يسوع يرسل الإثنين والسبعين
(متى 10:7-15، مرقس 6:8-11)1 وبَعدَ ذلِكَ اَختارَ الرّبّ يَسوعُ اَثنينِ وسَبعينَ آخَرينَ، وأرسَلَهُم اَثنَينِ اَثنَينِ يَتَقدّمونَهُ إلى كُلّ مدينةٍ أو مَوضِعٍ عَزَمَ أنْ يذهَبَ إلَيهِ. 2 وقالَ لهُم: «الحَصادُ كثيرٌ، ولكِنّ العُمّالَ قَليلونَ. فاَطلُبوا مِنْ رَبّ الحَصادِ أنْ يُرسِلَ عُمّالاً إلى حصادِهِ. 3 اَذهَبوا، ها أنا أُرسِلُكُم مِثلَ الخِرافِ بَينَ الذِئابِ. 4 لا تَحمِلوا مِحفَظَةً، ولا كِيسًا، ولا حِذاءً، ولا تُسلّموا على أحَدٍ في الطّريقِ. 5 وأيّ بَيتٍ دَخَلْتُم، فَقولوا أوّلاً: السّلامُ على هذا البَيتِ. 6 فإنْ كانَ فيهِ مَنْ يُحبّ السّلامَ، فسلامُكُم يَحِلّ بِهِ، وإلاّ رجَعَ إلَيكُم. 7 وأقيموا في ذلِكَ البَيتِ، تأكُلونَ وتَشربونَ مِمّا عِندَهُم، لأنّ العامِلَ يَستَحِقّ أُجرتَهُ، ولا تَنتَقِلوا مِنْ بَيتٍ إلى بَيتٍ. 8 وأيّةَ مدينةٍ دَخَلتُم وقَبِلَكُم أهلُها، فكُلُوا مِمّا يُقدّمونَهُ لكُم. 9 واَشفُوا مَرضاهُم وقولوا: مَلكوتُ اللهِ اَقتَرَبَ مِنكُم. 10 وأيّةَ مدينةٍ دَخَلتُم وما قَبِلكُم أهلُها، فاَخرُجوا إلى شوارِعِها وقولوا: 11 حتى الغُبارُ العالِقُ بأقدامِنا مِنْ مدينتِكُم نَنفُضُهُ لكُم. ولكِنِ اَعلَموا أنّ مَلكوتَ اللهِ اَقتَرَبَ. 12 أقولُ لكُم: سيكونُ مَصيرُ سَدومَ في يومِ الحِسابِ أكثرَ اَحتِمالاً مِنْ مَصيرِ تِلكَ المدينةِ.
المدن الكافرة
(متى 11:20-24)13 «الوَيلُ لكِ يا كورَزينُ! الوَيلُ لكِ يا بَيتَ صيدا! فلَو كانَتِ المُعجِزاتُ التي جَرَت فيكُما جرَت في صورَ وصيدا، لتابَ أهلُها مِنْ زمنٍ بعيدٍ ولَبِسوا المُسوحَ وقَعَدوا على الرّمادِ. 14 ولكِنّ مصيرَ صورَ وصيدا في يومِ الحِسابِ سَيكونُ أكثرَ اَحتِمالاً مِنْ مَصيرِكُما. 15 وأنتِ يا كَفْرَناحومُ! أتَرتَفِعينَ إلى السّماءِ؟ لا، إلى الجَحيمِ سَتَهبُطينَ».
16 وقالَ يَسوعُ لتلاميذِه: «مَنْ سَمِع إلَيكُم سَمِعَ إليّ. ومَنْ رفَضكُم رفَضَني، ومَنْ رفَضَني رفَضَ الذي أرسَلَني».
رجوع الإثنين والسبعين
17 ورجَعَ الاثنانِ والسّبعونَ رَسولاً فَرِحينَ وقالوا ليَسوعَ: «يا رَبّ، حتى الشّياطينُ تَخضَعُ لنا باَسمِكَ». 18 فقالَ لهُم: «رأيتُ الشّيطانَ يَسقُطُ مِنَ السّماءِ مِثلَ البَرقِ. 19 وها أنا أُعطيكُم سُلطانًا تَدوسونَ بِه الأفاعي والعقارِبَ وكُلّ قُوّةٍ للعَدُوّ، ولا يضُرّكُم شيءٌ. 20 ولكِنْ لا تَفرَحوا بأنّ الأرواحَ تَخضَعُ لكُم، بلِ اَفرَحوا بأنّ أسماءَكُم مكتوبَةٌ في السّماواتِ».
