سقوط أورشليم
(ار 39‏:4‏-10؛ 2مل 24‏:18‏—25‏:7؛ 2مل 25‏:8‏-21‏،2مل 27‏-30)
1 كانَ صِدْقيَّا‌ ا‏بنَ إحدى وعِشرينَ سنَةً حينَ ملَكَ، وملَكَ إحدى عَشْرَةَ سنَةً في أُورُشليمَ، وا‏سمُ أُمِّهِ حَميطَلُ بِنْتُ إرميا مِنْ لِبْنَةَ‌. 2 وعَمِلَ الشَّرَّ في عينَي الرّبِّ مِثلَما عَمِلَ المَلِكُ يوياقيمُ‌. 3 وما حدَثَ أثارَ غضَبَ الرّبِّ على سُكَّانِ أُورُشليمَ ويَهوذا أنْ نَفاهُمُ الرّبُّ مِنْ أمامِ وجهِهِ.
وتمَرَّدَ صِدْقيَّا على نبوخذنَصَّرَ مَلِكِ بابِلَ، 4 وفي السَّنةِ التَّاسِعةِ مِنْ مُلْكِهِ، وفي اليومِ العاشِرِ مِنَ الشَّهرِ العاشِرِ‌ زحَفَ نَبوخذنَصَّرُ معَ جميعِ جُيوشِهِ على أُورُشليمَ وحاصَرُوها وبَنَوا حَولَها المتاريسَ. 5 فدَخَلَتِ المدينةُ تَحتَ الحِصارِ إلى السَّنةِ الحاديةَ عَشْرَةَ‌ لِلملِكِ صِدقيَّا. 6 وفي اليومِ التَّاسِعِ مِنَ الشَّهرِ الرَّابِـعِ‌ ا‏شتَدَّ الجُوعُ في المدينةِ ولم يكُنْ خُبزٌ لِلشَّعبِ، 7 ففَتَحوا ثُغرَةً في سُورِ المدينةِ. وهربَ المَلِكُ صِدْقيَّا وجميعُ الجُنودِ ليلا، مِنْ طريقِ البابِ الّذي بَينَ السُّورَينِ‌، بالقُربِ مِنْ بُستانِ المَلِكِ، والبابِليُّونَ مُحيطونَ بِالمدينةِ، وذهَبوا في طريقِ غَورِ الأردُنِّ‌. 8 فتَبِـعَ جيشُ البابِليِّينَ المَلِكَ حتّى لَحِقوا بهِ في سَهلِ أريحا، حيثُ تفَرَّقَ عَنهُ جميعُ جيشِهِ. 9 فأخَذوا المَلِكَ وأصعَدوهُ إلى مَلِكِ بابِلَ في رَبلَةَ بِأرضِ حماةَ‌، فحكَمَ علَيهِ 10 بِأنْ ذبَحَ ا‏بنَيهِ أمامَ عَينَيهِ وذبَحَ جميعَ رُؤساءِ يَهوذا في رَبْلَةَ، 11 ثُمَّ فَقَأَ عَينَي صِدْقيَّا‌ وقَيَّدَهُ بِسِلسِلَتَينِ مِنْ نُحاسٍ وجاءَ بهِ إلى بابِلَ وسَجَنهُ إلى يومِ موتِهِ.
12 وفي اليومِ العاشِرِ مِنَ الشَّهرِ الخامسِ، في السَّنةِ التَّاسعةَ عَشْرَةَ لِمُلْكِ نبوخذنَصَّرَ‌ مَلِكِ بابِلَ، جاءَ نَبوزَرادانُ رئيسُ الشُّرطَةِ ووَزيرُ المَلِكِ‌ إلى أُورُشليمَ. 13 وأحرَقَ بَيتَ الرّبِّ‌ وقصرَ المَلِكِ وجميعَ بـيوتِ الأشرافِ في أُورُشليمَ. 14 وهَدَمَ جُنودُهُ الّذينَ معَهُ كُلَّ أسوارِ أُورُشليمَ المُحيطَةِ بِها، 15 وسبـى نَبوزَرادانُ سائِرَ الّذينَ بَقُوا في المدينةِ، والهارِبـينَ اللاَّجِئينَ إلى بابِلَ، وسائِرَ المَهرَةِ مِنَ الصُّنَّاعِ‌. 16 وتَركَ نَبوزَردانُ مِنْ مَساكينِ الأرضِ كَرَّامينَ وفَلاَّحينَ. 17 وحَطَّمَ البابِليُّونَ أعمِدَةَ النُّحاسِ والقَواعِدَ‌ والحَوضَ الكبـيرَ في بَيتِ الرّبِّ، وحمَلوا كُلَّ نُحاسِها إلى بابِلَ. 18 وأخَذوا القُدورَ والرُّفوشَ‌ والسَّكاكينَ والأوانيَ والصُّحونَ وجميعَ الأدَواتِ الّتي تُستَعمَلُ لِلعِبادَةِ في بَيتِ الرّبِّ. 