الألف سنة
1 ثُمّ رَأيتُ ملاكًا نازِلاً مِنَ السّماءِ يَحمِلُ بِـيَدِهِ مِفتاحَ الهاوِيَةِ وسِلسِلَةً عَظيمةً. 2 فأمسَكَ التّـنّينَ، تِلكَ الحيّةَ القَديمةَ، أي إبليسَ أوِ الشّيطانَ، وقيّدَهُ لألفِ سنَةٍ 3 ورَماهُ في الهاوِيَةِ وأقفَلَها علَيهِ وخَتَمَها، فلا يُضَلّلُ الأُمَمَ بَعدُ، حتى تَتِمّ الألفُ السنةِ، ولا بُدّ مِنْ إطلاقِهِ بَعدَ ذلِكَ لِوَقتٍ قَليلٍ.
4 ورأَيتُ عُروشًا جلَسَ علَيها الذينَ أُعطوا سُلطَةَ القَضاءِ. ورأَيتُ نُفوسَ الذينَ سَقَطوا قَتلى في سَبـيلِ الشّهادَةِ لِـيَسوعَ وَسَبـيلِ كَلِمَةِ اللهِ والذينَ ما سَجَدوا لِلوَحشِ ولا لِصورَتِهِ وما نالوا على جِباهِهِم أو أيديهِم سِمَةَ الوَحشِ، فعاشوا ومَلَكوا معَ المَسيحِ ألفَ سنَةٍ. 5 أمّا بَقِـيّةُ الأمواتِ فلا يَعيشونَ قَبلَ أنْ تَتِمّ الألفُ السّنةِ. هذِهِ هِـيَ القيامَةُ الأولى. 6 مُبارَكٌ ومُقَدّسٌ مَنْ كانَ لَه نَصيبٌ في القيامَةِ الأولى، فلا سُلطانَ لِلمَوتِ الثّاني علَيهِم، بَلْ يكونونَ كَهنَةَ اللهِ والمَسيحِ ويَملِكونَ معَهُ ألفَ سنَةٍ.
سقوط إبليس
7 ومتى تَمّتِ الألفُ السّنةِ، يُطلَقُ الشّيطانُ مِنْ سجنِهِ، 8 فيَخرُجُ لِـيُضَلّلَ الأُمَمَ التي في زَوايا الأرضِ الأربعِ، أي جوجَ وماجوجَ، فيَجمَعُهُم لِلقِتالِ، وعَدَدُهُم عدَدُ رَملِ البحرِ. 9 فصَعِدوا على وَجهِ الأرضِ وأحاطوا بِمُعسكَرِ القِدّيسينَ وبِالمدينةِ المَحبوبَةِ، فنَزَلَتْ نارٌ مِنَ السّماءِ فأكَلَتْهُم. 10 وأُلقِـيَ إبليسُ الذي ضَلّلَهُم في بُحيرَةِ النّارِ والكِبريتِ، حَيثُ كانَ الوَحشُ والنّبِـيّ الكَذّابُ، لِـيتَعذّبوا كُلّهُم نهارًا ولَيلاً إلى أبَدِ الدّهورِ.
يوم الدينونة
11 ثُمّ رأَيتُ عَرشًا أبـيضَ عَظيمًا، ورأَيتُ الجالِسَ علَيهِ، وهوَ الذي هَرَبَتْ مِنْ أمام وَجهِهِ الأرضُ والسماءُ وما بَقِـيَ لهُما أثَرٌ. 12 ورأَيتُ الأمواتَ كِبارًا وَصغارًا واقِفينَ أمامَ العَرشِ. واَنفَتَحتِ الكُتُبُ، ثُمّ اَنفَتَحَ كِتابٌ آخَرُ هوَ كِتابُ الحياةِ، وعُوقِبَ الأمواتُ مِثلَما في الكُتُبِ، كُلّ واحِدٍ بأعمالِهِ. 13 وقَذَفَ البحرُ الأمواتَ الذينَ فيهِ، وقَذَفَ الموتُ ومَثوى الأمواتِ ما فيهِما مِنَ الأمواتِ. فَعُوقِبَ كُلّ واحِدٍ بِأعمالِهِ. 14 وأُلقِـيَ الموتُ ومَثوى الأَمواتِ في بُحَيرَةِ النّارِ، وهذِهِ البُحَيرةُ هِـيَ الموتُ الثّاني. 15 وكُلّ مَنْ كانَ اَسمُهُ غَيرَ موجودٍ في كِتابِ الحياةِ أُلقِـيَ في بُحَيرَةِ النّار.
The Thousand Years
1 I saw an angel come down from heaven, carrying the key to the deep pit and a big chain. 2 He chained the dragon for 1,000 years. It is that old snake, who is also known as the devil and Satan. 3 Then the angel threw the dragon into the pit. He locked and sealed it, so 1,000 years would go by before the dragon could fool the nations again. But after that, it would have to be set free for a little while.
4 I saw thrones, and sitting on those thrones were the ones who had been given the right to judge. I also saw the souls of the people who had their heads cut off because they had told about Jesus and preached God's message. They were the same ones who had not worshiped the beast or the idol, and they had refused to let its mark be put on their foreheads or hands. They will come to life and rule with Christ for 1,000 years.
5-6 These people are the first to be raised to life, and they are especially blessed and holy. The second death has no power over them. They will be priests for God and Christ and will rule with them for 1,000 years.
No other dead people were raised to life until 1,000 years later.
Satan Is Defeated
7 At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be set free. 8 He will fool the countries of Gog and Magog, which are at the far ends of the earth, and their people will follow him into battle. They will have as many followers as there are grains of sand along the beach, 9 and they will march all the way across the earth. They will surround the camp of God's people and the city God loves. But fire will come down from heaven and destroy the whole army. 10 Then the devil who fooled them will be thrown into the lake of fire and burning sulfur. He will be there with the beast and the false prophet, and they will be in pain day and night forever and ever.
The Judgment at the Great White Throne
11 I saw a great white throne with someone sitting on it. Earth and heaven tried to run away, but there was no place for them to go. 12 I also saw all the dead people standing in front of that throne. Every one of them was there, no matter who they had once been. Several books were opened, and then the book of life was opened. The dead were judged by what those books said they had done.
13 The sea gave up the dead people who were in it, and death and its kingdom also gave up their dead. Then everyone was judged by what they had done. 14 Afterwards, death and its kingdom were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 Anyone whose name wasn't written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.