A Man with a Paralyzed Hand
(Matthew 12.9-14Luke 6.6-11)
1 The next time Jesus went into the synagogue, a man with a paralyzed hand was there. 2 The Pharisees wanted to accuse Jesus of doing something wrong, and they kept watching to see if Jesus would heal him on the Sabbath.
3 Jesus told the man to stand up where everyone could see him. 4 Then he asked, “On the Sabbath should we do good deeds or evil deeds? Should we save someone's life or destroy it?” But no one said a word.
5 Jesus was angry as he looked around at the people. Yet he felt sorry for them because they were so stubborn. Then he told the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He did, and his bad hand was healed.
6 The Pharisees left. And at once they started making plans with Herod's followers to kill Jesus.
Large Crowds Come to Jesus
7 Jesus led his disciples down to the shore of the lake. Large crowds followed him from Galilee, Judea, 8 and Jerusalem. People came from Idumea, as well as other places east of the Jordan River. They also came from the region around the towns of Tyre and Sidon. All of these crowds came because they had heard what Jesus was doing. 9 He even had to tell his disciples to get a boat ready to keep him from being crushed by the crowds.
10 After Jesus had healed many people, the other sick people begged him to let them touch him. 11 And whenever any evil spirits saw Jesus, they would fall to the ground and shout, “You are the Son of God!” 12 But Jesus warned the spirits not to tell who he was.
Jesus Chooses His Twelve Apostles
(Matthew 10.1-4Luke 6.12-16)
13 Jesus decided to ask some of his disciples to go up on a mountain with him, and they went. 14 Then he chose twelve of them to be his apostles, so they could be with him. He also wanted to send them out to preach 15 and to force out demons. 16 Simon was one of the twelve, and Jesus named him Peter. 17 There were also James and John, the two sons of Zebedee. Jesus called them Boanerges, which means “Thunderbolts.” 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus were also apostles. The others were Simon, known as the Eager One, 19 and Judas Iscariot, who later betrayed Jesus.
Jesus and the Ruler of Demons
(Matthew 12.22-32Luke 11.14-23Luke 12.10)
20 Jesus went back home, and once again such a large crowd gathered that there was no chance even to eat. 21 When Jesus' family heard what he was doing, they thought he was crazy and went to get him under control.
22 Some teachers of the Law of Moses came from Jerusalem and said, “This man is under the power of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons! He is even forcing out demons with the help of Beelzebul.”
23 Jesus told the people to gather around him. Then he spoke to them in riddles and said:
How can Satan force himself out? 24 A nation whose people fight each other won't last very long. 25 And a family that fights won't last long either. 26 So if Satan fights against himself, that will be the end of him.
27 How can anyone break into the house of a strong man and steal his things, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can take everything.
28 I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are. 29 But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven. That sin will be held against you forever.
30 Jesus said this because the people were saying that he had an evil spirit in him.
Jesus' Mother and Brothers
(Matthew 12.46-50Luke 8.19-21)
31 Jesus' mother and brothers came and stood outside. Then they sent someone with a message for him to come out to them. 32 The crowd sitting around Jesus told him, “Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside and want to see you.”
33 Jesus asked, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” 34 Then he looked at the people sitting around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 35 Anyone who obeys God is my brother or sister or mother.”
1 WA ba‘dēn Yasū‘ dakhal ag-gāmi‘ wa liqa rāgil īdu mayyit. 2 Wa-n-nās ‘āyanū li-l-Masīḥ fi s̠h̠ān yes̠h̠ūfū in kān mās̠h̠i yes̠h̠fīhu fi yōm as-sabit wallā lā; Wa hum dāyrīn sabab ḥatta yes̠h̠takū ‘alēh. 3 Wa Yasū‘ qāl li-r-rāgil el ‘indu īd mayyit, Aqīf fi-l-wasiṭ. 4 Wa Yasū‘ sa-alhum wa qāl, Neqdar nesawwī al-khēr au as̠h̠-s̠h̠irr fi yōm as-sabit; nekhallis au nektil? Wa sakatū sākit. 5 Wa Yasū‘ ‘āyan li-g-gamī‘ bi za‘al fi s̠h̠ān qulūbahum qāsiya, wa qāl li-r-rāgiḥ Midd īdak. Wa ḥālan īdu biqa ṭayyib mitil at-tāni. 6 Wa-sh-shiyūkh maraqū barra min ag-gāmi‘ yitḥad-disū ma‘a ba‘ḍ fi s̠h̠ān dāyrīn yelqū sabab li yektilū al-Masīḥ.
