حروب داود
(1أخ 18‏:1‏-13)
1 وبَعدَ ذلِكَ تغلَّبَ داوُدُ على الفِلسطيِّينَ وأذَلَّهُم، وأخذَ السُّلطَةَ مِنْ أيديهِم. 2 وتغلَّبَ على الموآبـيِّينَ ومدَّدَ أسراهُم على الأرضِ وقاسَهُم بالحَبلِ. فقَتلَ منهُم ثُلثَينِ وأبقى على الثُّلثِ، وصارَ الموآبـيُّونَ عبـيدا لَه يُؤدُّونَ الجِزيَةَ.
3 وتغَلَّبَ داوُدُ على هددَعزَرَ بنِ رحوبَ ملِكِ صوبَةَ‌ الّذي كانَ ذاهبا ليَستَرِدَّ سُلطَتَهُ على نهرِ الفُراتِ. 4 وأخذَ مِنهُ ألفا وسبعَ مئةِ فارسٍ وعشرينَ ألفا مِنَ المُشاةِ وقطَعَ مفاصِلَ أرجُلِ خَيلِ جميعِ المركباتِ وأبقى مِنها ما يكفي لمِئةِ مركبةٍ. 5 فجاءَ الآراميُّونَ مِنْ دِمشقَ لنَجدَةِ هددَعزَرَ مَلِكِ صوبَةَ، فقتلَ داوُدُ مِنهُم ا‏ثنينِ وعشرينَ ألفَ رجُلٍ، 6 وأقامَ حُكَّاما علَيهِم، فصارَ الآراميُّونَ عبـيدا لَه يُؤدُّونَ الجِزيَةَ. ونصَرَهُ الرّبُّ حيثُما توجَّهَ. 7 وأخذَ داوُدُ تُروسَ الذَّهبِ الّتي كانَت معَ رِجالِ هددَعزَرَ وجاءَ بها إلى أورُشليمَ 8 كذلِكَ أخذَ مِنْ باطِحَ‌ وبـيرَوثاي‌، مدينَتَي هددَعزَرَ، نُحاسا كثيرا جِدًّا.
9 وسمِعَ توعي مَلِكُ حَماةَ‌ أنَّ داوُدَ كسَرَ جيشَ هددَعزَرَ 10 فأرسَلَ إليهِ ا‏بنَهُ يورامَ ليُسلِّمَ علَيهِ ويُهَنِّئَهُ لأنَّه قاتلَ هددَعزَرَ وكسَرَه، وهوَ الّذي كانَت لَه حُروبٌ معَهُ. وحمَلَ يورامُ إلى داوُدَ آنيةً مِنَ الفضَّةِ والذَّهبِ والنُّحاسِ. 11 وهذِهِ أيضا كرَّسَها المَلِكُ داوُدُ للرّبِّ، في ما كرَّسَ مِنْ فضَّةٍ وذهَبٍ أخَذَها مِنْ جميعِ الشُّعوبِ الّذينَ أخضَعَهُم 12 مِنَ الآراميِّينَ والموآبـيِّين وبَني عمُّونَ والفِلسطيِّينَ والعَماليقيِّينَ، وما غنِمَهُ مِنْ هددَعزَرَ بنِ رحوبَ مَلكِ صوبةَ.
13 وزادَ داوُدُ شُهرَةً عِندَ رُجوعِهِ، بَعدَ ما قتلَ ثمانيةَ عشَرَ ألفا مِنَ الآدوميِّينَ في وادي المِلحِ‌. 14 وأقامَ في أدومَ كُلِّها حُكَّاما وصارَ جميعُهُم عبـيدا لَه. ونصَرَهُ الرّبُّ حيثُما توجَّهَ.
15 وملَكَ داوُدُ على جميعِ بَني إِسرائيلَ، وكانَ يحكُمُ بالعَدلِ والإنصافِ. 16 وكانَ يوآبُ بنُ صرويَّةَ قائدا للجيشِ، ويوشافاطُ بنُ أخيلودَ مُسَجِّلا، 17 وصادوقُ بنُ أخيطوبَ وأخيمالِكُ بنُ أبـياثارَ كاهنَينِ، وسرايا كاتبا في الدِّيوانِ. 18 وبناياهو بنُ يَوياداعَ قائدا لحَرسِ المَلكِ، وبَنو داوُدَ كانوا كَهنَةً‌.
A List of David's Victories in War
(1 Chronicles 18.1-13)
1 Later, David attacked and badly defeated the Philistines. Israel was now free from their control.
2 David also defeated the Moabites. Then he made their soldiers lie down on the ground, and he measured them off with a rope. He would measure off two lengths of the rope and have those men killed, then he would measure off one length and let those men live. The people of Moab had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.
3 David set out for the Euphrates River to build a monument there. On his way, he defeated the king of Zobah, whose name was Hadadezer the son of Rehob. 4 In the battle, David captured 1,700 cavalry and 20,000 foot soldiers. He also captured war chariots, but he destroyed all but 100 of them. 5 When troops from the Aramean kingdom of Damascus came to help Hadadezer, David killed 22,000 of them. 6 He left some of his soldiers in Damascus, and the Arameans had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.
Everywhere David went, the Lord helped him win battles.
7 Hadadezer's officers had carried their arrows in gold cases hung over their shoulders, but David took these cases and brought them to Jerusalem. 8 He also took a lot of bronze from the cities of Betah and Berothai, which had belonged to Hadadezer.
9-10 King Toi of Hamath and King Hadadezer had been enemies. So when Toi heard that David had attacked and defeated Hadadezer's whole army, he sent his son Joram to praise and congratulate David. Joram also brought him gifts made of silver, gold, and bronze. 11 David gave these to the Lord, just as he had done with the silver and gold that he had captured from 12 Edom, Moab, Ammon, Philistia, Amalek, and from King Hadadezer of Zobah.
13 David fought the Edomite army in Salt Valley and killed 18,000 of their soldiers. When he returned, he built a monument. 14 David left soldiers all through Edom, and the people of Edom had to accept him as their ruler.
Wherever David went, the Lord helped him.
A List of David's Officials
(1 Chronicles 18.14-17)
15 David ruled all Israel with fairness and justice.
16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was the commander in chief of the army.
Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud kept the government records.
17 Zadok the son of Ahitub, and Abiathar the son of Ahimelech, were the priests.
Seraiah was the secretary.
18 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was the commander of David's bodyguard.
David's sons were priests.