Final Warnings and Greetings
1 This is now the third time that I am coming to visit you. “Any accusation must be upheld by the evidence of two or more witnesses”—as the scripture says. 2 I want to tell those of you who have sinned in the past, and all the others; I said it before during my second visit to you, but I will say it again now that I am away: the next time I come nobody will escape punishment. 3 You will have all the proof you want that Christ speaks through me. When he deals with you, he is not weak; instead, he shows his power among you. 4 For even though it was in weakness that he was put to death on the cross, it is by God's power that he lives. In union with him we also are weak; but in our relations with you we shall share God's power in his life.
5 Put yourselves to the test and judge yourselves, to find out whether you are living in faith. Surely you know that Christ Jesus is in you?—unless you have completely failed. 6 I trust you will know that we are not failures. 7 We pray to God that you will do no wrong—not in order to show that we are a success, but so that you may do what is right, even though we may seem to be failures. 8 For we cannot do a thing against the truth, but only for it. 9 We are glad when we are weak but you are strong. And so we also pray that you will become perfect. 10 That is why I write this while I am away from you; it is so that when I arrive I will not have to deal harshly with you in using the authority that the Lord has given me—authority to build you up, not to tear you down.
11 And now, my friends, good-bye! Strive for perfection; listen to my appeals; agree with one another; live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
12 Greet one another with the kiss of peace.
All of God's people send you their greetings.
13 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
aza 13
ṯireca ṯere ṯere inḏi gwu buuluz eḏila
1 nyamin nyimorɔ-na kinyu ṯɔɽɔl nyimenyi nyi ila nani ŋa gwu. ŋere nyiḏak ŋinḏi eḏandani ŋeḏi keḏiya, erandani ki runyu la reḏi lizi nden ya ṯɔɽɔl. 2 nenyji ireci kerreny kla limezerri ŋiki, na liḏaḏu tɔk tatap; na enyji ṯa ireci kire-kirem iira nyi gwu yey lu, kaka menyji gwu ṯa ireci ma nyamin orɔ-na nyiɽen nyimenyji nyi raŋḏa, menyi aɽi kwokwony enyjere ala rii mac— 3 kaka naŋna ŋa gwu eḏi zi elŋece eḏaruŋw, Kwruztu kwiri kweṯandazi duŋgwinyi-na. kwende ŋgwu kwajila muŋw hakwumi ŋaŋwuzi, a linḏa ŋuma ŋuŋun daŋgal-na. 4 kaka mer gwu ṯigreḏa ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu nuŋw eni kwumajili, lakin eṯuŋw miiḏi ŋuma ŋi ŋeḏi Allah, nyiŋa ta ner eni lajila duŋgwun-na, lakin ma ŋazi hakwumi, enyi miiḏi ŋundu ŋgi ŋuma ŋi ŋeḏi Allah.
5 ṯecer ṯi rɔgwɽɔ ralu eḏi zi eze, a leṯi miḏa ṯəmna ṯalu ya beri. ṯecer rɔgwɽɔ ralu eḏi zi elŋe. ŋiti ŋilŋiicaŋazi manya eḏaruŋw, Yecu Kwruztu kweṯomi daŋgal-na? —illi ma ere eḏofḏani mac mezi ṯeci! 6 nyi kwəkizaŋazi kizen eḏinḏa nyuŋwuzi limofḏazi. 7 lakin eṯi nyi ari Allah ki yiriny mindaŋ eḏi zi ma ere aki ŋere pir mac—ŋiti ŋiri mac kaka menyi gwu ofḏazi, lakin ezi ma erri ŋaŋa ŋeni ŋofḏana, menyi kinna orɔ nyiŋa kaka liti limofḏazi mac. 8 kaka iti eḏi nyi gwu ŋuma mac eḏerrizeza kwɔmne kwere kwir ṯuwən ŋiɽaŋal nana ŋirlalu, lakin eḏi zi errizeza ŋiɽaŋal nana ŋirlalu dak. 9 nyiŋa lamina mer ajili nyiŋa, ma eni ŋaŋa lifirli, ŋinderṯa ŋeṯir ŋazi ŋi erici ki yiriny, eḏi ma orɔ minmin lofḏana. 10 ŋulucaŋazi ŋu rucaŋazi-na kinna mindaŋ menyila ta, ŋazi ŋi ere naŋni mac eḏi ŋi hakwumi ŋifirli, zulṯa gi kwumenyi Kweleny inḏeḏa eḏi zi gi kikindezi, kwiti kwiri eḏi zi gi kiraza lu mac.
ŋiɽaŋal ŋirmiḏiḏu
11 kire-kirem ŋgwu, lieŋgeri linyi, nanir lizaw, eṯorɔ minmin lofḏana; kiticerzi yey ŋandicaŋazi ŋi; amiḏir-na daŋgal-na wuɽe-wuɽeny; nanir ŋiɽena ŋi; mindaŋ a Allah weḏi ṯamɽa na weḏi ŋiɽena tɔk nani ŋaŋa li. 12 agnizar-na wuɽe-wuɽeny ṯagna ṯi tirlinelu ter. 13 klu tatap lirlinelu ter eḏi Kwruztu-na lagnaŋazi.
14 eḏi ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi ŋeḏi Kweleny kweni Yecu Kwruztu, na ṯamɽa ṯeḏi Allah tɔk, na ŋumaṯ ŋeḏi Ṯigɽim tirlinelu ter tɔk er nani daŋgal-na tatap.