تدشين خيمة الإجتماع
1 وقالَ الرّبُّ لموسى: 2 «في اليومِ الأوَّلِ مِنَ الشَّهرِ الأوَّلِ تنصُبُ مَسكِنَ خَيمَةِ الإجتماعِ. 3 ضَعْ فيهِ تابوتَ العَهدِ واسْتُرِ التَّابوتَ بالحِجابِ. 4 وتُدخِلُ المائِدَةَ وتُرَتِّبُ علَيها أوانيَها. وتُدخِلُ المَنارَةَ وعلَيها سُرُجُها. 5 وتضَعُ مذبَحَ الذَّهبِ لِلبَخورِ أمامَ تابوتِ العَهدِ. وتُعَلِّقُ سِتارَةَ بابِ المَسكِنِ. 6 وتَضعُ مذبَحَ المُحرَقاتِ أمامِ بابِ مَسكِنِ خَيمةِ الإجتماعِ، 7 وضَعِ المَغسلَةَ بَينَ غِطاءِ الخَيمةِ والمذبَحِ على أنْ يكونَ فيها ماءٌ. 8 وانْصُبْ رِواقَ المَسكِنِ حَولَ هذا كُلِّهِ، وتُعَلِّقُ سِتارَةً لِبابِ الرِّواقِ.
9 وتأخُذُ زيتَ المَسْحِ وتَمسَحُ المَسكِنَ وجميعَ ما فيهِ وتُكَرِّسُهُ هوَ وجميعَ أثاثِهِ فيصير مُقَدَّسا. 10 وتمسَحُ مذبَحَ المُحرَقاتِ وجميعَ أدَواتِه وتُكَرِّسُ المذبَحَ، فيكون مُقَّدَسا كُلَّ التَّقديسِ. 11 وتَمسَحُ المَغسلَةَ ومَقعَدَها وتُكَرِّسُهُما.
12 وتُقَدِّمُ هرونَ وبَنيهِ إلى بابِ خَيمةِ الإجتماعِ وتَغسِلُهُم بِالماءِ، 13 وتُلبِسُ هرونَ الثِّيابَ المُقَدَّسَةَ وتمسَحُهُ وتُكَرِّسُهُ ليكونَ لي كاهنا. 14 وتُقَدِّمُ بَنيهِ وتُلبِسُهُم قُمصانا 15 وتمسَحُهُم كما مَسَحْتَ أباهُم ليكونوا لي كهَنَةً، وليكونَ لهُم هذا المَسْحُ كهنوتا أبديًّا مدَى أجيالِهم».
16 فعَمِلَ موسى بِـجميعِ ما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ بهِ. 17 فلمَّا جاءَ اليومُ الأوَّلُ مِنَ الشَّهرِ الأوَّلِ في السَّنَةِ التَّاليَةِ نَصَبَ موسى المَسكِنَ. 18 فوضَعَ قواعِدَهُ وَرَكَّبَ علَيها ألواحَهُ وعَوارِضَهُ وأقامَ أعمِدَتَهُ. 19 ثُمَّ مَدَّ الخَيمةَ فَوقَ المَسكِنِ ووضَعَ الغِطاءَ علَيهِ مِنْ فَوقُ، كما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ. 20 وأخذَ لوحَي الوصايا فوَضَعَهُما في تابوتِ العَهدِ وأدخَلَ القضيـبَينِ في حلَقَاتِهِ وألقى علَيهِ غِطاءَهُ. 21 ثُمَّ حَملَ تابوتَ العَهدِ إلى المَسكِنِ وعَلَّقَ الحِجابَ وسَتَرَهُ، كما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ، 22 ووضَعَ المائِدَةَ في جانِبِ خَيمةِ الإجتماعِ إلى جِهةِ الشَّمالِ في خارِجِ الحِجابِ. 23 ورَتَّبَ علَيها خُبزَ التَّقدِمَةِ أمامَ الرّبِّ، كما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ. 24 ووضَعَ المَنارَةَ في جانِبِ خَيمةِ الإجتماعِ إلى جِهَةِ الجَنوبِ، 25 وأصعَدَ السُّرُجَ أمامَ الرّبِّ، كما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ. 26 ثُمَّ وضَعَ مذبَحَ الذَّهَبِ في خَيمةِ الإجتماعِ أمامَ الحِجابِ 27 وبَخَّرَ علَيهِ بِبَخورٍ عَطِرٍ، كما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ. 28 وعَلَّقَ سِتارَةَ البابِ على الخَيمةِ، 29 ووضَعَ مذبَحَ المُحرَقَةِ عِندَ بابِ خَيمةِ الإجتماعِ وأصعَدَ علَيهِ المُحرَقَةَ والتَّقدِمَةَ، كما أمرَهُ الرّبُّ.
