1 WA fi-d-dog̠h̠us̠h̠ as̠h̠-s̠h̠iyūkh̠ s̠h̠awwarū ma‘a kull nās al-maglis wa ba‘dēn karabū Yasū‘ wa sāqūhu wa sallamūhu li Bīlāṭus. 2 Wa Bīlāṭus sa-alu wa qāḥ Inta malik al-Yaḥūd? Wa huwa radd wa qāḥ Inta teqūl siḥḥ. 3 Wa-s̠h̠-s̠h̠iyūḵh̠ is̠h̠takū ‘alēhu ketīr walākin mā qāl sh̠ī. 4 Wa Bīlāṭus sa-alu kaman, wa qāl inta mā terudd bi s̠h̠ī? Isma‘ kēfin yis̠h̠takūk. 5 Wa Yasū‘ lissa‘ mā radd ḥattan Bīlāṭus istag̠h̠rab.
6 Wa fi wakit al-‘īd da, kān lēhum ‘āda, ya‘ni Bīlāṭus yefikk lēhum wāḥid min al-maḥābīs el yedūrūhu. 7 Wa kān zōl ismu Bārābās maḥbūs ma‘a rufaiqu as-sawwū fitna wa katalū an-nās. 8 Wa kulluhum kōrakū dāyrīn yesawwi lēhum mitil al-‘āda. 9 Wa lākin Bīlāṭus qāl lēhum, Nefikk lēkum Malik al-Yaḥūd? 10 Fi s̠h̠ān s̠h̠āyif as̠h̠-s̠h̠iyūḵh̠ salla-mūhu min g̠h̠ēra sākit. 11 Wa lākin as̠h̠-s̠h̠i-yūḵh̠ hayagū an-nās li yeṭlubū minnu yefikk lēhum Bārābās mu Yasū? 12 Wa Bīlāṭus qāl tāni marra, Assawwi s̠h̠inū fōq ar-rāgil tesammūhu Malik al-Yaḥūd? 13 Wa kōrakū wa qālū, Uṣlubu. 14 Wa Bīlāṭus qāl lēhum, Lē s̠h̠inū? Shīn sawwa min as̠h̠-s̠h̠ug̠h̠ul al-ka‘b? Lākin kōrakū bil-ḥēl wa qālū, Uṣlubu. 15 Wa Bīlāṭus kān dāyir yabsiṭhum wa fakk lēhum Bārābās, wa addā Yasū‘ lēhum li yeṣlu-būhu.
16 Wa-l-‘asākir sāqūhu li-l-maḥkama wa lammū kull al-orṭa. 17 Wa labbasūhu ‘abāya ḥamra, wa ḍaffarū lēhu ḍafira min as̠h̠-s̠h̠ōk, wa khuttūhu fōq rāsu. 18 Wa biqū yista-hazū ‘alēhu wa qālū lēh, Li yahya malik al-Yaḥūd. 19 Wa daqqūhu fōq rāsu bi qanīya wa bazaqū fōqu wa barakū ‘ala rakabēnhum quddāmu. 20 Wa lamman ithanqarū ‘alēhu, qala‘ū minnu al-‘abāya al-ḥamra, wa labbasūhu hudūmu wa sāqūhu li yeṣlubūhu.
21 Wa wāḥid ismu Sim‘ān al-Qāirawāni abu Iskandar wa Rufus, kān fāyit, fi s̠h̠ān gāi min al-ḥilla. Hum g̠h̠aṣabūhu yes̠h̠īl aṣ-ṣalīb. 22 Wa sāqūhu li maḥall ismu Gulgesa, ya‘ni kān bakān ag-gumguma. 23 Wa addūhu ḵh̠a-mra muḵh̠albata bi-l-murr li yes̠h̠rab, wa lākin abā. 24 Wa lamman ṣalabūhu qasamū hudūmu bēnahum bi-l-qura‘, kull zōl s̠h̠āl ḥaqqu. 25 Wa kānat as-sā‘a tis‘a fi-ṣ-ṣabaḥ lamman ṣalabūhu. 26 Wa kān anwān fōq rāsu maktūb ‘alēhu, Malik al-Yaḥūd. 27 Wa ṣalabū Yasū‘ ma‘a etnēn ḥarāmiyya, wāḥid ‘ala yamīnu wa-t-tāni ‘ala yasīru. 28 Wa-l-kutub tammat el qālat Wa ḥasabūhu ma‘a el baṭṭālīn. 29 Wa kull an-nās al-fāyitīn nabbazūhu wa hazzū rūsēnhum wa qālū, Hē, inta el tehidd ag-gāmi‘ wa tebnīhu fi telāta yōm. 30 Iddalli min aṣ-ṣalīb wa ḵh̠allis nafsak. 31 Wa kull al-mashāikha wa-n-nās al-kubār ithanqarū ‘alēhu wa qālū ma‘ ba‘ḍ, Huwa ḵh̠allaṣ an-nās at-tānyīn, wa mā yeqdar yeḵh̠allis raqabtu. 32 Khalli al-Masīḥ, Malik Isrā-īl, yiddalli min aṣ-ṣalīb ḥattan nes̠h̠ūf wa neṣaddiq, wa kamān el maṣlūbīn ma‘u nabbazzūhu.