19 أمَّا الطُّسوتُ والمَجامِرُ والسَّكاكينُ والقُدورُ والمَناراتُ والصُّحونُ والأقداحُ وكُلُّ مَصنوعاتِ الذَّهَبِ والفِضَّةِ، فأخَذَها رئيسُ الشُّرطَةِ، 20 وأخَذَ مَصنوعاتِ النُّحاسِ الّتي صنَعَها المَلِكُ سُليمانُ لِبـيتِ الرّبِّ، وهيَ العَمودانِ والحَوضُ الكبـيرُ وقَواعِدُهُ الاثنا عَشَرَ ثورا وكانَت مِنَ الثِّقْلِ بِـحَيثُ لا تُوزَنُ. 21 وكانَ طُولُ كُلٍّ مِنَ العَمودينِ ثَمانيَ عَشْرَةَ ذِراعا ومُحيطُهُ ا‏ثنَتَي عَشْرَةَ ذِراعا، وثُخْنُهُ أربَعَ أصابِـعَ، وهوَ أجوَفُ 22 وعلَيهِ تاجٌ مِنْ نُحاسٍ ا‏رتفاعُ التَّاجِ الواحدِ خَمْسُ أذرُعٍ، وعلى التَّاجِ حَبـيكَةٌ ورُمَّانٌ مِنْ حَولِها، والكُلُّ مِنْ نُحاسٍ. وكذلِكَ كانَ العَمودُ الثَّاني والرُمَّاناتُ. 23 وكانَتِ الرُّمَّاناتُ سِتًّا وتِسعينَ على الجانِبِ الواحدِ، ومجموعُ الرُّمَّانِ مِئَة على الحَبـيكَةِ الواحدةِ مِنْ حَولِها.
24 وأخذَ رئيسُ الشُّرطَةِ سَرايا الكاهنَ الأوَّلَ وصَفَنْيا الكاهنَ الثَّاني وحُرَّاسَ أبوابِ بَيتِ الرّبِّ الثَّلاثَةَ. 25 وأخذَ مِنَ المدينةِ الخَصيَّ الّذي كانَ قَيِّما على الجُنْدِ، وسبعةَ رِجالٍ مِنْ حاشيةِ المَلِكِ الّذينَ وُجِدوا في المدينةِ، وأمينَ سِرِّ قائدِ الجيشِ الّذي كانَ يَحفَظُ سِجِلَّ المُجَنَّدينَ مِنَ الشَّعبِ، وسِتِّينَ رَجُلا مِنَ الأعيانِ وُجِدوا في المدينةِ، 26 أخذَهُم نَبوزَردانُ رئيسُ الشُّرطَةِ وساقَهُم إلى مَلِكِ بابِلَ في رَبْلَةَ، 27 فضرَبَهُمُ المَلِكُ وقَتلَهُم هُناكَ في أرضِ حماةَ‌. وسبـى سُكَّانَ يَهوذا مِنْ أرضِهِم. 28 وكانَ عدَدُ الّذينَ سباهُم نبوخذنَصَّرُ في السَّنةِ السَّابعةِ‌ لِمُلْكِهِ ثَلاثَةَ آلافٍ وثَلاثَةً وعِشرينَ مِنَ اليهودِ. 29 وفي السَّنةِ الثَّامِنةَ عَشْرَةَ‌ سبـى مِنْ أُورُشليمَ ثَماني مِئَةٍ وا‏ثنَينِ وثلاثينَ شخصا. 30 وفي السَّنةِ الثَّالِثةِ والعِشرينَ‌ لِنبوخذنَصَّرَ سبـى نَبوزَرادانُ رئيسُ الشُّرطَةِ سَبْعَ مِئةٍ وخَمسةً وأربَعينَ مِنَ اليهودِ. فكانَ مَجموعُ عدَدِ المَسبـيِّينَ أربَعةَ آلافٍ وسِتَّ مِئةٍ.
31 وكانَ في السَّنةِ السَّابِــعةِ والثَّلاثينَ لِسَبْـي يوياكينَ مَلِكِ يَهوذا، في السَّابِـعِ والعِشرينَ مِنَ الشَّهرِ الثَّاني عَشَرَ‌، أنَّ أويلَ مَرُودَخَ‌ مَلِكَ بابِلَ عفا عَنْ يوياكينَ‌ وأخرَجَهُ مِنَ السِّجنِ 32 وكلَّمَهُ بِكلامٍ لَطيفٍ وجعَلَ عرشَهُ أعلى مِنْ عُروشِ المُلوكِ الّذينَ معَهُ في بابِلَ. 33 وغَيَّرَ يوياكينُ ثيابَ سِجنِهِ وبَقيَ يتَناوَلُ الطَّعامَ على مائِدةِ المَلِكِ كُلَّ أيّامِ حياتِهِ. 34 وكانَت لَه عَلاوَةٌ دائمةٌ تُعطى لَه مِنْ عِندِ المَلِكِ، وتَفي بِـحاجةِ كُلِّ يومٍ في يومِهِ، إلى يومِ وفاتِهِ‌.