يسوع يبتهج
(متى 11:15-27؛ متى 13:16-17)21 وفي تلكَ السّاعَةِ اَبتَهَجَ يَسوعُ بِالرّوحِ القُدُس، فقالَ: «أحمَدُكَ أيّها الآبُ، يا رَبّ السّماءِ والأرضِ، لأنّكَ أظهَرتَ للبُسَطاءِ ما أخفَيتَهُ عَنِ الحُكَماءِ والفُهَماءِ. نعم، أيّها الآبُ، هكذا كانَت مَشيئَتُكَ. 22 أبي أعطاني كُلّ شيءٍ. ما مِنْ أحَدٍ يَعرِفُ مَنْ هوَ الابنُ إلاّ الآبُ، ولا مَنْ هوَ الآبُ إلاّ الابنُ ومَنْ أرادَ الابنُ أنْ يُظهرَهُ لَه». 23 واَلتَفَتَ إلى تلاميذِهِ، فقالَ لهُم على اَنفِرادٍ: «هَنيئًا لِمَن يَرى ما أنتُم تَرَونَ! 24 أقولُ لكُم: كثيرٌ مِنَ الأنبياءِ والمُلوكِ تَمَنّوا أنْ يَرَوا ما أنتُم تَرَونَ فما رَأوا، وأنْ يَسمَعوا ما أنتُم تَسمَعونَ فما سَمِعوا».
مثل السامري الصالح
25 وقامَ أحَدُ عُلَماءِ الشّريعةِ، فقالَ لَهُ ليُحرِجَهُ: «يا مُعَلّمُ، ماذا أعمَلُ حتى أرِثَ الحياةَ الأبدِيّةَ؟» 26 فأجابَهُ يَسوعُ: «ماذا تَقولُ الشّريعةُ؟ وكيفَ تُفسّرُهُ؟» 27 فقالَ الرّجُلُ: «أحِبّ الرّبّ إلهَكَ بِكُلّ قَلبِكَ، وبِكُلّ نَفسِكَ، وبِكُلّ قُوّتِكَ، وبِكُلّ فِكرِكَ، وأحِبّ قَريبَكَ مِثلَما تُحِبّ نَفسَكَ». 28 فقالَ لَهُ يَسوعُ: «بالصّوابِ أجبتَ. اَعمَلْ هذا فتَحيا». 29 فأرادَ مُعلَّمُ الشّريعَةِ أنْ يُبرّرَ نَفسَهُ، فقالَ لِيَسوعَ: «ومَنْ هوَ قَريبي؟»
30 فأجابَهُ يَسوعُ: «كانَ رَجُلٌ نازِلاً مِنْ أُورُشليمَ إلى أريحا، فوقَعَ بأيدي اللّصوصِ، فعَرّوهُ وضَرَبوهُ، ثُمّ تَرَكوهُ بَينَ حيّ ومَيْتٍ. 31 واَتّفَقَ أنّ كاهِنًا نزَلَ في تلِكَ الطّريقِ، فلمّا رآهُ مالَ عَنهُ ومَشى في طريقِهِ. 32 وكذلِكَ أحَدُ اللاّويّينَ، جاءَ المكانَ فرَآهُ فمالَ عَنهُ ومَشى في طريقِهِ. 33 ولكِنّ سامِريّا مُسافِرًا مَرّ بِهِ، فلمّا رَآهُ أشْفَقَ علَيهِ. 34 فدَنا مِنهُ وسكَبَ زَيتًا وخَمرًا على جِراحِهِ وضَمّدَها، ثُمّ حَمَلهُ على دابّتِهِ وجاءَ بِهِ إلى فُندُقٍ واَعتَنى بأمرِهِ.
35 وفي الغَدِ أخرَجَ السامِريّ دينارَينِ، ودَفعَهُما إلى صاحِبِ الفُندُقِ وقالَ لَهُ: اَعتَنِ بأمرِهِ، ومَهما أنفَقْتَ زيادَةً على ذلِكَ أُوفيكَ عِندَ عودَتي.
36 فأيّ واحدٍ مِنْ هَؤلاءِ الثلاثةِ كانَ في رأيِكَ قريبَ الذي وقَعَ بأيدي اللّصوصِ؟» 37 فأجابَهُ مُعَلّمُ الشّريعةِ: «الذي عامَلَهُ بالرَحمَةِ». فقالَ لَهُ يَسوعُ: «اَذهَبْ أنتَ واَعمَلْ مِثلَهُ».
يسوع عند مرتا ومريم
38 وبَينَما هُم سائِرونَ، دخَلَ يَسوعُ قَريةً، فرَحّبَت بِهِ اَمرأةٌ اَسمُها مَرتا في بَيتِها. 39 وكانَ لها أُختٌ اَسمُها مَريَمُ، جَلسَت عِندَ قَدمَي الرّبّ يَسوعَ تَستَمِعُ إلى كلامِهِ. 40 وكانَت مَرتا مُنَهمِكَةً في كثيرٍ من أمورِ الضّيافَةِ، جاءَت وقالَت لِيَسوعَ: «يا رَبّ، أما تُبالي أن تَتْرُكَني أُختي أخدُمُ وحدي؟ قُلْ لها أن تُساعِدَني!»