33 Wa wakit aḍ-ḍuhr al-wāṭā ḍalāmat lig̠h̠āyat as-sā‘a telāta. 34 Wa fi-s-sā‘a telāta Yasū‘ kōrak bi ḥiss kebīr wa qāḥ Ilūi, Ilūi, lama s̠h̠abaqtām, ya‘ni, Ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi, lē s̠h̠inū taraktani? 35 Wa ba‘ḍ min an-nās al-wāqfīn lamman simi‘ūhu qālū, Eṣṣannatū; huwa yenādiīlīyya en-nebi. 36 Wa ba‘dēn zōl gara wa malā dulqāna bi-l-ḵh̠all wa rabaṭu fi rās ‘aṣāya, wa ḵh̠aṭṭu fōq s̠h̠alālīfu wa qāl Irgū lāmin nas̠h̠ūf kān Īlīyya an-nebi yegi wa yedallu 37 Wa Yasū‘ kōrak bi ḥiss kebīr wa māt. 38 Wa-s-sitāra fi-g-gāmi‘ ins̠h̠ar-raṭat min fōq li tiḥit. 39 Wa lamman al-yūzbās̠h̠a al-wāqif quddām aṣ-ṣalīb s̠h̠āf al-Masīḥ māt kadi, qāḥ Saḥīḥ, ar-rāgil da kān Ibn Allah. 40 Wa kān niswān ‘āyanin min ba‘īd, wa bēnātin kānan Mariam al-Magdaleyya wa Mariam umm Ya‘qūb aṣ-ṣug̠h̠āiyir wa Yūsi wa Salūma, 41 el bāranu wa ḵh̠adamanu fi-g-Galīl wa ma‘hun kamān niswān kutār el gan ma‘u li-l-Qudus.
42 Wa lamman al-wāṭā mag̠h̠rabat, fi s̠h̠ān kān yōm al-wāqfa, 43 Yūsef min Ar-Rama gā; huwa rāgil s̠h̠arīf, wa itraggā Malakūt Allah, wa daḵh̠al bi gassāra li Bīlāṭus wa ṭalab minnu gittat Yasū‘. 44 Lākin Bīlāṭus mā ṣaddaq huwa māt bi sira‘ kadi, wa nādā al-yūzbās̠h̠a wa sa-alu Māt mitēn? 45 Wa lamman ita‘rif minnu dafa‘ lēh al-gitta. 46 Wa Yūsef is̠h̠terā lēhu kaffan kittan wa laffu fōqa, wa ḵh̠aṭṭu fi qabur manḥūt min ag-gebaḥ wa ḵh̠aṭṭ ḥagar kebīr fi ḵh̠as̠h̠m al-qabur. 47 Wa Mariam al-Magdaleyya wa Mariam umm Yūsi s̠h̠āfan al-bakān el dafanūhu fōqu.
Pilate Questions Jesus
(Matthew 27.1Matthew 2Matthew 11-14Luke 23.1-5John 18.28-38)
1 Early the next morning the chief priests, the nation's leaders, and the teachers of the Law of Moses met together with the whole Jewish council. They tied up Jesus and led him off to Pilate.
2 He asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
“Those are your words,” Jesus answered.
3 The chief priests brought many charges against Jesus. 4 Then Pilate questioned him again, “Don't you have anything to say? Don't you hear what crimes they say you have done?” 5 But Jesus did not answer, and Pilate was amazed.
