مواليد يهوذا
1 وبَنو يَهوذا: فارَصُ وحصرونُ وكَرمي وحُورُ وشوبالُ‌. 2 وا‏بنُ شوبالَ: رآيا ولَدَ يَحَثَ، ويَحَثَ ولَدَ أخومايَ ولاهدَ. هذِهِ عشائِرُ الصَّرْعيِّينَ. 3 وهؤلاءِ بَنو عيطَمَ: يَزرَعيلُ ويَشْما ويَدْباشُ، وا‏سمُ أُختِهِم هَصَّلَلفوني. 4 وفنوئيلُ بَنى مدينةَ جَدورَ، وعازَرُ بَنى حُوشَةَ، وهُما ا‏بنا حُورَ بِكْرِ أفراتَةَ‌ الّذي بَنى بَيتَ لَحمَ.
5 وكانَ لأشحورَ باني تَقوعَ‌ ا‏مرأتانِ هُما: حَلاةُ ونَعرَةُ. 6 فولَدَت لَه نَعرَةُ أخُزَّامَ وحافَرَ وتَيمانيَّ وأخشَتاريّ. 7 وولَدَت لَه حَلاةُ صَرَتَ وصوحَرَ وأثنانَ. 8 وكانَ قوصُ أبا عانوبَ وهَصوبـيبَةَ وعشائر أخَرحيلَ بنِ هارُمَ. 9 وكانَ يعبـيصُ أشهَرَ إخوَتِهِ، وسَمَّتْهُ أمُّهُ يعبـيصَ‌ لأنَّها قالَت في نفْسِها: «ولَدْتُهُ بِـحزنٍ». 10 وصلَّى يعبـيصُ إلى إلهِ إِسرائيلَ: «بارِكْني، ووَسِّعْ أرضي، لِتكُنْ يَدُكَ معي، ولَتحَفظْني مِنَ الشَّرِّ لِئلاَّ أشقَى». فا‏سْتجابَ اللهُ لِصلاتِهِ.
عشائر أخرى
11 وكَلوبُ أخو شوحَةَ ولَدَ مَحيرَ، وهوَ أبو أشتونَ. 12 وأشتونُ ولَدَ بَيتَ رافا وفاسِحَ وتَحِنَّةَ باني مدينةِ ناحاشَ. هؤلاءِ أهلُ رَيكَةَ. 13 وقَنازُ ولَدَ عُثنئيلَ‌ وساراي، وعُثنئيلُ ولَدَ حثاتَ. 14 ومَعونوثايُ ولَدَ عَفرَةَ، وسارايُ ولَدَ يُوآبَ باني جيهاراشيمَ، أي وادي الصُّنَّاعِ، لأنَّهم كانوا صُنَّاعا. 15 وبَنو كالَبَ بنِ يَفُنَّةَ: عيرُو وأيلَةُ وناعِمُ. وأيلَةُ ولَدَ قَنازَ. 16 وبَنو يَهلَلئيلَ: زيفُ وزيفَةُ وثيريَّا وأسرَئيلُ. 17 وبَنو عَزرَةَ: يَثُرُ ومَرَدُ وعافِرُ ويالونُ. وتزَوَّجَ مَرَدُ بِثيَةَ فولَدَت شَمَّايَ ويِشبَحَ باني مدينةِ أشتَموعَ. 18 هؤلاءِ بَنو بِثيَةَ بِنتِ فِرعَونَ. وولَدَت طارَدُ، ا‏مرأتُه اليهوديَّةُ، يارَدَ باني مدينةِ جَدورَ، وحابَرَ باني سُوكُو، ويَقوتيئيلَ باني زانوحَ.
19 وتزَوَّجَ هُوديا أُختَ نَحَمَ، وإليهِما تَنتَسِبُ عَشيرَةُ جَرْمَ في قَعيلَةَ وعَشيرَةُ مَعكةَ في أشتَموعَ. 20 وبَنو شيمونَ: أمنونُ ورِنَّةُ وبُنحانانُ وتيلونُ. وا‏بنا يِشْعي: زوحَيتُ وبَنزوحَيتُ.
