إجمع شمل شعبك
1 نشيدُ الحُجَّاجِ:
عِندَما ردَّ الرّبُّ زَهوةَ صِهيونَ‌ كُنَّا كالحالمينَ،
2 فامْتَلأت أفواهُنا ضِحْكا وألسِنَتُنا
تَرنيما، وقيلَ في الأمَمِ: «الرّبُّ صَنَعَ معَهم صَنيعا عظيما».
3 حَقًّا صَنَعَ الرّبُّ معَنا صَنيعا عظيما وصِرْنا فرحينَ.
4 أعِدْنا يا ربُّ مِنَ السَّبْـي، مِثلَما تُعيدُ إلى الجداولِ في النَّقَبِ مياهَهَا بَعدَ جَفافٍ.
5 مَنْ يزرَعْ بالدُّموعِ يَحصُدْ بالتَّرنيمِ.
6 مَنْ يَذهَبْ باكيا، وهوَ يَحمِلُ بُذورا للزَّرعِ، يَرجِـعْ مُرنِّما وهوَ يَحمِلُ حُزَمَهُ‌.
(A song for worship.)
Celebrating the Harvest
1 It seemed like a dream
when the Lord brought us back
to the city of Zion.
2 We celebrated with laughter
and joyful songs.
In foreign nations it was said,
“The Lord has worked miracles
for his people.”
3 And so we celebrated
because the Lord had indeed
worked miracles for us.

4 Our Lord, we ask you to bless
our people again,
and let us be like streams
in the Southern Desert.
5 We cried as we went out
to plant our seeds.
Now let us celebrate
as we bring in the crops.
6 We cried on the way
to plant our seeds,
but we will celebrate and shout
as we bring in the crops.