The New Heaven and the New Earth
1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and so had the sea. 2 Then I saw New Jerusalem, the holy city, coming down from God in heaven. It was like a bride dressed in her wedding gown and ready to meet her husband.
3 I heard a loud voice shout from the throne:
God's home is now with his people. He will live with them, and they will be his own. Yes, God will make his home among his people. 4 He will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying, or pain. These things of the past are gone forever.
5 Then the one sitting on the throne said:
I am making everything new. Write down what I have said. My words are true and can be trusted. 6 Everything is finished! I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will freely give water from the life-giving fountain to everyone who is thirsty. 7 All who win the victory will be given these blessings. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
8 But I will tell you what will happen to cowards and to everyone who is unfaithful or dirty-minded or who murders or is sexually immoral or uses witchcraft or worships idols or tells lies. They will be thrown into that lake of fire and burning sulfur. This is the second death.
The New Jerusalem
9 I saw one of the seven angels who had the bowls filled with the seven last terrible troubles. The angel came to me and said, “Come on! I will show you the one who will be the bride and wife of the Lamb.” 10 Then with the help of the Spirit, he took me to the top of a very high mountain. There he showed me the holy city of Jerusalem coming down from God in heaven.
11 The glory of God made the city bright. It was dazzling and crystal clear like a precious jasper stone. 12 The city had a high and thick wall with twelve gates, and each one of them was guarded by an angel. On each of the gates was written the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. 13 Three of these gates were on the east, three were on the north, three more were on the south, and the other three were on the west. 14 The city was built on twelve foundation stones. On each of the stones was written the name of one of the Lamb's twelve apostles.
15 The angel who spoke to me had a gold measuring stick to measure the city and its gates and its walls. 16 The city was shaped like a cube, because it was just as high as it was wide. When the angel measured the city, it was about 2,400 kilometers high and 2,400 kilometers wide. 17 Then the angel measured the wall, and by our measurements it was about 60 meters high.
18 The wall was built of jasper, and the city was made of pure gold, clear as crystal. 19 Each of the twelve foundations was a precious stone. The first was jasper, the second was sapphire, the third was agate, the fourth was emerald, 20 the fifth was onyx, the sixth was carnelian, the seventh was chrysolite, the eighth was beryl, the ninth was topaz, the tenth was chrysoprase, the eleventh was jacinth, and the twelfth was amethyst. 21 Each of the twelve gates was a solid pearl. The streets of the city were made of pure gold, clear as crystal.
22 I did not see a temple there. The Lord God All-Powerful and the Lamb were its temple. 23 And the city did not need the sun or the moon. The glory of God was shining on it, and the Lamb was its light.
24 Nations will walk by the light of that city, and kings will bring their riches there. 25 Its gates are always open during the day, and night never comes. 26 The glorious treasures of nations will be brought into the city. 27 But nothing unworthy will be allowed to enter. No one who is dirty-minded or who tells lies will be there. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life will be in the city.
السماء الجديدة والأرض الجديدة
1 ثُمّ رأَيتُ سَماءً جَديدةً وأرضًا جَديدةً، لأنّ السّماءَ الأُولى والأرضَ الأولى زالَتا، وما بَقِـيَ لِلبحرِ وُجودٌ، 2 وأنا يوحنّا رأَيتُ المدينةَ المُقَدّسَةَ، أُورُشليمَ الجَديدةَ، نازِلَةً مِنَ السّماءِ مِنْ عِندِ اللهِ، كَعَروسٍ تَزَيّنَتْ واَستَعَدّتْ لِلقاءِ عَريسِها. 3 وسَمِعتُ صَوتًا عَظيمًا مِنَ العَرشِ يَقولُ: «ها هوَ مَسكِنُ اللهِ والنّاسِ: يَسكُنُ معَهُم ويكونونَ لَه شُعوبًا. اللهُ نَفسُهُ مَعَهُم ويكونُ لهُم إلهًا، 4 يَمسَحُ كُلّ دَمعَةٍ تَسيلُ مِنْ عُيونِهِم. لا يَبقى مَوتٌ ولا حُزنٌ ولا صُراخٌ ولا وجَعٌ، لأنّ الأشياءَ القَديمةَ زالَت».
5 وقالَ الجالِسُ على العَرشِ: «ها أنا أجعَلُ كُلّ شيءٍ جَديدًا!» ثُمّ قالَ لي: «أكتُبْ: هذا الكلامُ صِدقٌ وحَقّ». 6 وقالَ لي: «تَمّ كُلّ شيءٍ! أنا الألِفُ والياءُ، البَداءَةُ والنّهايَةُ. أنا أُعطي العَطشانَ مِنْ يَنبوعِ ماءِ الحياةِ مَجّانًا. 7 مَنْ غَلَبَ يَرِثُ كُلّ هذا، وأكونُ لَه إلهًا ويكونُ لِـيَ اَبنًا. 8 أمّا الجُبَناءُ وغَيرُ المُؤْمِنينَ والأوغادُ والقَتَلةُ والفُجّارُ والسّحرَةُ وعَبَدَةُ الأوثانِ والكَذبَةُ جميعًا، فنَصيبُهُم في البُحَيرَةِ المُلتَهِبَةِ بِالنّارِ والكِبريتِ. هذا هوَ الموتُ الثّاني».