Jerusalem Is Captured
(2 Kings 24.18—25.302 Chronicles 36.11-21)
1 Zedekiah was 21 years old when he was appointed king of Judah, and he ruled from Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother Hamutal was the daughter of Jeremiah from the town of Libnah. 2 Zedekiah disobeyed the Lord, just as Jehoiakim had done, 3 and it was Zedekiah who finally rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar.
The people of Judah and Jerusalem had made the Lord so angry that he finally turned his back on them. That's why horrible things were happening there.
4 In Zedekiah's ninth year as king, on the tenth day of the tenth month, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia led his entire army to attack Jerusalem. The troops set up camp outside the city and built ramps up to the city walls.
5-6 After a year and a half, all the food in Jerusalem was gone. Then on the ninth day of the fourth month, 7 the Babylonian troops broke through the city wall. That same night, Zedekiah and his soldiers tried to escape through the gate near the royal garden, even though they knew the enemy had the city surrounded. They headed toward the Jordan River valley, 8 but the Babylonian troops caught up with them near Jericho. The Babylonians arrested Zedekiah, but his soldiers scattered in every direction. 9 Zedekiah was taken to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where Nebuchadnezzar put him on trial and found him guilty. 10 Zedekiah's sons and the officials of Judah were killed while he watched, 11 then his eyes were poked out. He was put in chains, then dragged off to Babylon and kept in prison until he died.
12 Jerusalem was captured during Nebuchadnezzar's nineteenth year as king of Babylonia.
About a month later, Nebuchadnezzar's officer in charge of the guards arrived in Jerusalem. His name was Nebuzaradan, 13 and he burned down the Lord's temple, the king's palace, and every important building in the city, as well as all the houses. 14 Then he ordered the Babylonian soldiers to break down the walls around Jerusalem. 15 He led away the people left in the city, including everyone who had become loyal to Nebuchadnezzar, the rest of the skilled workers, and even some of the poor people of Judah. 16 Only the very poorest were left behind to work the vineyards and the fields.
17-20 Nebuzaradan ordered his soldiers to go to the temple and take everything made of gold or silver, including bowls, fire pans, sprinkling bowls, pans, lampstands, dishes for incense, and the cups for wine offerings. The Babylonian soldiers took all the bronze things used for worship at the temple, including the pans for hot ashes, and the shovels, lamp snuffers, sprinkling bowls, and dishes for incense. The soldiers also took everything else made of bronze, including the two columns that stood in front of the temple, the large bowl called the Sea, the twelve bulls that held it up, and the movable stands. The soldiers broke these things into pieces so they could take them to Babylonia. There was so much bronze that it could not be weighed. 21 For example, the columns were about 8 meters high and 5.5 meters around. They were hollow, but the bronze was about 75 millimeters thick. 22 Each column had a bronze cap over 2 meters high that was decorated with bronze designs. Some of these designs were like chains and others were like pomegranates. 23 There were 96 pomegranates evenly spaced around each column, and a total of 100 pomegranates were located above the chains.
24 Next, Nebuzaradan arrested Seraiah the chief priest, Zephaniah his assistant, and three temple officials. 25 Then he arrested one of the army commanders, seven of King Zedekiah's personal advisors, and the officer in charge of gathering the troops for battle. He also found 60 more soldiers who were still in Jerusalem. 26-27 Nebuzaradan led them to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where Nebuchadnezzar had them killed.
The people of Judah no longer lived in their own country.
People of Judah Taken Prisoner
28-30 Here is a list of the number of the people of Judah that Nebuchadnezzar took to Babylonia as prisoners:

In his seventh year as king, he took 3,023 people.In his eighteenth year as king, he took 832 from Jerusalem.In his twenty-third year as king, his officer Nebuzaradan took 745 people.
So, Nebuchadnezzar took a total of 4,600 people from Judah to Babylonia.
Jehoiachin Is Set Free
(2 Kings 25.27-30)
31 Jehoiachin was a prisoner in Babylon for 37 years. Then Evil Merodach became king of Babylonia, and in the first year of his rule, on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month, he let Jehoiachin out of prison. 32 Evil Merodach was kind to Jehoiachin and honored him more than any of the other kings held prisoner there. 33 Jehoiachin was allowed to wear regular clothes instead of a prison uniform, and he even ate at the king's table every day. 34 As long as Jehoiachin lived, he was paid a daily allowance to buy whatever he needed.