaḏaŋw gi ki ṯugwor-na, kwiti kwini ṯugwor-na mac ya kwiti kwiṯiḏa ŋwi ŋuma ŋi-na kazip mac, kaka eṯi gwu Allah amɽi kwizi ŋgwa kweṯami iṯiḏiŋw. 8 na eṯi Allah eḏi ŋuma eḏinḏeḏa ŋaŋwuzi ṯortaḏa ndendeṯ ṯiṯemḏelu purpur, mindaŋ ma eḏi daŋgal-na ŋwamin tatap kwɔmne ndendeṯ kwinḏi eḏi biɽḏi, mindaŋ eḏi ma ogwumice kwɔmne lu tɔk kwuṯemḏelu purpur kweḏi ŋɔḏɽor tatap ŋizaw. 9 kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw:
eṯuŋw owḏini kerge gi korana dadar, eṯuŋw inḏeṯa luwaya;
ṯofḏana ṯuŋwun ṯeṯi nanniḏa dɔk.
10 ŋgwa kweṯizinḏeḏa ŋwola eḏi zi kwe, na eḏneya wir ṯul, kwɔ ŋazi inḏeḏa ŋwola ŋwir ṯofḏana eḏi zi kwe, mindaŋ muŋw kikindeci ŋaŋwuzi kwalu kweṯuni kwir ṯofḏana. 11 Allah winḏi ŋazi eḏi ruzi lurṯu kwɔmne gi tatap, mindaŋ ma eḏi ŋuma eḏi zi gi ortaḏa lir luway haḏiya yi walu, duŋgwinyi ŋgi, a lizi eca Allah zukran. 12 kaka mezi inḏeḏa rugwor ri ramina, eṯi haḏiya eḏi ŋuma eḏi zi meci kla leni lirlinelu ter, na eṯuŋw zi kikindeci tortaḏa eḏi ṯi eca Allah zukran beṯe-beṯen. 13 mer ṯecici ŋaŋwuzi ṯimeca ṯalu ṯir haḏiya rugwor ri ramina, weni weŋen na weḏi liḏaḏu tatap tɔk, er nii Allah-na ṯinyica ṯi nana ṯalu, kaka eṯi gwu aruŋw, ḏiin ṯeḏi Kwruztu tiri rerem. 14 na er erici ŋaŋwuzi ki yiriny er orɔ zurum eḏeze ŋaŋwuzi, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi ŋeḏi Allah, ṯiṯemḏelu purpur daŋgal-na. 15 er eca Allah zukran kweḏi haḏiya wuŋwun, witi weŋgir yi eḏi ŋuma eḏi ŋi andazi mac!