مواعيد الله الأمين
1 لِكبـيرِ المُغَنِّينَ. نشيدُ القِطافِ‌. لآسافَ‌:
2 رنِّموا للهِ عِزَّتِنا.
ا‏هتفوا لإلهِ يَعقوبَ!
3 إبدأوا العَزفَ وهاتوا دُفًّا
وكَنَّارةً مُطرِبَةً وعُودا‌.
4 أُنفخوا بالبُوقِ في هَلَّةِ البَدرِ‌،
وعِندَ ا‏كتمالِهِ لِـيومِ عيدِنا.
5 هذا واجبٌ على بَني إِسرائيلَ
حُكْمٌ لإلهِ بَني يَعقوبَ،
6 جعَلَهُ فريضةً على بَني يوسُفَ‌
حينَ هجَمَ‌ على أرضِ مِصْرَ.
أسمَعُ صوتا‌ لا أعرِفُهُ، قالَ:
7 «نَزَعْتُ الحِمْلَ‌ عَنْ كتِفِكَ
وحَرَّرتُ يَدَيكَ مِنَ القُفَّةِ‌.
8 في الضِّيقِ دعَوتَني فخَلَّصْتُكَ،
ومِنْ مَخبَأي في الرَّعدِ أعَنتُكَ
وجَرَّبْتُكَ عِندَ مياهِ مَريـبَةَ‌.
9 إسمَعوا يا شعبـي فأُنذِرَكُم.
يا بَني إِسرائيلَ لو تسمعونَ لي
10 لا يَكنْ لكُم إلهٌ أجنَبـيٌّ،
ولا تسجُدوا لإلهٍ غريـبٍ.
11 أنا الرّبُّ إلهُكُم،
أصعدتُكم مِنْ أرضِ مِصْرَ
وَوَسَّعتُ لكُم وساعَدتُكُم‌.
12 «لَكِنَّ شعبـي لم يسمَعوا لِصوتي،
بَنو إِسرائيلَ لم يأبَهوا لي،
13 فَخَلَّيتُهُم والشَّرُّ في قُلوبِهِم،
يسلُكونَ طريقَ مَعاصيهِم.
14 لو سمِعَ لي شعبـي،
لو سلَكَ بَنو إِسرائيلَ طُرُقي،
15 لأخضَعْتُ أعداءَهُم سريعا
وعاقَبْتُ خُصومَهُم بِيَدي،
16 ولَكانَ الّذينَ يُبغضونَهُم تَذلَّلُوا لهُم
وا‏سْتَمَرُّوا على ذلِكَ مدَى الدَّهرِ‌.
17 أمَّا هُم فأُطعِمُهُم أجودَ الحِنطَةِ،
وأُشبِــعُهُم مِنَ الصَّخرةِ عسَلا».
(By Asaph for the music leader. )
God Makes Us Strong
1 Be happy and shout to God
who makes us strong!
Shout praises to the God
of Jacob.
2 Sing as you play tambourines
and the lovely sounding
stringed instruments.
3 Sound the trumpets and start
the New Moon Festival.
We must also celebrate
when the moon is full.
4 This is the law in Israel,
and it was given to us
by the God of Jacob.
5 The descendants of Joseph
were told to obey it,
when God led them out
from the land of Egypt.

In a voice unknown to me,
I heard someone say:
6 “I lifted the burden
from your shoulder
and took the heavy basket
from your hands.
7 When you were in trouble,
I rescued you,
and from the thunderclouds,
I answered your prayers.
Later I tested you
at Meribah Spring.

8 “Listen, my people,
while I, the Lord,
correct you!
Israel, if you would only
pay attention to me!
9 Don't worship foreign gods
or bow down to gods
you know nothing about.
10 I am the Lord your God.
I rescued you from Egypt.
Just ask, and I will give you
whatever you need.

11 “But, my people, Israel,
you refused to listen,
and you would have nothing
to do with me!
12 So I let you be stubborn
and keep on following
your own advice.

13 “My people, Israel,
if only you would listen
and do as I say!
14 I, the Lord, would quickly
defeat your enemies
with my mighty power.
15 Everyone who hates me
would come crawling,
and that would be the end
of them.
16 But I would feed you
with the finest bread
and with the best honey
until you were full.”