أورشليم الجديدة
9 وجاءَني أحدُ الملائِكَةِ السّبعةِ الذينَ معَهُمُ الكُؤوسُ السّبعُ المُمتَلِئَةُ بِالنّكَباتِ السّبعِ الأخيرَةِ وقالَ لي: «تَعالَ فأُريَكَ العروسَ اَمرأَةَ الحَمَلِ». 10 فحَمَلَني بِالرّوحِ إلى جبَلٍ عَظيمٍ شاهِقٍ وأراني أورُشليمَ المدينةَ المُقَدّسَةَ نازِلَةً مِنَ السّماءِ مِنْ عِندِ اللهِ، 11 وعلَيها هالَةُ مَجدِ اللهِ. وكانَت تَتلألأُ كَحَجَرٍ كَريمٍ نادِرٍ يُشبِهُ اليَشْبَ النَقِـيّ كَالبلّورِ، 12 ولها سُورٌ عَظيمٌ شامِـخٌ لَه اَثنا عشَرَ بابًا وعلى الأبوابِ اَثنا عشَرَ مَلاكًا وأسماءٌ مكتوبةٌ هِـيَ أسماءُ عشائِرِ بَني إِسرائيلَ الاثنَي عشَرَ: 13 مِنَ الشّرقِ ثلاثَةُ أبوابٍ، ومِنَ الشّمالِ ثلاثةُ أبوابٍ، ومِنَ الجَنوبِ ثلاثةُ أَبوابٍ، ومِنَ الغَربِ ثلاثةُ أَبوابٍ. 14 وكانَ سُورُ المدينةِ قائِمًا على اَثنَي عشَرَ أساسًا، على كُلّ واحدٍ مِنها اَسمٌ مِنَ أسماءِ رُسُلِ الحَمَلِ الاثنَيْ عشَرَ.
15 وكانَ الملاكُ الذي يُخاطِبُني يُمسِكُ قَصَبَةً مِنَ الذّهَبِ لِـيَقيسَ بِها المدينةَ وأبوابَها وسُورَها. 16 والمدينةُ مُرَبّعَةٌ، طولُها يُساوي عَرضَها. فَقاسَها بِالقَصَبَةِ، فإذا هِـيَ ألفٌ وخَمسُ مئةِ ميلٍ، يَتَساوى فيها الطّولُ والعَرضُ والعُلوّ. 17 ثُمّ قاسَ سُورَها فإذا هوَ مِئةٌ وأربعٌ وأربعونَ ذِراعًا بِطولِ ذِراعِ الإنسانِ كما اَستَعمَلَهُ الملاكُ. 18 وكانَ السّورُ مَبنِـيّا بِاليَشْبِ، والمدينةُ بِالذَهَبِ الخالِصِ كأنّهُ الزّجاجُ النّقِـيّ. 19 وكانَت أساساتُ سُورِ المدينةِ مُرَصّعَةً بِجميعِ أنواعِ الجواهِرِ. فالأساسُ الأوّلُ يَشْبٌ، والثّاني ياقوتٌ أزرَقُ، والثّالِثُ عَقيقٌ أبـيَضُ، والرّابِـــعُ زُمُرّدٌ، 20 والخامِسُ عَقيقٌ قاتِمٌ، والسّادِسُ عَقيقٌ أحمَرُ، والسّابِــــعُ زَبرجَدٌ، والثّامِنُ جَزْعٌ، والتّاسِعُ ياقوتٌ أصفَرُ، والعاشِرُ عَقيقٌ أخضَرُ، والحادي عشَرَ فَيروزٌ، والثّاني عشَرَ جَمَشْتٌ. 21 وكانَتِ الأبوابُ الاثنا عشَرَ اَثنتَي عَشْرَةَ لُؤلُؤةً، كُلّ بابٍ مِنها لُؤلُؤةٌ. وساحةُ المدينةِ مِنْ ذهَبٍ خالِصٍ شَفّافٍ كالزُجاجِ.
22 وما رأَيتُ هَيكَلاً في المدينةِ، لأنّ الرّبّ الإلهَ القَديرَ والحَمَلَ هُما هَيكَلُها. 23 والمدينةُ لا تَحتاجُ إلى نُورِ الشّمسِ والقَمرِ، لأنّ مَجدَ اللهِ يُنيرُها والحَمَلَ هوَ مِصباحُها. 24 ستَمشي الأُمَمُ في نُورِها، ويَحمِلُ مُلوكُ الأرضِ مَجدَهُم إلَيها. 25 لا تُغلَقُ أبوابُها طَوالَ اليومِ، لأنّهُ لا ليلَ فيها. 26 ويَجيئونَ إلَيها بِمَجدِ الأُمَمِ وكَرامَتِها، 27 ولا يَدخُلُها شيءٌ نَجِسٌ، ولا الذينَ يَعمَلونَ القَبائِـحَ ويفتَرُونَ الكَذِبَ، بَلِ الذينَ أسماؤُهُم مكتوبَةٌ في كِتابِ الحياةِ، كِتابِ الحَمَلِ.