The Death Sentence
(Matthew 27.15-26Luke 23.13-25John 18.39—19.16)
6 During Passover, Pilate always freed one prisoner chosen by the people. 7 And at that time there was a prisoner named Barabbas. He and some others had been arrested for murder during a riot. 8 The crowd now came and asked Pilate to set a prisoner free, just as he usually did.
9 Pilate asked them, “Do you want me to free the king of the Jews?” 10 Pilate knew that the chief priests had brought Jesus to him because they were jealous.
11 But the chief priests told the crowd to ask Pilate to free Barabbas.
12 Then Pilate asked the crowd, “What do you want me to do with this man you say is the king of the Jews?”
13 They yelled, “Nail him to a cross!”
14 Pilate asked, “But what crime has he done?”
“Nail him to a cross!” they yelled even louder.
15 Pilate wanted to please the crowd, so he set Barabbas free. Then he ordered his soldiers to beat Jesus with a whip and nail him to a cross.
Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus
(Matthew 27.27-30John 19.2John 3)
16 The soldiers led Jesus inside the courtyard of the fortress and called together the rest of the troops. 17 They put a purple robe on him, and on his head they placed a crown they had made out of thorn branches. 18 They made fun of Jesus and shouted, “Hey, you king of the Jews!” 19 Then they beat him on the head with a stick. They spit on him and knelt down and pretended to worship him.
20 When the soldiers had finished making fun of Jesus, they took off the purple robe. They put his own clothes back on him and led him off to be nailed to a cross. 21 Simon from Cyrene happened to be coming in from a farm, and they forced him to carry Jesus' cross. Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus.
Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross
(Matthew 27.31-44Luke 23.27-43John 19.17-27)
22 The soldiers took Jesus to Golgotha, which means “Place of a Skull.” 23 There they gave him some wine mixed with a drug to ease the pain, but he refused to drink it.
24 They nailed Jesus to a cross and gambled to see who would get his clothes. 25 It was about nine o'clock in the morning when they nailed him to the cross. 26 On it was a sign that told why he was nailed there. It read, “This is the King of the Jews.” 27-28 The soldiers also nailed two criminals on crosses, one to the right of Jesus and the other to his left.
29 People who passed by said terrible things about Jesus. They shook their heads and shouted, “Ha! So you're the one who claimed you could tear down the temple and build it again in three days. 30 Save yourself and come down from the cross!”
31 The chief priests and the teachers of the Law of Moses also made fun of Jesus. They said to each other, “He saved others, but he can't save himself. 32 If he is the Messiah, the king of Israel, let him come down from the cross! Then we will see and believe.” The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus.
The Death of Jesus
(Matthew 27.45-56Luke 23.44-49John 19.28-30)
33 About noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until around three o'clock. 34 Then about that time Jesus shouted, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?”
35 Some of the people standing there heard Jesus and said, “He is calling for Elijah.” 36 One of them ran and grabbed a sponge. After he had soaked it in wine, he put it on a stick and held it up to Jesus. He said, “Let's wait and see if Elijah will come and take him down!” 37 Jesus shouted and then died.
38 At once the curtain in the temple tore in two from top to bottom.
39 A Roman army officer was standing in front of Jesus. When the officer saw how Jesus died, he said, “This man really was the Son of God!”
40-41 Some women were looking on from a distance. They and many others had come with Jesus to Jerusalem. But even before this they had been his followers and had helped him while he was in Galilee. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of the younger James and of Joseph were two of these women. Salome was also one of them.
Jesus Is Buried
(Matthew 27.57-61Luke 23.50-56John 19.38-42)
42 It was now the evening before the Sabbath, and the Jewish people were getting ready for that sacred day. 43 A man named Joseph from Arimathea was brave enough to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus. Joseph was a highly respected member of the Jewish council, and he was also waiting for God's kingdom to come.
44 Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus was already dead, and he called in the army officer to find out if Jesus had been dead very long. 45 After the officer told him, Pilate let Joseph have Jesus' body.
46 Joseph bought a linen cloth and took the body down from the cross. He had it wrapped in the cloth, and he put it in a tomb that had been cut into solid rock. Then he rolled a big stone against the entrance to the tomb.
47 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph were watching and saw where the body was placed.