7 Wa Yasū‘ rauwaḥ li-l-ḥaḥar wa ḥērānu rauwaḥu ma‘u. 8 Wa nās ketīrīn itlammū min kull al-ḥilaḥ lamman simi‘ū al-khabar ‘an ‘agāiyibu. 9 Wa Yasū‘ kallam ḥērānu ye-ḥaddirū lēhu murkab ṣag̠h̠āiyir ‘as̠h̠ān an-nās mā yezḥamūhu. 10 Fi s̠h̠ān huwa s̠h̠afā ketīrīn min al-marḍānīn wa an-nās zaḥamū fōqu li yelqū as̠h̠-s̠h̠ifā min al-lemsa sākit. 11 Wa-l-magānīn lamman s̠h̠afūhu saggadū lehū wa kōrakū wa qālū, Bi-l-ḥaqīqa inta Ibn Allah. 12 Wa huwa mana‘hum min al-ḥadīs da.
13 Wa Yasū‘ ṭala‘ fōq ag-gebal wa nādā lēh an-nās el biyerīdū wa hum gū. 14 Wa istakhar minnahum itnās̠h̠ar fi s̠h̠ān yebqū ḥērānu wa yekūnū dāiman ma‘u wa fi s̠h̠ān, yerassilhum yu‘allimū n-nās. 15 Wa huwa addāhum qudra li yemarraqū as̠h̠-s̠h̠awāṭīn. 16 Wa dōl el biqū ḥērānu kān asāmīhum Sim‘ān Butrus, 17 Wa Ya‘qūb wad Zabadī wa Yuḥanna akhūhu. 18 Wa Andarāwus wa Filībbus wa Bartūlamāwus wa Matta wa Tōma wa Ya‘qūb ibn Ḥalfa wa Taddāwus wa Sim‘ān al-Qānawī, 19 Wa Yaḥūzā al-Askharyūti es-asllamahu ba‘dēn.
Wa Yasū‘ daḵh̠al fi waḥid bēt. 20 Wa nas kutār itlammū ḥatta mā kān fi wakit fi s̠h̠ān yākulū. 21 Wa lamman aṣḥābu simi‘ū bi ḵh̠abaru rauwaḥū lēhu dāyrīn yakhudūhu bi-l-g̠h̠aṣib, wa hum qālū huwa magnūn. 22 Wa-sh-shiyūkh kamān qālū fōqu s̠h̠ētān, wa bi qudrat-Iblīs yemarriq as̠h̠-s̠h̠awāṭīn. 23 Wa Yasū‘ nādāhum wa ḥadḍashum bi-l-amsā lwa qāḥ Kēfin as̠h̠-s̠h̠ēṭān yeqdar yemarriq s̠h̠ēṭān? 24 In kān nuṣṣ mamlaka yeḥarrib an-nuṣṣ at-tāni mā yekūn ḥukum tamām fi-l-mamlaka abadan. 25 Wa in kān ahil al-bēt yes̠h̠ākilū ma‘a iḵh̠wānāhum mā yekūn qudra fi-l-bēt abadan. 26 Wa in kān s̠h̠ēṭān yeqūm ‘ala nafsu wēn qudratu? 27 Zōl mā yeqdar yedḵh̠ul fi bēt rāgil qawwi fi s̠h̠ān yesriq mālu wa huwa fi, illa fi-l-awwil yekrub sīd al-bēt; wa lamman makrūb yeqdar yesriq mālu. 28 Bi-l-ḥaqḍ aqūl lēkum, Gamī‘ zunūb beni-ādam takūn musāmaḥa 29 Wa lākin mā fi, musāmaḥa abadan li-zōl in kān yeqūl s̠h̠ī ḍidd ar-Ruḥ al-Qudus; zanbu fōq raqabtu ilā-l-abad. 30 Wa qāl kadi fi s̠h̠ān qālu fōqu s̠h̠ēṭān.
31 Wa ba‘dēn gū ikhwānu wu ummu wāqfīn barra wa nādūhu. 32 Wa gamī‘ al-gā‘idīn ḥawalēhu qālū lēh, Ahō, ummak wa iḵh̠wānak biyenādūk. 33 Wa huwa qāl, Mīn ummi wa ikhwāni? 34 Wa ‘āyan fōq an-nās al-qā‘idin ma‘u wa qāḵ Ahō, an-nās dēl hum ummi wa ikhwāni. 35 Fi s̠h̠ān az-zōl el ya‘-mil irādat Allah, huwa ākhiwa uḵh̠ti wa ummi.