41 فأجابَها الرّبّ: «مَرتا، مَرتا، أنتِ تقلَقينَ وتَهتمّينَ بأُمورٍ كثيرةٍ، 42 معَ أنّ الحاجَةَ إلى شيءٍ واحدٍ. فمَريَمُ اَختارَتِ النّصيبَ الأفضَلَ، ولن يَنزعَهُ أحَدٌ مِنها».
The Work of the Seventy-Two Followers
1 Later the Lord chose 72 other followers and sent them out two by two to every town and village where he was about to go. 2 He said to them:
A large crop is in the fields, but there are only a few workers. Ask the Lord in charge of the harvest to send out workers to bring it in. 3 Now go, but remember, I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. 4 Don't take along a moneybag or a traveling bag or sandals. And don't waste time greeting people on the road. 5 As soon as you enter a home, say, “God bless this home with peace.” 6 If the people living there are peace-loving, your prayer for peace will bless them. But if they are not peace-loving, your prayer will return to you. 7 Stay with the same family, eating and drinking whatever they give you, because workers are worth what they earn. Don't move around from house to house.
8 If the people of a town welcome you, eat whatever they offer. 9 Heal their sick and say, “God's kingdom will soon be here!”
10 But if the people of a town refuse to welcome you, go out into the street and say, 11 “We are shaking the dust from our feet as a warning to you. And you can be sure that God's kingdom will soon be here!” 12 I tell you that on the day of judgment the people of Sodom will get off easier than the people of that town!
The Unbelieving Towns
(Matthew 11.20-24)13 You people of Chorazin are in for trouble! You people of Bethsaida are also in for trouble! If the miracles that took place in your towns had happened in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have turned to God long ago. They would have dressed in sackcloth and put ashes on their heads. 14 On the day of judgment the people of Tyre and Sidon will get off easier than you will. 15 People of Capernaum, do you think you will be honored in heaven? Well, you will go down to hell!
16 My followers, whoever listens to you is listening to me. Anyone who says “No” to you is saying “No” to me. And anyone who says “No” to me is really saying “No” to the one who sent me.
The Return of the Seventy-Two
17 When the 72 followers returned, they were excited and said, “Lord, even the demons obeyed when we spoke in your name!”
18 Jesus told them:
I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. 19 I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you. 20 But don't be happy because evil spirits obey you. Be happy that your names are written in heaven!
Jesus Thanks His Father
(Matthew 11.25-27Matthew 13.16Matthew 17)21 At that same time, Jesus felt the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, and he said:
My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people. Yes, Father, this is what pleased you.
22 My Father has given me everything, and he is the only one who knows the Son. The only one who really knows the Father is the Son. But the Son wants to tell others about the Father, so they can know him too.
23 Jesus then turned to his disciples and said to them in private, “You are really blessed to see what you see! 24 Many prophets and kings were eager to see what you see and to hear what you hear. But I tell you they did not see or hear.”
The Good Samaritan
25 An expert in the Law of Moses stood up and asked Jesus a question to see what he would say. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to have eternal life?”
26 Jesus answered, “What is written in the Scriptures? How do you understand them?”
27 The man replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.’ They also say, ‘Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.’ ”
28 Jesus said, “You have given the right answer. If you do this, you will have eternal life.”
29 But the man wanted to show that he knew what he was talking about. So he asked Jesus, “Who are my neighbors?”
30 Jesus replied:
As a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, robbers attacked him and grabbed everything he had. They beat him up and ran off, leaving him half dead.
31 A priest happened to be going down the same road. But when he saw the man, he walked by on the other side. 32 Later a temple helper came to the same place. But when he saw the man who had been beaten up, he also went by on the other side.
33 A man from Samaria then came traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him 34 and went over to him. He treated his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put him on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35 The next morning he gave the innkeeper two silver coins and said, “Please take care of the man. If you spend more than this on him, I will pay you when I return.”
36 Then Jesus asked, “Which one of these three people was a real neighbor to the man who was beaten up by robbers?”
37 The expert in the Law of Moses answered, “The one who showed pity.”
Jesus said, “Go and do the same!”
Martha and Mary
38 The Lord and his disciples were traveling along and came to a village. When they got there, a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat down in front of the Lord and was listening to what he said. 40 Martha was worried about all that had to be done. Finally, she went to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn't it bother you that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!”
41 The Lord answered, “Martha, Martha! You are worried and upset about so many things, 42 but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her.”