Wise Friends Make You Wise
1 Children with good sense
accept correction
from their parents,
but stubborn children
ignore it completely.
2 You will be well rewarded
for saying something kind,
but all some people think about
is how to be cruel and mean.
3 Keep what you know to yourself,
and you will be safe;
talk too much,
and you are done for.
4 No matter how much you want,
laziness won't help a bit,
but hard work will reward you
with more than enough.
5 A good person hates deceit,
but those who are evil
cause shame and disgrace.
6 Live right, and you are safe!
But sin will destroy you.

7 Some who have nothing
may pretend to be rich,
and some who have everything
may pretend to be poor.
8 The rich may have
to pay a ransom,
but the poor don't have
that problem.
9 The lamp of a good person
keeps on shining;
the lamp of an evil person
soon goes out.
10 Too much pride causes trouble.
Be sensible and take advice.

11 Money wrongly gained
will disappear bit by bit;
money earned little by little
will grow and grow.
12 Not getting what you want
can break your heart,
but a wish that comes true
is a life-giving tree.
13 If you reject God's teaching,
you will pay the price;
if you obey his commands,
you will be rewarded.

14 Sensible instruction
is a life-giving fountain
that helps you escape
all deadly traps.
15 Sound judgment is praised,
but people without good sense
are on the way to disaster.
16 If you have good sense,
you will act sensibly,
but fools act like fools.
17 Whoever delivers your message
can make things better
or worse for you.

18 All who refuse correction
will be poor and disgraced;
all who accept correction
will be praised.
19 It's a good feeling
to get what you want,
but only a stupid fool
hates to turn from evil.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
20 Wise friends make you wise,
but you hurt yourself
by going around with fools.
21 You are in for trouble
if you sin,
but you will be rewarded
if you live right.
22 If you obey God,
you will have something
to leave your grandchildren.
If you don't obey God,
those who live right
will get what you leave.

23 Even when the land of the poor
produces good crops,
they get cheated
out of what they grow.
24 If you love your children,
you will correct them;
if you don't love them,
you won't correct them.
25 If you live right,
you will have plenty to eat;
if you don't live right,
you will go away empty.
1 الابنُ الحكيمُ يَقبَلُ مَشورَةَ أبـيهِ،
وأمَّا السَّاخرُ فلا يَسمَعُ التَّأنيـبَ.
2 مَنْ طابَ كَلامُهُ يُجازَى خَيرا،
وشهوَةُ الغادِرينَ العُنْفُ.
3 مَنْ يَضبُطْ فَمَهُ يَحفَظْ حياتَهُ،
ومَنْ تُثَرثِرْ شَفتاهُ يَهلِكْ.
4 البَطَّالُ يتَمَنَّى ولا يَنالُ،
والمُجتهدُ يَنجَحُ فَيَغنى.
5 الصِّدِّيقُ يُبغِضُ كَلامَ الكَذِبِ،
أمَّا الشِّرِّيرُ فيُشجِّعُهُ ويَحميهِ.
6 الصِدْقُ يَصونُ السَّالكينَ في الكمالِ،
والشَّرُّ يَسبُقُ خطواتِهِم‌.
7 مِنَ الأغنياءِ مَنْ يَدَّعي الفَقرَ،
ومِنَ الفقراءِ مَنْ يَدَّعي الغِنى.
8 الغنيُّ يُكَفِّرُ عَنهُ مالُهُ،
والفقيرُ لا يَجِدُ مَنْ يَفديهِ.
9 نورُ الصِّدِّيقينَ فرَحٌ كُلُّهُ،
وسِراجُ الأشرارِ يَنطَفئُ.
10 التَّطَرُّفُ لا يَلِدُ إلاَّ المُشاجرَةَ،
والحِكمةُ عِندَ مَنْ يَتَّعِظُ بِسِواهُ.
11 مالُ البَطَّالِ يتَناقصُ،
ومالٌ تَجمَعُهُ باليَدِ يَزدادُ.
12 رَجاءٌ مَشكوكٌ فيهِ يُعِلُّ القلبَ،
والأماني إذا تحَقَّقَت شجَرَةُ حياةٍ.
13 مَنِ ا‏سْتهانَ بالكَلِمةِ يَهلِكْ،
ومَنِ ا‏حتَرَمَ الوصيَّةَ يَسلَمْ.
14 نصيحةُ الحكيمِ يُنبُوعُ حياةٍ،
وبها تَبتَعِدُ عَنْ أشراكِ الموتِ‌.
15 حُسْنُ التَّعَقُّلِ يُكسِبُ هَيـبةً.
وطريقُ الغادِرينَ وَعِرَةٌ‌.
16 الرَّجلُ الذَّكيُّ يعمَلُ بِمَعرِفةٍ،
والكَسولُ يَنشُرُ الحماقَةَ.
17 الرَّسولُ الشِّرِّيرُ يُوقِـعُ في السُّوءِ‌،
والسَّفيرُ الأمينُ يأتي بالهَناءِ.
18 الفَقرُ والهوانُ لِمَنْ يَنبُذُ المَشورَةَ
والكرامةُ كُلُّها لِمَنْ يَقبَلُ التَّوبـيخَ.
19 تحَقُّقُ الأماني يَجلو النَّفْسَ.
وا‏جتنابُ السُّوءِ يَمقُتُهُ البُلَداءُ.
20 مَنْ سايَرَ الحُكماءَ صارَ حكيما،
ومَنْ عاشرَ البُلَداءَ لَحِقَهُ السُّوءُ.
21 السُّوءُ يَتبَعُ الخاطِئينَ،
وبالخَيرِ يُجازَى الصِّدِّيقونَ‌.
22 الصَّالحُ يُورِثُ بَني بَنيهِ،
وثَروةُ الخاطئِ تُحفَظُ للصِّدِّيقينَ.
23 في حُقولِ المُستَقيمينَ طَعامٌ كثيرٌ،
وهُناكَ مَنْ يأخُذُهُ بِــغيرِ حَقٍّ،
24 مَنْ يُوَفِّرْ عَصاهُ يُبغِضِ ا‏بنَهُ،
ولو أحبَّهُ لَسارعَ إلى تأدِيـبِهِ.
25 الصِّدِّيقُ يأكلُ حتّى يَشبَعَ،
أمَّا الشِّرِّيرُ فيأكلُ ولا يَشبَعُ.