مواليد شيلة
21 وبَنو شيلَةَ بنِ يَهوذا: عيرُ باني مدينةِ لَيكةَ، ولَعدَةَ باني مَريشةَ، وعشائِرُ ناسجي الكتَّانِ مِنْ مدينةِ بَيتَ أشبـيعَ‌، 22 ويوقيمُ وأهلُ مدينةِ كزيـبا، ويوآشُ وسارافُ الّذينَ تَزَوَّجُوا نِساءً مُوآبـيَّاتٍ وسكَنوا في بَيتَ لَحمَ‌. وهذِهِ كُلُّها أحداثٌ قديمةٌ. 23 هؤلاءِ هُمُ الخزَّافونَ الّذينَ أقاموا معَ المَلِكِ في نَتاعيمَ وجديرَةَ‌ وعَمِلوا في خِدمتِهِ.
مواليد شمعون
24 وبَنو شِمعونَ: نَموئيلُ ويامينُ ويريـبُ وزارحُ وشاوُلُ‌. 25 وشاوُلُ ولَدَ شَلُّومَ، وشَلُّومُ ولَدَ مِبسامَ، ومِبسامُ ولَدَ مِشْماعَ. 26 ومِشماعُ ولَدَ حَمُوئيلَ وحَموئيلُ ولَدَ زَكُّورَ، وزَكُّورُ ولَدَ شِمعي. 27 وكانَ لِشِمعي ستَّةَ عشَرَ ا‏بنا وستُّ بَناتٍ. ولم يكُنْ لإِخوتِهِ بَنونَ كثيرونَ، وعشائِرُهُم لم تكثُرْ كما كثُرَ بَنو يَهوذا. 28 وكانوا يسكنونَ في بِئرَ سَبْعَ ومُولادَةَ وحَصَرِ شوعالَ 29 وبَلْهَةَ وعاصِمَ وتُولادَ 30 وبَتوئيلَ وحُرمَةَ وصِقلَغَ 31 وبَيتَ مَركَبوتَ وحَصَرَ سوسيمَ. وبَيتَ بِرْئي وشَعَرايمَ: هذِهِ مُدُنُهم إلى عَهدِ المَلِكِ داوُدَ‌. 32 وقُراهُم خَمْسٌ وهيَ: عَيطَمُ وعَينُ ورِمونَ وتُوكنُ وعاشانُ 33 والمَزارِعُ الّتي حَولَها إلى بَلدةِ بَعالَةَ. هذِهِ مَساكِنُهُم وأنسابُهُم‌.
34 وأمَّا مَشوبابُ ويَمليكُ ويوشا بنُ أمَصْيا، 35 ويوئيلُ وياهو بنُ يُوشيـبيا بنِ سَرايا بنِ عَسيئيلَ 36 وأليوعينايُ ويَعقوبا ويَشوحايا وعَسايا وعَدِيئيلُ ويَسِمِئيلُ وبَنايا 37 وزَيزا بنُ شِفعي بنِ ألُونَ بنِ بَدايا بنِ شِمْري بنِ شَمْعيا، 38 فهُم رؤساءُ عشائِرِهِم وعائِلاتِهِمِ الّذينَ تكاثَروا، 39 فا‏متَدُّوا غربا إلى مَدخَلِ جَدورَ سَعيا وراءَ مرعًى لِماشيَتِهِم شرقيَّ الوادي، 40 فصادَفوا مرعًى خصيـبا صالحا، وأرضا وسيعَةً، هادئَةً وآمنَةً، سكَنَها بَنو حامَ قديما.
41 وفي أيّامِ حزَقيَّا مَلِكِ يَهوذا، جاءَ هؤلاءِ الشِّمعونيُّونَ المذكورَةُ أسماؤُهُم إلى جَدورَ. فهَدَموا خيامَ السَّاكنينَ هُناكَ مِنَ المَعُونيِّينَ وأبادوهُم وسكَنوا في أماكِنِهم إلى هذا اليومِ، لأنَّهُم وجَدوا مرعًى لِماشيتهِم‌. 42 وذهَبَ خَمْسُ مئَةِ رَجُلٍ مِنْ بَني شِمعونَ شرقا إلى جبَلِ سَعيرَ وعلى رأسِهِم بَنو يِشعِـي: فَلْطيا ونَعْريا ورفايا وعُزِّيئيلُ، 43 فقَتَلوا مَنْ نَجا مِنْ بَني عَماليقَ وسكَنوا هُناكَ إلى هذا اليومِ.
The Descendants of Judah
1 Judah was the father of five sons: Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal. 2 Shobal was the father of Reaiah, the grandfather of Jahath, and the great-grandfather of Ahumai and Lahad. These men all belonged to the Zorathite clan.