30 ووضَعَ موسى المَغسلَةَ بَينَ خَيمَةِ الإجتماعِ والمذبَحِ وجعَلَ فيها ماءً لِلغَسْلِ، 31 لِـيَغسِلَ مِنهُ موسى وهرونُ وبَنوهُ أيديَهُم وأرجُلَهُم 32 عِندَ دُخولِهِم خَيمةَ الإجتماعِ وعِندَ اقتِرابِهِم إلى المذبَحِ، كما أمرَ الرّبُّ موسى.
33 ونَصَبَ موسى الرِّواقَ حَولَ الخَيمةِ والمذبَحِ وعَلَّقَ سِتارَةَ بابِ الرِّواقِ وأكمَلَ العمَلَ كُلَّه.
السحاب فوق الخيمة
34 ثُمَّ غَطَّى السَّحابُ خَيمةَ الإجتماعِ ومَلأَ مَجدُ الرّبِّ المَسكِنَ، 35 فلم يقدِرْ موسى أنْ يدخُلَ إليهِ. 36 وكانَ إذا ارْتَفَعَ السَّحابُ عَنِ المَسكِنِ يُتابِـعُ بَنو إِسرائيلَ سَفَرَهُم، 37 وإلاَّ لَزِموا مكانَهُم إلى أنْ يرتَفِـعَ. 38 فسَحابُ الرّبِّ كانَ على المَسكنِ نهارا، وكانَتِ النَّارُ في السَّحابِ ليلا أمامَ عُيونِ بَني إِسرائيلَ في جميعِ مَراحِلِ سَفَرِهِم.
The Lord's Tent Is Set Up
1 The Lord said to Moses:
2 Set up my tent on the first day of the year 3 and put the chest with the Ten Commandments behind the inside curtain. 4 Bring in the table and set on it those things that are made for it. Also bring in the lampstand and attach the lamps to it. 5 Then place the gold altar of incense in front of the sacred chest and hang a curtain at the entrance to the tent. 6 Set the altar for burning sacrifices in front of the entrance to my tent. 7 Put the large bronze bowl between the tent and the altar and fill the bowl with water. 8 Surround the tent and the altar with the wall of curtains and hang the curtain that was made for the entrance.
9 Use the sacred olive oil to dedicate to me the tent and everything in it. 10 Do the same thing with the altar for offering sacrifices and its equipment 11 and with the bowl and its stand. 12 Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tent and tell them to wash themselves. 13 Dress Aaron in the priestly clothes, then use the sacred olive oil to ordain him and dedicate him to me as my priest. 14 Put the priestly robes on Aaron's sons 15 and ordain them in the same way, so they and their descendants will always be my priests.
16 Moses followed the Lord's instructions. 17 And on the first day of the first month of the second year, the sacred tent was set up. 18 The posts, stands, and framework were put in place, 19 then the two layers of coverings were hung over them. 20 The stones with the Ten Commandments written on them were stored in the sacred chest, the place of mercy was put on top of it, and the carrying poles were attached. 21 The chest was brought into the tent and set behind the curtain in the most holy place. These things were done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
22 The table for the sacred bread was put along the north wall of the holy place, 23 after which the bread was set on the table. 24 The lampstand was put along the south wall, 25 then the lamps were attached to it there in the presence of the Lord. 26 The gold incense altar was set up in front of the curtain, 27 and sweet-smelling incense was burned on it. These things were done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
28 The curtain was hung at the entrance to the sacred tent. 29 Then the altar for offering sacrifices was put in front of the tent, and animal sacrifices and gifts of grain were offered there. 30 The large bronze bowl was placed between the altar and the entrance to the tent. It was filled with water, 31 then Moses and Aaron, together with Aaron's sons, washed their hands and feet. 32 In fact, they washed each time before entering the tent or offering sacrifices at the altar. These things were done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
33 Finally, Moses had the curtains hung around the courtyard and at the entrance.
The Glory of the Lord
34 Suddenly the sacred tent was covered by a thick cloud and filled with the glory of the Lord. 35 And so, Moses could not enter the tent. 36 Whenever the cloud moved from the tent, the people would break camp and follow; 37 then they would set up camp and stay there, until it moved again. 38 No matter where the people traveled, the Lord was with them. Each day his cloud was over the tent, and each night a fire could be seen in the cloud.