3-4 Hur was the oldest son of Caleb and Ephrath. Some of his descendants settled the town of Bethlehem. Hur's other descendants included Etam, Penuel, and Ezer. Etam's sons were Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash, and his daughter was Hazzelelponi. Penuel settled the town of Gedor, and Ezer settled the town of Hushah.
5 Ashhur, who settled the town of Tekoa, had two wives: Helah and Naarah. 6 Ashhur and Naarah were the parents of Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni, and Haahashtari. 7 Ashhur and Helah were the parents of Zereth, Izhar, and Ethnan.
8 Koz, the father of Anub and Zobebah, was also the ancestor of the clans of Aharhel, the son of Harum.
9 Jabez was a man who got his name because of the pain he caused his mother during birth. But he was still the most respected son in his family. 10 One day he prayed to Israel's God, “Please bless me and give me a lot of land. Be with me so I will be safe from harm.” And God did just what Jabez had asked.
11 Chelub was the brother of Shuhah and the father of Mehir. Later, Mehir had a son, Eshton, 12 whose three sons were Bethrapha, Paseah, and Tehinnah. It was Tehinnah who settled the town of Nahash. These men and their families lived in the town of Recah.
13 Kenaz was the father of Othniel and Seraiah. Othniel had two sons: Hathath and Meonothai, 14 who was the father of Ophrah. Seraiah was the father of Joab, who settled a place called “Valley of Crafts” because the people who lived there were experts in making things.
15 Caleb son of Jephunneh had three sons: Iru, Elah, and Naam. Elah was the father of Kenaz.
16 Jehallelel was the father of Ziph, Ziphah, Tiria, and Asarel.
17-18 Ezrah was the father of Jether, Mered, Epher, and Jalon. Mered was married to Bithiah the daughter of the king of Egypt. They had a daughter named Miriam and two sons: Shammai and Ishbah. It was Ishbah who settled the town of Eshtemoa. Mered was also married to a woman from the tribe of Judah, and their sons were Jered, Heber, and Jekuthiel. Jered settled the town of Gedor; Heber settled the town of Soco; and Jekuthiel settled the town of Zanoah.
19 A man named Hodiah was married to the sister of Naham. Hodiah's descendants included Keilah of the Garmite clan and Eshtemoa of the Maacathite clan.
20 Shimon was the father of Amnon, Rinnah, Benhanan, and Tilon.
Ishi was the father of Zoheth and Benzoheth.
21-22 Judah also had a son named Shelah, whose descendants included Jokim and the people of the town of Cozeba, as well as Er who settled the town of Lecah and Laadah who settled the town of Mareshah. The people who lived in Beth-Ashbea were also descendants of Shelah, and they were experts in weaving cloth. Shelah was the ancestor of Joash and Saraph, two men who married Moabite women and then settled near Bethlehem —but these family records are very old. 23 The members of these clans were the potters who lived in the towns of Netaim and Gederah and worked for the king.
The Descendants of Simeon
24 Simeon had five sons: Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, and Shaul. 25 The descendants of Shaul included his son Shallum, his grandson Mibsam, and his great-grandson Mishma. 26 The descendants of Mishma included his son Hammuel, his grandson Zaccur, and his great-grandson Shimei. 27 Shimei had 16 sons and 6 daughters. But his brothers did not have as many children, so the Simeon tribe was smaller than the Judah tribe.
28-31 Before David became king, the people of the Simeon tribe lived in the following towns: Beersheba, Moladah, Hazar-Shual, Bilhah, Ezem, Tolad, Bethuel, Hormah, Ziklag, Beth-Marcaboth, Hazarsusim, Bethbiri, and Shaaraim. 32 They also lived in the five villages of Etam, Ain, Rimmon, Tochen, and Ashan, 33 as well as in the nearby villages as far as the town of Baal. These are the places where Simeon's descendants had settled, according to their own family records.
34-38 As their families and clans became larger, the people of Simeon had the following leaders: Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah son of Amaziah, Joel, Jehu, Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah, and Ziza. 39 When the people needed more pastureland for their flocks and herds, they looked as far as the eastern side of the valley where the town of Gerar is located, 40 and they found a lot of good pastureland that was quiet and undisturbed. This had once belonged to the Hamites, 41 but when Hezekiah was king of Judah, the descendants of Simeon attacked and forced the Hamites and Meunites off the land, then settled there.
42 Some time later, 500 men from the Simeon tribe went into Edom under the command of Pelatiah, Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uzziel the sons of Ishi. 43 They killed the last of the Amalekites and lived there from then on.